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Everything posted by StarvedGarden

  1. Hi, my name is Michael and I'm 22 years old and I'm from Houston Texas. I'm new to PC and had to get SWTOR! right now I'm looking for a cool laid back clan to help me out and understand the game better and to have some companions along the way. I had a lvl 10 trooper but I deleted him and started over, I'm still a trooper but the reason why I started over was because I took this ideal clan quiz and it pointed me towards this group and I beleive it said yall are on Harbinger PVE server so that's where I went. From what I read from your recruitment thread on SWTOR this is my kind of group. The reason why I replied to this instead of your actual website is because it said it was currently under construction but I was so excited to see a group like this I had to let you know that I want to join up. When the site is back up I will sign up and ask allot of questions lol just what kind of voice chat yall use and stuff like that. Hope to hear from yall and my character name is StarvedGarden
  2. I"m StarvedGarden and I'm 22 years old. I just started and I'm a supscriber. I just started a new character a trooper on the republic side, I'm willing to start fresh if needed to join a group and learn how to play this game.
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