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Posts posted by Revnan

  1. hmm pls upload your UI somwhere and give us a link please.

    Also I'm interested in your spec and equip.


    Liked the music quite much, nice video overall.

    Tho I wouldn't call it a real bg since your enemies gave up quite early and weren't that good.


    As SS you are doing what you are supposed to do, you are not bad but not woooooohoooooo...

    But that's not your fault, it's just that with SS or Slinger itself or even in this whole game it's not possible to actually play impressive.


    I am going to be making more videos, I notice i need to learn better management of when to use dodge and cover screen. I also am terrible at not applying armor pen. anyways if your really interested in my UI i can clean it up a little and upload it.



    thats my armory/

  2. solution is to just put expertise on 20 and 40 gear. BOOM easy,


    The only thing 50 bracket is going to do is make ques *********** forever for alts or new players joining the game. I personally like playing with my guildies on alts..


    NO 50 BRACKET woot woot


    want proof look at this pic...scoundrel has a biggest hit of 7779....he took me several times down in the 3 sec stealth stun dealing 9k dmg in the 1st 2 hits every time





    your server must not be very good at dps, cause our guilds scoundral does around 360k damage in Warzones with me following in about 50k behind him but always first and second.. OH yeah we know how to play our class

    Dps Slinger reporting in, Bursting kids one at a time.

  4. It's not the class it's the sheer number of them, there cc control is outrageous and 2/3 warzones is nothing but cc like hutta and void. All I see is lightning.. But they are not mirror to sage because I'm pretty sure there lightnig is not mitigated bye armor and sages rocks are mea ing lighting is internal damage.. Correct me if I'm wrong
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