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Posts posted by Funtwoo

  1. With our next phase of PTS now live, you can help test the Combat Style for the Jedi Sentinel.


    Please answer the following questions:


    • What abilities make the Sentinel unique to you?
    • Do these ability paths feel effective against enemies?
    • If you have feedback on the different disciplines and loadouts, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

    Feel free to answer in as much detail as possible to help us understand your thought process and line of thinking.


    Thank you!



    Do these ability paths feel effective against enemies?


    I like the idea of choosing a path in a skill tree, but i think how sentinel is now presented on the PTS is wrong in alot of aspects. I like the fact that you can choose between different kind of passives. what influences in a diffrent kind of playstyle. But removing or let us choose between key abilities what makes the class is the worst thing you can do. As pvp player our best defensive abilities are removed. Pacify with the ruthless agressor utility is by far the best defensive of marauder in pvp. and at the end you need to choose between blade blitz, force camo and guarded by the force. This mean most players in ranked would choose force camouflage. This means that you end up with only two defensives no hardstun and no mezz.

    YAYYY!!! we still have saberward litterly the most outdated defensive for pvp at all. 25% DR against yellow damage does nothing in 6.0+ you also have the 50% defense to whitedamage thats nice. The only problem is that almsot all kills in pvp are yellow damage. This will make the class in pvp useless!!!! PLEASE!! don't remove pacify, don't remove rebuke and dont let players choose between guarded by the force and force camouflage.


    I get that the SWTOR team want to remove abilities, but why would you ever remove key abilities that are so important.


    There is a option to remove some defensives, but pacify + ruthless agressor in pvp is key. this is the only short cooldown defensive marauders have. I hope that nothing what comes close to what is live now for marauder on the PTS ever makes it live.

    Removing bloodthirst, Furious power and crippeling slash would be fine for me. i still use those abilities alot now, but this will make the change less impactfull for any balance in pvp


    if this setup on the PTS will make it live i deffinetly will quit my sub what i already have for 5 years straight now

  2. I get your point but they made like all ranked armor and weapons sets legacy. Why wouldn’t they do this with mounts as the most expensive ones only a few ppl in the game have and you can’t use them on several chars. Ofcourse I bought the mounts on the chars I play the most, but I also play a lot of other classes. The mounts are just too expensive to get more then once and maybe even harder to get them when you played previous seasons.


    In season 1 more then thousand ppl got above 1500 rating and earned the mount. The people who grinder 200k tokens and bought the season 1 replica mount are maybe not even 20 players. And also with the other original mounts like the fire rancor for 145k tokens. Players can only use it on one char.

  3. You do realise that adding pve mounts to collection or legacy will leave ten of thousands of players without a job? No credit income whatsoever?! Wings of the Architect bought once, never have to pay again for them? Countless NiM-Raiders have no incentive to do the Operation again?!


    And before this comes up...no, i don't think, PvP mounts will be different at all. You can't make a distinction here.


    Basically everybody is running around with rare mounts?! Why do you want this? Suddenly the rarest mount will be the one, that Bioware rotate out of the cartel market for 6 months?!


    I think this thread is a "Bioware give me all for free" thread. It's on par with the "Storyplayers demand BiS-Gear for everyone. No BiS-Drops in Nightmare-OPs. Give it to everyone".


    And even if i consider it for one second... Bioware should never put Replicas into Collection/Legacy. "i farmed like six years for this...i want to flex. i'm leet"...no thank you. Only Originals. Fair and square deserved, when they came out. :) Like the Wings of the Dragon Legacy Unlock for a unique and outstanding performance during a restricted time.



    I get your point but they made like all ranked armor and weapons sets legacy. Why wouldn’t they do this with mounts as the most expensive ones only a few ppl in the game have and you can’t use them on several chars. Ofcourse I bought the mounts on the chars I play the most, but I also play a lot of other classes. The mounts are just too expensive to get more then once and maybe even harder to get them when you played previous seasons.

  4. No, please don't do it. thx


    Collection should only be for cartel market items. No need to put every pvp or pve mount in it. You can just do the same over and over to get them for multiple toons.


    You defininetly not playing ranked i guess. To get one season 1 replica mount you have to win 1429 games or lose 8000 games, so almost no one gets it. To do it a second time for the same reward is close to impossible.

    There also other things in the collection what are not a Cartel market item. Like the event stuff or just make it directly legacy on use then you dont have to add it to collection.

  5. Hello,


    This is a message for the devs and i hope they read it.


    I bought different ranked rewards one of them is the fire rancor and one of them a season 1 replica rancor. First one is 145k tokens second one 200k tokens. This is a really big grind what takes more then a whole season. Still you can only use them on one char. If you have like several characters like me it’s kinda dissapointing to only use them on one char, because the effort you have to put in to buy one mount is not worth to do it for a duplicate for another character. I hope this can be changed at some point. Dont think im the only one who thinks this way.

  6. I tested armor penetration on my fury marauder. 97% of the damage is kinetic or energy damage, so that means it would make a difference in damage when i run with 9x 2.5% armor penetration amps +1% in a gear piece. But when i get in a warzone i don't see any difference in my damage numbers. In comparison to when i run with weapon expertise or force intensity i see a big difference in my damage numbers while this is only +/- 50% of my damage output. I think the armor penetration in amps is broken. Do other players experience the same as me? i have asked a few other players who tested it and they say they experience the same.

    I hope the devs can look in to this problem en fix it, so players aren't wasting money on rerolling there amps for no reason.



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