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Everything posted by troendledore

  1. Okay everything you see up here read it, write it down, get it tattooed on your hand, and then memorize it... The only thing I can add to this is Kaliyo is a tank not DPS. Get her a shield and for the love of God stack shield rating and absorb rating in her gear. Once you hit 60 run the weekly on Yavin and get yourself some kickass 192 companion gear and then just buy her a 186 demolishers shield after you have been geared out.
  2. LOL! Operative roll breaks PVP but a chain of four sorcs isn't or the unstoppable buff from vengance... OP's can no long infinite roll the nerf happened and I mourned it with all the rest. But I can't roll, oh hell no! Two rolls keep me within range of you but if you are to stupid to not jump, yank, root, or slow me after that then this is not a learn to play issue this is a get the stick that has been shoved up your *** surgically removed, and then do all us pvp'ers a wonderful favor and go PVE. PVP is about finding ways to get the upper hand over your opponents through teamwork and coordination. If 8 people can't yank, jump to, root, or slow one person then get go put yourself on a list for a brain transplant to replace your current pea sized brain.
  3. The Underlurker fight is glitchy as all hell. I pulled the damn thing two nights ago at least 15 times and after a one or two pulls to teach the pug in our group almost every wipe was caused by the fight glitching out on us. I ran out a red circle only to be teleported back to the middle for an insta death. Multiple people, including myself, would be standing the cross only have it not register everyone where they should be. In summary, it's glitchy as all hell so focus the single target DPS on one add at a time and keep pulling till you get one that isn't glitching to badly.
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