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  1. Hi everyone. First time posting so not sure if this is in the right place or if anyone will read this. I hope you will/the devs do. I started just before 2.0 (ROTHC) and have been enjoying this game since (sometimes too much ) Took a break through 3.0-4.0 as I was too tired and really didn't like 4.0. Now in 5.0, I have 1 issue, which I'm sure a lot of you have as well....Galactic Command and it's ridiculous grind for very little. I'm sure lots of people love the grind and will defend it (some viciously too ) but I'm not here to argue...just to voice my opinion. I find it unbelievable that we have to spend SOOO many hours grinding just to get a chance of getting gear. And the RNG in place has for many been so painful that it's almost becoming 1 hell of a joke. I'm a lowly Rank 145 at the moment and recently finished my 6-set bonus on my shadow tank. Good for me, I guess. But it took me some 135 crates to get here. I know others who are of similar rank and have only gotten 4 pieces of loot (worthy) or even less. And the number of duplicate items is also beyond crazy. I have gotten some 5 hats on my sentinel. Please don't defend this by saying 'Oh...you can rip out the mods and use it elsewhere'....you can also Reverse Engineer the damn things and craft it yourself! Simple enough.... How on Earth are players expected to gear up with this kind of RNG essentially "screwing" them over? I'm willing to bet that WHEN I hit Rank 300, I won't have full 240/242 gear. And what if I or someone else wanted to dual-spec a character? Just how much more will they have to suffer at the hands of RNG or what is becoming a farcical decision by the devs to make players grind away? Is it even possible to dual-spec within reason?? PvE players who want to do Veteran/Master Level raids are no longer able to get much going as so many simply aren't geared enough for it. And for them to get the gear will take ages. Or simply not bother anymore....which is a sad case in my opinion. Is this seriously what you want players to go through? I have spent some time grinding to date...and apart from the pathetic RNG I've witnessed, I don't enjoy the game anymore. You have made it a damn job! Something I already have and don't need another. How are full-time workers supposed to do much in the game now? Unless your intention is to mainly target kids who don't work? I want to play with friends. I want to do HM/NiM raids (sorry...renaming HM to Veteran & Nightmare to Master was also stupid in my eyes...WHAT was wrong with the names before?? Did it scare a 9yr old when he read 'Nightmare Ops'????). I want to get SM gear and then go for HM asap! And then onto NiM raids. By the time players who suffer RNG pain are appropriately geared could still be months away. WHERE is the fun in that for a game? To the developers...you have seriously taken the fun out of this game. You've proposed changes in 5.1, but haven't given much "finer" details on how things will be. But the 1 fundamental thing all seem to have pointed out is that...RNG will still exist AND you still want people to grind like sheep. I'm sure this post will be ignored/deleted/my account banned....but IF it gets to the eyes of the Devs...PLEASE, PLEASE: 1) Hold your hands up and say 'CXP grinding isn't working. Sorry guys, we're gonna fix it.' If you think it's working, then is there a need for 5.1's implementations? 2) Fix RNG (either remove it or substantially increase the chances of a worthy loot drop) 3) Make SWTOR fun again 4) Don't make this feel like work for gamers. (It's a game!) 5) Bring back SET tokens for ops bosses (not just A CHANCE to drop a random token) 6) Keep Priority Ops from 4.0 in the bin (that was a bloody stupid idea too). 7) Sort out the CXP given for certain activities. (Galactic Starfighter gives tons of CXP, but so many don't play it. Because they don't like it). I'm not going to threaten to unsub. No need. So many have already threatened/ done that But if it continues to feel like a job, then I too will follow. Ok, can't think of anything else to write for now...cya later
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