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Posts posted by DragnHntr

  1. Hello i am looking for a pistol model to use on my smuggler and if anyone knows where to find it that would be great http://i.imgur.com/ObgdV.jpg


    I found the E-60 Sonic Needler on Torhead that looks like it would work if anyone knows where to get that one http://www.torhead.com/item/adMDuAq/e-60-sonic-needler


    Thanks :D


    The pistol in the screenshot is given to merc BHs in the gear bag they get upon picking their advanced class. I recall that very well because I liked that pistol model a lot and used it for quite awhile. This does not help you, but that is the only pistol I have ever seen that has that model, which would make it unobtainable for smugglers sadly. :(


    Edit: here is the black model BHs get, i believe it is the one in the SS: http://www.torhead.com/item/7Zxiz3g/manhunters-blaster


    here are two more I noticed in the list that share a model with different coloring. You can keep an eye out for them: http://www.torhead.com/item/4Gmw1mF/industrial-blaster http://www.torhead.com/item/5onCHNl/custom-standard-galactic-blaster

  2. From the UI panel:


    Q: Is it possible to see more visible indications of procs for reactive abilities? Gabe: We do want to do that in the future. Like the Tactical Advantage has the audible laugh indicator, we want more of that but less annoying. Georg: We want more of that, but we also don't want you staring at the screen watching for these indicators instead of watching the action.


    Heres the thing... we have to know when these things proc/are active. If you do not make better visual indicators then we have to watch the buff/debuff bars which even further removes us from the action. I would much rather see an effect on my character then have to stare at the buff bars.


    The alternative to knowing when these are available is playing poorly. These are huge buffs that affect our rotation, and are vital for us to know when they are active.


    If you were implying that you wanted to do more like the audible cues, I think that is a terrible idea, for two reasons in addition to the one you already mentioned (annoying). One, it is not obvious, it took my wife and I awhile to figure out what the heck was causing that laugh, and two, anyone can hear it so how do I know if it is my character or the operative killing that guy over there.


    Let me give you an example of visual indicators done right: bounty hunters. The unload proc gives a VERY obvious visual cue of spinning orange things around your character when it procs. You do not even remotely have to be staring at your character to notice it, it does not detract from the action at all, while still notifying you of the important proc and without having to stare at buffs. A second BH example is the shield/bubble. When we pop it, a big blue bubble surrounds us, letting people know we are going to be harder to kill for the duration. A disadvantage for sure, but is an excellent idea, if implemented for every class. I do not want to have to stare at that marauders buffs while fighting him to know when suddenly he is invincible for a few seconds, there should be a visual indicator similar to the BHs Oh s*** button.


    In conclusion, every ability/buff/proc that we need to know about should have a distinct visual effect that is easily discernable while still keeping an eye on the action. We know you can do it, BHs have it good, at least for a few abilities. If you cannot do this, please implement Power Auras instead so that we can do it ourselves. Thank you.

  3. Actually it is CC classes that can do that... :)

    Tanks in this game are not what they are in other games...


    I know, they are a lot higher damage which makes soloing even easier. I have noticed that CC classes tend to have an advantage on tougher groups (making it easier, not faster) but that isnt anything that cannot be overcome by using other abilities.

  4. Try to read the first page, you'll surprisingly find 4/5 people speaking about heroics.

    Really, what kind of fun people you find on the web. :o


    A: Not the OP, the person who started the discussion.

    B: The people who ARE, are saying that not only can they solo just fine as a healer, but they can also solo heroics. Nothing about dual spec.


    So again, what is your point?

  5. Indeed I wrote : "Dual spec isn't only bout soloing useless heroics +2 +4"

    With dual spec you can even try the SAME spec with different LITTLE changes.

    I can still be an healer having a spec for PVP and one for PVE.

    Or I can simply change from Healer to DPS if my guild needs, or my party is just in a bad situation.

    Read what someone wrote before answering in improper way. :)


    I don't see what heroics have to do with anything. Do you even know what thread youre posting in? Did you read the title and the OP?


    Go reread the OP then reread my reply to you. This thread is about people crying that they NEED dual spec to solo missions as a healer. This statement is BS. OBVIOUSLY dual spec is about other things, it is these other things that are the reason we do want dual spec.


    Once more: WE ARE NOT AGAINST DUAL SPEC, we are saying you do not NEED dual spec to solo missions as a healer.

  6. If you say that soloing as healer is faster than with another class you're simply saying something untrue.

    And now I'm asking myself if you're at least playing the game ^^.


    I didn't say it is the exact same, we are saying it is not CONSIDERABLY slower. If you are bringing a dps companion, it is NEARLY as fast, in addition there is less downtime, and it is less dangerous.


    Claiming you need dual spec to solo as a healer is ridiculous.

  7. Nice post indeed. Same goes for tank class as well. I am a DPS class and I speed through those quests with a lot of ease. A tank and healer also probably can do those but it will take them much longer because DPS is not there core business.


    So for me it is a valid reason for requesting a dual spec for the solo play aspects of the game to provide same level of experience as dps classes.

    Healer/tank classes are intended and essential for group play and group intended instances, quests, etc ....


    Good example of fabricating incidents of the complaint. Do you play a tank/healer or are you just assuming? Cuz you say you are dps, but appear to be attempting to speak for support roles.


    My tank with a dps companion was soloing quests very quickly and easily without having to worry about adds or CC. I have played a tank, healer and DPS, and none of the classes has a distinct advantage as far as questing speed if you are playing your class properly and bringing the correct companion, as well as keeping that companions/your own gear current.


    Again, for those who are not that great at reading comprehension: WE ARE NOT AGAINST DUAL SPEC! Dual spec is fine, it is coming, we will use it, it is great. HOWEVER you do not *********** need it to solo as a support class, bring the correct companion and l2p.

  8. Rotfl. Dual spec isn't only about soloing useless heroics +2 +4.


    Way to miss the point. Most of us are NOT against dual spec. Our point is you do not need to dual spec or respec dps to solo quests in a reasonable fashion. In fact, being heal spec actually makes it easier with less downtime. On top of that, any claims that it takes considerably longer as a healer are completely fabricated or being claimed by people with no idea what they are doing.

  9. You have never played a Sage DPS, almost 0 downtime


    Actually I rerolled my dps sorc to heal spec. I changed my tank pet to a dps pet and did not notice a significant increase in time to complete quests.


    NO class has very much downtime due to the fact that you can rest full in just a few seconds. Also, even that little downtime can be avoided (by healing instead of resting) and you don't have to be so careful since you can easily heal through adds etc.



    The main point was that there is not some big discrepency in the amount of time it takes dps players and tank/healing players to complete quests due to the companion system, and the smaller gap (in this game) between support dps and main dps in general.


    I don't think hardly anyone in this thread actually said that they don't want dual spec or shouldnt have it, it will be good to have overall. It is just that claiming you NEED it to quest as a healer? That is a flat out lie and basically is just saying you don't know how to play.

  10. That takes ages and ages and ages.


    I had to re-spec to DPS on my Sage because it takes way to long to do dailies as a healer.


    Because YOU don't mind that it takes 4 times as long as a DPS does not mean the rest of us like it.


    Then you're doing something wrong. A dps player with any companion will have downtime between fights, and will have trouble with adds and may have to CC elites. A healer player with a dps companion can steamroll through any groups with minimal downtime. The total time to complete the missions should be very similar with the healer having less trouble doing it.


    If you were seriously taking 4 times as long, i can't even imagine how you were playing it. Were you using a healer companion and dpsing yourself? Were you using a tank companion on regular solo missions? Were you using a dps companion but not helping them dps? Clearly something was drastically wrong if you were doing that terrible. Either that or you are greatly exagerating to try and make a point... but who would do that? :rolleyes:

  11. The problem with companions is they dont do enough damage. Seriously, they all suck. The only companion whos really worth having out is a healing companion. They account for i would say 25-30% of your damage if you and your companion are both equal gear and dps spec.


    Theres no reason to not want dual spec, you stubborn republicans destroy these forums from discussing anything relevant.


    I disagree, healing companions are terrible, their healing is abysmal. My tank character uses a dps pet and their dps is actually quite good of you gear them out. I can do solo quests faster then a tank/healer companion combo, and safer then a dps character with either companion. I fail to see the problem.


    Sure its slightly slower then a dps character with whatever companion, but youre not gonna die if you get adds, or if you don't CC or whatever. Its not like its WoW and your healer character kills half as fast as a dps, its really quite efficient.


    I also never said I was against dual spec, on the contrary I am looking forward to it, but it will be for pvp or running instances. Saying you need dual spec to solo missions is a ridiculous exageration.

  12. You may be correct but... I'm a Bounty Hunter. I actually have 3 tanks (they have taunts) and they all use Aim and Heavy Armor. 2 of them use melee weapons. Unfortunately they are the 2 best tanks I've found.

    If they want every class to have one of each, they really screwed up.


    Pretty sure you don't.




    Mako is the healer

    Gault is ranged dps

    Torian is melee dps (does not have a taunt, 2 dps stances)

    Blizz is the ranged tank

    Skadge is the melee tank



    They should have made


    just use an aim rifle or pistol to dps. if they want him to be melee just make all his attacks melee range only. He even uses rifles when you meet him and talks about shooting and stuff in conversations. One of his combat comments is "taking shot" or something. How is he taking a shot swinging a techstaff, it was a dumb decision.


    Uhh yeah, i guess my point was i'm pretty sure all classes get 2 tanks, one ranged one melee.


    Inquisitor is kinda different i guess, you get khem val as melee tank (not really a spoiler :p) but your "ranged" tank is

    Xalek, and he actually melees quite a bit as well, he just has some ranged attacks.

    I guess all "ranged" tanks are more like mid-close range tanks, such as kaliyo and powertechs, unless I am mistaken. They CAN hold aggro from range but are even better in melee range.

  13. I don't understand why they can't just use aim ranged weapons and just make them all short range.


    They can use an aim pistol in melee range, its okay, and its a much better solution then half-*** adding aim melee weapons that are hard to upgrade.


    Edit: I get why they did it. They want every class to have one of each type of companion. Healer, Ranged dps, melee dps, ranged tank, and melee tank.


    Some classes had 2 ranged tanks so they made one melee and added aim melee weapons for some reason. Again, i think it would have been much better mechanically to just shorten the range and leave their weapons alone. Maybe they are nearsighted and can only shoot things that are close to them :p

  14. Try switching the game to Fullscreen (windowed). lets me tab in and out with no problems.




    You get slightly better performance in dedicated fullscreen, at the cost of having to redraw the game every time you tab out and back in. If you tab out a lot and your computer can handle it, simply switch to fullscreen windowed mode.

  15. Its funny cuz he complains that the content is too hard to do without the companion, and then goes on to talk about how the companion is practically useless, in fact even makes the encounters harder!


    So which is it, can you not play without your companion because it is too hard, or are the companions just dead weight? If you can't do it without them, that kinda renders your arguments invalid, and if your arguments are valid, then you can just dismiss your companion and fly solo no problem right? :D

  16. Weird question. Obvious answer is 'go try it'.


    I would like to be able to play this game without doing any sidequests, warzones, or other stuff that detracts from the main storyline, as I find the main storyline becomes lost within a sea of things that I am not interested in and thus I lose interest in playing. I believe I tried this for a bit but had leveling issues.


    Anyone had any luck with this?


    I'm gonna give it a go. Its kind of too bad as I feel 90% of the side stuff is not interesting but there's that 10% that is that I would end up missing. I suppose I could exert some self control and abandon the stuff that I care nothing about.


    Thoughts? Experience?


    You can skip sidequests if you do a lot of space missions/pvp/flashpoints, but you have to do SOMETHING to level up more. The main class quest is only a small fraction of the xp you need to stay caught up to its level. You probably cannot even get off the starter planet doing only the main class quest.

  17. aside from the FACT that unsheathed weapons have nothing to do with run speed, this guy is right. it IS annoying. it's a matter of polish. it's another one of those things about this game that jumps out and screams AMATEUR PROGRAMMER.


    there are hundreds of little things like this in the game that may never be addressed because of the pressure to put out more end game content and fix major bugs, but this is the difference between a game like wow (or even rift) and this one. it's the little things. these guys ****ed up all kinds of little things.


    How do you figure? I bet the time after combat before you auto-sheath was carefully planned. There is a combat indicator, the weapons being out is just aesthetic. If you just killed a couple people are you gonna instantly put away your lightsaber? No youre gonna look around and make sure everything is fine before you disarm yourself.


    You can always force it to put away if you wish as long as you are actually out of combat. I don't understand how you can look at something that was obviously an aesthetic decision and call it bad programming.

  18. Yes it is.


    No, it's not. I walk around with my weapon out all the time because it looks cooler. The run speed is the same. The only time it is slower is when you are in combat because sprint is disabled.


    Next time you think it is the weapon slowing you down and it won't be sheathed, look at the combat indicator. It will be red.


    Your weapon being unsheathed is an indicator of the cause of the slowdown, that being YOU ARE IN COMBAT. It is not the cause itself.

  19. First off, you only need to destroy the 4 generators, not the bridge, that is a bonus. Also, I have done this mission multiple times on emp side, after you fire off your proton torpedoes the regular missiles work just fine to finish off the remaining targets.
  20. They haven't said anything about it so far, afaik.


    The reason COH has such great customization is because there is no gear. In this game your look constantly changes throughout the game, you can even pick a style of moddable gear you like and maintain that look. The only thing you can't change later is your body type and face (and race which determines your face options) so obviously there is going to be a lot less customization :)

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