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Everything posted by XSuperDude

  1. All the changes are pretty cool but the level sync honestly. The level sync would cause problems considering the bonuses and some people would love this while others wouldn't so please make this optional, it can be similar to the 12xp boost on how you turn it on or off, or just change it on or off in your preferences. Just a suggestion
  2. Exactly, i've seen many people asking for some of the same species so its a good possibility and a couple of my favourite species (Kel Dor and Nautolan) have no other issues except the head slot, so heres to hoping.
  3. A lot of these ideas are me just dreaming tbh
  4. This post is just me spurting my ideas about that I would like to see in this game as I think they could add more variety and diversity to characters thus making more people's characters unique to their choices. 1. Battle stances. This would mostly be for melee weapons but in this game the way you fight is purely based around the weapons you use and your characters class but instead i feel the way we fight should have some form of choice such as a jedi guardian holding his lightsaber more loosely and making the strikes look quicker. Other options would be holding the sword/lightsaber backwards behind the character like Starkiller does in TFU or also possibly having different ways a character shoots with their blaster etc. 2. Dark Side/Light Side and how it affects your character. In this game the only thing different from dark or light is that if you go dark you get to look like you have some sort of incurable disease and some items being available to you depending on your dark/light level I think they could add more to this such as speech choices only be available to you depending on how far dark or light you are and also they could add different effects to characters abilities to show their darkness/lightness in game. (It kinda sucks having light side jedi knight effects on a dark side jedi) Side note: It could also affect how your companions begin to act if they have high affection with you, (from KOTOR 2 really) this is sort of done with Jaesa as she can be dark side or light side but not much more. Since in the Star Wars universe Dark Side and Light side should be a bigger thing and so personally this should be implemented more into SWTOR in order to get that feeling your choices have a bigger impact on your character 3. Species Diversity I know there are many posts about this already but for a game based around outer space and aliens you don't have many choices and I know SWTOR have started to do this so im quickly adding the species I've seen suggested and would like to see. Wookies, Kel Dor's, Nautolan, Trandoshan, Bothan, Rodian, Selkath, "Yoda's species", Kaleeshians, Mon Calamar and also the Aqualish I am aware some may have some story clash and gameplay problems and are very unlikely but it would be great for those who would just love to play as more alien like species.
  5. The legacy in general just needs to be improved, the naming system can be changed but you should be able to keep your legacy name private if you want too, but instead it should warn you when you're naming your character the same as someone else's and that if you choose to have the same name as someone then you have to show your legacy name no matter what. But if they did this then legacy names would have to be unique for the mail system and people wouldn't share legacy names even if they wanted too. Even then the mail system would be more complicated than it has to be. I approve of this idea but honestly I don't see it being introduced as it would most likely cause a lot of issues and confusion:jawa_frown: On a slightly unrelated note; legacy characters should be more connected such as unlocking one emote should unlock it for other characters on the same legacy, and also being able to unlock some character perks for the entire legacy at an increased price.
  6. I just did and realised my mistake its a shame they don't expand upon "Yoda's" species though
  7. I just played the new content and the Massassi aren't extinct and are pretty big so definitely not possible for character creation, my mistake oops
  8. I love all of these ideas personally, most likely because i feel they're holding back on character customization overall but if they really wanted to go big with adding new species I think yoda's one (don't know the actual name) would be interesting to see, they've made 4 different body sizes and made them all fit into dialogue and cinematics so if they spent a whole lot of time making this species playable, it would be great. Just imagine jumping around as a dual wielding sentinel yoda, but since a lot of the game wouldn't fit with this, voice acting/attacks and movement and dark side threats coming from a minion type creature than this is honestly just me being a dreamer. On a realistic level i've got to suggest, Kel Dor and Kaleeshians. I would suggest Massassi as well but they're extinct in this game sadly.
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