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Everything posted by dimmidice

  1. Yeah, and actual INGAME trivia. not just stuff from PR material. even if its just for fun its more enjoyable than this
  2. can confirm, also its pretty cool.
  3. Is there seriously no way of posting a code that multiple can use for a time?
  4. The code has already been used.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  5. I'm gonna go with four personally
  6. I was online when the servers were up a bit before. new hypercrates are online. or were earlier anyway.
  7. Eric, is there ANY ETA? like even a vague one will do man. i just wanna know if its a matter of 2-3 hours or 7-8 hours.
  8. To me it sounds like they have to edit the patch to make the quest inactive. then repackage the patch and then upload it. shouldn't take so long though?
  9. Oh, and i have to ask again mate why are none of your trivia questions actually about stuff in the game? do you know nothing about the actual game? so far its been live stream, trailer, advertising book. ask us about ingame stuff.
  10. Yeah you're right. all these subscription thingies are just a bonus. i subscribe because it gives me the best quality of life ingame.
  11. to be fair at this point its far beyond maintenance not going to plan. its now 5 hours past expected duration.
  12. the only information so far is that the problem was with an unfinished mission being put on the live server. that's it. no ETA on how long it'l take whatsoever. starting to it'l be down for a day at this rate.
  13. Ok so what information do you have? you said you don't have a ton. so you have some? seriously give us anything here man. also no offense but your apologies don't really do anything for me.
  14. I just realized that before when the servers were down i was slightly annoyed but you know i was just doing other things. but since eric started his "downtime funtime" (i think of is as "downtime murdertheforumtime") i've just been getting more and more annoyed. not knowing the answers to stream only questions, site not loading, codes being used already, getting logged out, having to wait for a new post of yours. is worse than just the servers being down. so to be honest this game was supposed to lift up people's spirits but i think ti's doing the opposite. I'm done trying with these questions and codes. all it's doing is stressing me more and lets face it giving away codes to 2% of people doesn't really do anything for the masses. Give away codes that work for one hour but are only useable per account. or something to that effect.
  15. Oh FFS, this is ridiculous. can't even try a single code because the whole site is down.
  16. give the guy a break, this topic is flowing so fast its easy to get lost. especially on a poor connection.
  17. i can change between red, blue and purple myself. it's pretty neat. razer keyboards are way more fancy than mine though.
  18. total bollocks isn't it? why not some lore questions? gameplay questions? movie questions? novel questions? i get that it's short notice but is the only thing he knows about swtor the live stream or what? that's what it seems like to me.
  19. It's not even general trivia. it's live stream trivia.
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