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Everything posted by kEs_Ha

  1. Im with U all the way comrade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. couldent have said it better myself! really my eng sucks!
  3. My characters would do the following: Sith warrior: Never ever! not in a million years. He kills republicans for fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Sith Inq: see sith warrior! Bounty hunter: If the paid him well Agent: Nope! Loves the empire! Jedi knight: Even though he is dark side, he cant. He killed the ...... Jedi counsulur: why not he killed all of the ....... instead of saving them! he is evil. Smugler: see bounty hunter.
  4. I also want to state that this is a great way for bioware to expand their subscribers. FTP people will not get access to the new stories unless they subscribe or buy them (expensavly) throw the cartel market, so it will defenetly be profitable and will expand the sub-base.
  5. Okej i know alot of republicans here seems to think that the empire will fail due to its very own foundationa (the stron role the weak etc......). But its precisly this that makes the empire strong. A sith who survives his training in koriban is much more stronger and more cunning then your avrege jedi. Sith citisens are trained from birth to be good solders to follow orders to the letter (like nazi germany). their entire society revolves around order and diciplin. When the sith dont fight the republic they fight eachother but now all that has changed..........
  6. The only way to get any improvment is to ASK FOR IT. STORY is what makes this game great and if they want the want the BASE to stick around and get more people then they need to expand the story. This game can still beat wow but it will take alot of improvment etc. But expanding the story and make new ones is crusuly if they want the game to last.!!!
  7. In my thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=628592 I discuse the idea of creating new stories for the 8 classes that we alredy have. It would give us new stories and in the same time keep the class balances intact
  8. i havent sleept in 29 hours......
  9. Okey i know alot of U are getting tires of this but im sry i just CANT LET GO OF THE IDEA........... Once again i know it seems uppsesive but in the end i dont care!!! I really think that the only way we are going to get any sort of new content is by constantly ask for it. I will continue to spam until either i get bored or they kick me out.................. Once again sry
  10. What do you mean it exactly what they did? have u read the thread? Complete new stories for the 8 characters! 8 new stories they could even add new planets
  11. Okey i know alot of U are getting tires of this but im sry i just CANT LET GO OF THE IDEA........... Once again i know it seems uppsesive but in the end i dont care!!! I really think that the only way we are going to get any sort of new content is by constantly ask for it. I will continue to spam until either i get bored or they kick me out.................. Once again sry
  12. Yep the very idea of having new 8 complete new stories is awsome!!!!
  13. kEs_Ha


    let go of your hate........
  14. Hmm never thought about it that way. Cool idea and nice story thoughts 2!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. shy not? its not onrealistic. at least not to me!
  16. kEs_Ha


    Brothers and sisters, SWTOR NEED U, to coment: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=628592
  17. i really really want to but my exam is in 3 hours and then i will sleep for like 3 days so dont worry to much
  18. AMEN! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=628592
  19. SWTOR NEEDS U! Make ur opinion heard: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=628592
  20. One more think! I know alot of u seems to think this is imposible but we wont get anything from this game unless we make our opinions heard!
  21. 1. Thanks for ur reply 2. The Main reason people play this gase is because of the story so if they want more people to come and more importantly the power base to stick around then they need to expand the story! 3. The only way that is gonna happen is if the community voice their belives, concerns etc.......which is why i posted the link to this thread on severeal others!
  22. Thank you for all of your replies, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH U!
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