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Everything posted by Lord_Asmoday

  1. Yeah, I'm not sure what the point of that was... Tryhards like myself are really annoying, but I make sure I at least have a team before asking. Anyway, I've spoken my piece by this point. As everyone said at the beginning it was going to be a waste, and it was by and large. I have my group, we are going to keep queing until we get it right. Thanks to those in the ranked community that have been helpful to me. To anyone else that may decide to go full tryhard and write a post like this in the future, I will say don't waste your time. There simply are not enough good players (at least that are willing to try and form a team), and no one is interested in paying their dues and getting better anymore. Just blaming each other for losses, getting discouraged, and doing the same failing strat endlessly. Thanks to everyone that posted, let it die now. /thread
  2. Right, my bad of course. Head spinning from all the alts y'all play on, and beatings coming from all directions. Tonight was rough, need to find a steady 4th dps for my team. Pugging hasn't helped but to be an exercise in frustration. Too many wheels spinning in different directions, not moving forward.
  3. Where was I? Queing regs because I had just come back to the game and my guild was either in wildstar or not playing at all. By the time I finally got a team together we started queing at the end of season 2. Played quite a few times against jaryx's team as well as clickers while there was rating to be had(and we played quite a few games against both of them). Made some roster adjustments, and we're still queing at least 3 nights a week if not more. For me it isn't even about the rating, it's about having something to do in a game where regs just seem pointless. So what if it's preseason? The hell else are you going to do in this game... pve? solo ranked in preseason? premade in regs? As I've stated several times throughout this thread... I know it's been done before (change the record), I know it's still the same 3 teams queing. I'm aware of why mvp, crits, dp, synergy, crescendo disbanded that was also covered earlier in this thread by raychul(though I was already aware). Your argument is still weak, I'm still not mad, and if you really think it's such a waste, then why feel the need to insert yourself in this thread is baffling. Learn to read before you feel the need to come back with a pitiful response like that. We'll still be around for season 3. Maybe even with another team or two in tow. I'm not gonna toss the towel in just because some half brain with the ability to type, happened to vomit irrelevant nonsense onto my thread. If anyone read more than the first paragraph of that novel I typed, perhaps there wouldn't have been so many superfluous comments. Regardless of this failure, my effort still continues to be in game. Instead of trying to measure my epeen to other leet players on this server that get butthurt whenever they do lose to someone better, I will be continuing to improve my skills and help any who ask with everything I can. Whining on the forums about something that bioware needs to fix hasn't changed the game yet. Trying to do my part for people like me that want to do ranked will. p.s. we've also qued against hidan and bleez's group (there, you were mentioned )
  4. @ Bleez Can't say you are wrong. Though there have been rounds where my own damage has been negligible, so I can't say much for under performing. Just a matter of recognizing who will never be good from who will likely improve soon. Pro tip bleez, always wipe before ranked pops. @ Rilok I won't disagree with that. There are still people that could be competitive, though the numbers are unbelievably diminished even from a few months ago. @ Dampeer Dude, you don't even have a 4's team. Pretty sure you weren't even on a noteworthy 8v8 team (I know I wasn't). Also positive that if you drop the /thread bomb, you actually need to say something that carries weight. You qqing about bringing back 8v8 is neither original, nor groundbreaking. I wish they would bring back 8v8 just so that mvp and dp would return and **** on anything this server had to offer at this point (especially any team you would throw together), so people would shut up. If we can't even get 4's to pop with any regularity I highly doubt 8v8 would succeed. Though I will say in all honesty having the option still would be great, even if the lack of teams was still there. I just don't see it happening. Posting it on this waste of a thread damn sure isn't going to change that.
  5. I'm going to take this opportunity to say, I'm not sure if these random teams with bad comp are a result of my post... If this happens to be the case, please don't que without a competitive comp.. You are wasting your time as well as ours. The purpose of competitive pvp is to have a challenge. If you really want to do ranked, don't just throw together 3 friends and que without regard to comp. Post your name on here, whisper me in game, tell someone you are throwing a team together that can perhaps get your **** straight. Stop wasting everyone's time and discouraging yourself, that was not what I had intended with this thread.
  6. Glitter I hate you so much... You said you'd never tell!!!!!!!!! But yeah in all seriousness, gonna need to make that sparkly powder at least hit for 5 yellow damage so i can stop caps with it.
  7. So, last night was a lot of fun, solid learning experience. Thanks out to Canyou for the advice, Miva and Itchy for the heals. Got our first group win, and coordination improving by the match. Thanks to jugghub for replacing baulz. Shame we couldn't get more groups together. Again, anyone that would like to try their hand at ranked that has some solid experience in game, feel free to whisper me in game. Let's try to get at least 3-4 teams queing tonight. It's Saturday, stop pretending you have a life nerds...
  8. I wouldn't mind whoring out my mumble. If anyone is really interested they can whisper me in game. I'd prefer to save myself the trouble of banning trolls by posting info on here though.
  9. So far I have gotten a few responses, on the forums as well as in game. Would appreciate suggestions on how to link everyone together. The idea of a community mumble is possible, but from what I've seen from the guys on harbinger that's crap shoot. Skype was purposed as a way of keeping tabs, however I'm not really a fan of that software. I can edit the original post with peoples info if they are willing... Need something reliable. I'm not really tech savvy does anyone have any ideas about getting everyone that responds together?
  10. Unfortunately Fenrir, I do not have any geared pubs at the moment to do ranked on, but I know radishz has a group pub side that they do ranked with(I can't say how receptive he will be, seeing as I don't know him personally). Hopefully we will get some other pubs posting on here, or at least good players with pub alts. Keeping this thread going will hopefully pan out well long term, it's only been up a day so far.
  11. Tournaments, while a great diversion, are a waste imo. They last for one chaotic night, of unrenderable hero engine fail, and end with the same predictable outcome of victors. I know I'm a glutton for punishment and disappointment starting one of these threads. I knew before I posted that this was unlikely to give me the outcome I was hoping for. None the less I will give my due diligence to this matter. As with the passion I had for pvp from my first warzone to get better and keep improving, I will persist in trying to make something I enjoy out of this game. I might as well, everything else blows, and I love star wars.
  12. This. Trick is finding people who have the drive. There are a few left, **** I've taken my share of *** whoopings since we started queing 4's. We modify our stategy, work on our coordination, and each time we have done better in a variety of areas. I understand most people aren't cut out for this, I just want to find some that are. And I know there are. We can't be the only 4 people on the server, **** if baulz is willing to lose to get better I can't imagine how anyone else wouldn't be.
  13. I won't disagree with this. However I think there are enough people that at least understand their class/game mechanics well enough to learn some of the more advanced concepts if they just get a push in the right direction though. If someone is competent enough to dps/heal at an acceptable level the rest is possible to learn. I do realize this is a long shot, but I am not willing to give up hope at this early stage. I've poured through plenty of forum posts, talked to countless people in game... I wouldn't have even bothered to write that novel of a post if I didn't believe that at least 5-10 people would read and say they were willing to learn a few new things, close the gap, and find a group to run 4's with. It's just difficult to permeate the groups that people are stuck in, I suppose this is just my attempt to do that. I see countless players that just stick to queing regs with their friends because they don't have a 4'th competent player, or they aren't extroverted enough to talk to other players and network to progress. I understand that most players are never going to change, just trying to give the ones with a legitimate desire to the chance that I was never afforded.
  14. Also, Cheldore we're looking for a tank tonight if you're down. Jag'iya in game. pst
  15. 8v8 isn't coming back, if it did it would likely be a worse failure than it was the first time around... I would think that you of all people would be behind this. I can't understand why all the people I talk to would prefer to ***** about the lack of population in ranked 4's, and how they can't get a regular team together. Yet, when someone makes an effort, everyone just says that things will stay the way they always have been. What is the breaking point? Could simply put your name and role on here and say you're down, because I know you enjoy ranked as much as I do. I understand this has been attempted before. Doesn't mean you should simply stop trying. Modify the approach and keep plugging. Stop appealing to the existing people in ranked and try to get some fresh faces that are a bit hesitant. Give them an in to get some ranked experience... I've been trying for at least the last 6 months, and finally was able to get a team together.. It doesn't have to be like that.
  16. So as the ranked community is already aware, there is not a lot of teams in que. Worse yet, the chance of there being real competition for the existing teams in the near future is slim. While I realize that there is no miracle cure that is going to fix this I have a few ideas about what will work in building the number of competitive teams on the server. The initial problem that we have is the lack of quality players on the server. I'm not talking about people who have managed to top a regs chart in damage a few times when no other noteworthy players were in the game, but people who have truly learned swtor pvp. The learning curve in this game is steep, i know I've been working on it for almost 2 years now between all of my toons. Learning game mechanics, positioning, and situational awareness are important for improving skill. So the task remains to weed out the never will be good, casual, qq bads, from the I have gotten better in leaps and bounds since I started but am not ranked quality yet players. There are still plenty of players out there that while not the greatest are more than capable of playing their class. They know how to function in a wz and how to break that illusive 1k dps that seems to kick so many pugs collective asses. This thread is for those people that have plateaued in there performance, above that of the casuals, but have little or no ranked experience(and would like to change that). So if you feel you have attained a reasonable to great level of success in warzones as well as arena's, then you run into the second issue. Social networking. Guilds while great for meeting other players, rarely afford more than 3-4 good players with maybe 1-2 great players. Many players aren't even in guilds anymore due to the mass exodus of this servers pvp community as a whole. Given most peoples inclination to stick with who they know and not branch out to find new players this is understandable. However if you want to get a 4 man together and compete in ranked this needs to change, at least until you find a 4 man that you like. I think that this thread should double as a sign up sheet, stating both the roles you can fill as well as what times you are going to be available to que. Now, the final issue... Closing the gap to being competitive with the top ranked guilds on the server. If we can build a large enough player base, then we can begin working on coordination, there are place where you can go to do this other than arenas. Outlaw's den, as well at ilum offer a good enviornment to practice things like hard switches and focus fire without the pain of sitting in q for lengthy amounts of time. Not saying that there aren't dues to be paid when it comes to running ranked, just that in order to speed up improvement things like this will facilitate teams to practice things they may be weaker on for extended periods of time without waiting on que's While i realize that this is an overly ideal approach to the issue, I believe it is still practical.. Let this be the starting point. A place where all the people with a genuine desire to do ranked 4's can begin to meet each other. Form new teams and get out there and get better. Post your name and roll below if you would like to take a solid shot at 4's, or if you already have a 4 man team and are willing to kickball with some newer faces. *disclaimer: Ranked is not for causual players, even seasoned players are going to get dumped on when first forming 4 mans by teams like clickers that have been working on their coordination for months now. I have an operative healer, marauder, sniper and sorc I am willing to put on to anyone's ranked team if they need a fill in and my group isn't queing.
  17. This thread has gotten miserably off topic. I will say there is truth to what you say, Quan, that without fundamental understanding of your own class(or class mechanics in general) that you should not compete in 4's. That being said, your post was not only unnecessary, but incredibly counter productive to someone trying to do something positive for the player base as a whole. I can't understand why you feel the need to take a steaming dump on this thread, especially since, as you stated, you have no interest in 4's. So petty. Even if you don't believe the OP is a competent player, why try to belittle him? This insecure elitist mentality is pointless. I can't speak for yobs, but I know at least in my case ranked is one of the only things that interests me in this game anymore. With that, I feel that I would like to at least do my part to try and get other people to que. Be supportive, give any help to others with an interest in getting better, especially when they have plateaud with improving alone. I don't believe this is something that is impossible. Anyway, while this thread fell flat for objectivity... I know that if enough people get the right attitude about ranked, and actually help each other instead of bashing newer less experienced players ranked 4's can thrive on the bastion. Quan, I look forward to your rapier wit in response to my post about ranked in a few days, that will hopefully get more than a number of off topic posts and character assassination.
  18. Not that I am a season veteran of ranked or anything... I believe what he was saying is that if ranked goes the way it always has, cross server is only going to save it but so much. The trend that I believe keeps happening is that initially there are at least 10 or so teams queing, then as time passes a pecking order is established and the less able teams get discouraged and stop. Then only the top 3-4 teams will remain, as always. That being said, anyone who gets discouraged and stops trying to get better doesn't have the competitive nature to be doing ranked pvp anyway..
  19. I agree with you on this one Yobs. I can't speak for the competitive community as a whole, but I know for me and several of my close friends, regs and yolo queues have all but lost their appeal. However we have been facing the consistent problem of trying to find a full 4 man of consistent players, and I have kind of drawn a blank on how to proceed. I can say perhaps the single largest issue for most people that want to get into competitive pvp is the fear of getting wrecked by the already established and well coordinated ranked teams. With these problems being noted, here are a few ideas that I've been mulling over. 1: Get a running list on this thread of every yolo star that has the testicular fortitude to take losses on the chin with a smile and keep trying. Establish set rolls that people are willing to run and an approximate schedule. Networking amongst all the socially inept will go a long way i feel. 2: Get some input from some of the more established ranked player on comp, strats, and mechanics. From my experience the guys from Clickers as well as Jaryx's group have been not only helpful, but very friendly. 3: Kickball is a great way to get some newer people in, and find out who meshes well together. Though, that being said it pretty much has to be for love of 4's not for ELO... No one want's to have a **** rating, but lets face it.. Regs are boring and solo ranked is mostly a joke. I think that's the best of what I've come up with, and I know this has been attempted before from looking over other forum posts. Best we can do is keep hope alive and support our own ranked community. I miss the way pvp felt when I was first learning the ropes. The adrenaline of the match, the visceral combat, thrill of victory, agony of defeat... I like to think for many of the regstars left that's where we are all getting to. Ranked is the only thing that brings that rush back for me. If you want, whisper me in game on any of my toons. I usually play from 6pm est to 2am est. KEEP 4 MAN RANKED ON BASTION ALIVE!
  20. Holy **** imp, why are you trying to rebuild it... we all still play just dropped the tag. It was eventually decided that we had too much dead weight to carry.
  21. Would like to get involved in group ranked, but seem to be a bit outside of the cool kids. Have heals and dps reasonably geared and i like to think I'm decent if someone needs a fill in. Usually on prime time for pacific.
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