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10 Good
  1. guys get over it seriously if you have a f2p ninja looter boot them or hit need yourself problem solved. im not f2p but when i was i did that and people got mad well you dont realize things cost more for f2p so they need to sell more. plus 9 times out of 10 theyre new. i know when i started out i kind of got need and greed mixed up thats why i did need all the time i understand its annoying but come on, theyre there to have a good time if you have a ninja looter boot them from your group. I give any ninja looter i have a warning then theyre gone.
  2. maybe make the melee fighting more realistic? all you have us do is hit each other with sticks lol kind of lame put some light saber and melee weapon lock in one on one fights come on itd be sooo cool:)
  3. Gathof


    how about before adding even more to the game u fix what needs to be fixed for the love of God ever since 2.0 hit i can't warzone because, theres a rise of the hutt cartel load screen that blocks my view, i can still move but cant see and by the time it goes away ive stayed in the safe zone to long and ive been kicked.
  4. I was thinking maybe in an update you should make that casino in nar shadda actually a useful place for players. Put in some pazak and other games in there where we can gamble with our credits to try and make more! Great way to have some fun plus i bet loads of people miss playing pazak I know i do
  5. Please swtor please give us this option! Do you not see how many people have replied in this thread!
  6. I agree but how many threads of this must you make you only need one just reply on it daily if your just trying to get it to be seen lol
  7. It's probably the most requested thing they have but they seem to not care about their customers...if you can offer it once to people before I even started playing the game then why didn't you keep it an option that makes no sense.
  8. what if you copy all of your characters to one server delete them off the server you have the legacy name and then re copy back to the server would that delete your legacy name and allow you to choose another?
  9. I would like for a legacy name change because i didn't know that it was for all my characters plus its a typo and now I just look stupid/ also theres a problem with the holoterminal story line parts in the ship for imp agent and I would appreciate it if you would fix that
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