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Everything posted by uanaka

  1. As much as the pushback is great, I think an interrupt immunity talent or at least a cast to prevent interrupts for like 8 seconds would be greatly appreciated. More help the merc healers please :3
  2. I thought about an operative but I've already played a healer mercenary and a deception sin which is essentially what the operative is combined. Maybe I'll try the operative later on but I'm more focused on the sniper. So because orbital strike isn't a make or break skill, it really pushes me to create one. Any opinions on the lethality/engineering hybrid spec? I intend to do pvp and pve with it
  3. Hey guys! Anyways, now that I've finished getting 2 toons up to 55, I was thinking of making a DPS character I was either down to a Sniper. I know marauders are also DPS but I'm leaning more on ranged side. However I was just wondering, after reading the complaints about Orbital, is orbital really a make or break skill for a sniper? Would orbital really create a clear cut division in DPS utility? Anyways I was thinking of an engineering/lethality hybrid because I read that it's a pretty good build over full lethality, however that's advice from a while back that someone told me, I'm not sure if that's been fixed or something. I'm not likely to go down the marksmanship because I'm not a fan of sit down and win Also is there a tree where there is a mobile snipe? JW
  4. Wow thanks for a great guide! I've actually found myself lacking in force so that rotation, albeit quite common sense, was a nice tip in your guide. Also thanks for making a simpler reason as to why project should come first in the rotation.!
  5. So PVE, a full darkness build is good, but in PVP it's probably better to go up in the deception tree to get the AOE damage reduction? I'm guessing it's cause of all the smash monkeys out there?
  6. Hey guys! So I'm currently a full Darkness build on my sin and I've been reading upon other people's forum posts saying that perhaps full darkness is not the best way to go? Apparently there are some good hybrid builds out there that are very good for PVP and PVE? I think I saw one that was like 2X/2X/Remainder where it has both darkness and deception. (Keep in mind I'm not talking about the deception/madness builds, I still want to tank because that is what my armor is geared towards) So I was wondering if there was a general consensus on a good tank build in PVP and/or PVE? The question I had about people going the hybrid way was the lack of Wither, but isn't wither basically a necessity in trying to get Harnessed Darkness'?
  7. Obviously there are people that say otherwise about the healing potential of the mercenaries, and by no means do I discredit them because that is the typical norm. That although mercs are honestly in my opinion, the most fun and most challenging of all the healers is why I play him the most. Perhaps the fact I play him the most is possibly the reason why I always heal better on my merc as opposed to my op. In general, in WZ's (i PVP most of the time) I'll usually only pull out 100-200 HPS more on my merc which isn't too much in all honesty. If you like the challenge of playing a merc, stay with it! Even though it's underpowered as opposed to what the other healing classes can pull out, when you can do well and people are happy with you, I find the satisfaction more gratifying knowing that the hard work you did actually paid off. As the great Barney Stinson would say "Challenge Accepted". p.s. Although I love my merc to death and glory, I have to admit that mercs fare BETTER as a support healer as opposed to a main healer. Not saying that they can't main heal, it's just that with the mechanics and skills, you have to be very good to heal reactively and proactively, thus making it easier to be a side healer. But nonethless, much much much fun.
  8. I can understand your frustration, but really it's all about the team and your synergy with the other team mates. Are you often times hanging in the back healing? That's the different thing though, as a sorc or op, you could do that because you have plenty of cool downs to get out. But as a mercenary, stay within the fray of the fight to make it harder to be targeted. Also use your knock back and shield sparingly. In terms of heals, i often am first in heals, and of the healers I also do the best damage
  9. I have a few toons that are in slicing, so hopefully it works out!
  10. What about merc healers? I thought about alacrity/surge/crit in the regular armor enhancements and then for the augments, I'd go aim/power so I dont go over the power threshold.
  11. Does that mean if I want to make MK9-augments, that I have to get both synthweaving and armormech up to 400-450? Also, wouldnt a Merc want Critical, Surge and Power Augments? I suppose that I could simply by the alacrity ones since that's the only one from synthweaving I would want correct?
  12. I don't think it's necessarily pay to win actually. Because the thing about treek is her utility as a tank or a healer. Although a nice companion to have, any tank or healer companion would do just as well. If anything she's only better in the first few levels cause of her gear, but after like 25 the healer and tank companions are all the same. I only bought her cause of her looks, although I use her, mako, malavai, khem and all the other companions I have are just as good. I know because when I run missions with treek, i still do fine
  13. So I've been researching the augment system, and I've decided to go with it. So i was just wondering which of the three crew skills to take in order to make augments. I know all three can make the augment kits, but each of the three make different augments. So i was wondering which would be the best to have? I currently have a darkness assassin and a bodyguard mercenary. Thanks
  14. Is just what I hear because apparently it's pvp based?
  15. What are the best dailies to run for credits? I hear section X and belsavis but not ilum... Why is that? Also what are some need to run dailies and weeklies?
  16. Heya! So i have a warrior and he's waiting to pick good advanced classes and I was hoping I could get an opinion. Which class is better to pvp and rage spec with? Because rage is the shared spec, j just wanted to know which class has a better control over rage with its utility, talents and skills? Thanks
  17. Hey guys! So now that I'm end game, I'm starting to gear up for tanking. But because this was my first game that I ever tanked, I had no ideal about stat distribution and the possibility of diminishing returns in stats. So looking on Noxxic I saw that Willpower > Shield (38%) > Absorption (44%) > Defense (20%) > Endurance I'm using 58s and 61s as I am about to go onto Makeb and begin doing dailies. My own stat percentages are Defense -> 19.76 Shield -> 41.69 Absorb -> 28.83 And I was wondering how can I bump up my absorb to higher percentages? I'm guessing it's the use of augments? Also can someone explain min/maxing? That's an entirely new concept to me. I was reading off http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779 about the stat budgets, but looking on my own character sheet, I only see percentages not numbers... so uhh. confused. thanks in advance!
  18. Honestly depends what kind of assassin you want to be. If you're going deception - power and darkness - endurance. Many situations require different crystals
  19. Well I want both, I just wanted to know if the PVP set will also work for PVE also? If not, I'd just go straight PVE because I think the pve sets would take longer to get cause of all those dailies and comms.
  20. So basically I can't really begin to gear until I hit 55 right? I haven't even gotten my Makeb gear so I don't think I could do Oricon or try and get the artifact gear am I correct? But is this also another viable solution? To get my Makeb + Oricon gear and then transition into PVP gear -> Conqueror/Obroan? Instead of going Arkanian, UW etc.
  21. So I just made a mercenary and ive been going through pvp and some FPs before heading out to DK. Something I realized is for longer drawn out fights I have to use vent heat a lot. So i was wondering if someone could help me out with with a rotation that can work well with not ending up with too much heat. One before tracer missile, and another one after I get tracer missile. If you didn't get it, I'm currently arsenal specced. Also one for low level healing in pvp? I only have rapid scan but still the heat! Thanks in advance
  22. I've only been playing for a few weeks, but man are you ignorant. I have both a mercenary and assassin, and they can both tank 55 ops and heal 55 ops just fine.
  23. So slicing provides the mats for the augmentation kits am I correct? So I have an alt and he's going to pick up slicing, scavenging and underworld trading, is that alright?
  24. But basically, I could buy the Makeb commendation items pre-55, and then when I get to 55 could I buy the PVP armor? Also, could you explain even further about buying the PVP set? about how you have to buy one set first and then buy another? thanks
  25. So pvp gear (the lowest one), then to get a black hole at (how do you get that?) and slowly get arkanian then underworld. Is that correct? Also which are the best dailies for comms and credits?
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