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Everything posted by jzheng

  1. Hey guys, I was always confused on which secondary stats I need in my mod - gah, Power? Alarcity? I am focusing on the Watchman tree - dunno which stat I REALLY need. Can someone give me a list of all the stats a Jedi Sentinel needs in his/her gear - from greatest to least? (ex: Strength, Endurance, Power, Surge...etc.) Thanks!
  2. So...the orange gear itself does not play ANY role in the stats of the armor? Like, can I have a tunic from Coruscant and still use it on Voss? (I know, my comparison rocks!)
  3. Hi guys, I was wondering....does having different types of orange gear matter? I have a robe from Balmorra....I modified it so that all the mods are up to date. Would it matter if I place all the same mods into a different orange gear, for example, Hoth. Does the gear itself become better without the mods? Also, can someone give me a list of all the stats a Jedi Sentinel needs in his/her gear - from greatest to least? (ex: Strength, Endurance, Power, Surge...etc.) Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the imput, should I gear Scourge too? He seems like a baddie, I might try him out.
  5. Hi, Level 45 Jedi Sentinel here. I recently received Scourge as a companion, and probably the best thing to do (in most people's cases) since I'm a DPS, is to equip Scourge, as he is a tank. However, I have had used Kira over all of my companions since I got her, should I stop using her? We usually kill things before we die (although we die occasionally when I don't look carefully about my aggro). Additionally, she has some orange gear quipped on her (spent quite a lot)...over Scourge's green items. So....is Scourge substantially better in which I should switch Kira out? Or should I leave Kira as my faithful companion? BTW...I have a romance with Kira Thanks!
  6. I have had the same problem as you before. However, after recently renewing my sub (oh yeah, baby ) I purchased 3-4 new Inventory row slots - around 100,00 credits, I believe as well as expanding my cargo bay to a 2nd bay. This cleared up the majority of my Inventory issues, so if you hadn't done so, purchase new slots and bays (with cartel coins or credits) and your life would be easier! Make use of the "Sell Junk" button when talking to vendors, and also make use of the companion selling option. As a player, I have a obsession for collecting EVERYTHING dropped by mobs, ranging from gray items to class-locked gear. Clearing out your inventory after doing a string of quests can help you remain neat and organized, also developing a good source of income. Cleaning your bay periodically (I tend to do so every week) helps eliminate junk - effectively creating more room and letting you earn some bonus creds. I have 2 bays for each toon, one I dedicate to special stuff I wanna save, another bay for mods and crafting objects. Dunno if my advice is helpful, but I hope you find some luck in maintaining your Inventory
  7. So, in just a couple of days, my SWTOR subscription were unfortunately end Even though I'm glad I can still quest till Level 50, I wanna ask, what happens to Warzones while I'm F2P? Can I still join them? I do Warzones mainly for the EXP, will I still get the same amount of EXP gained in a normal Warzone? Thanks!
  8. I'm new, so I have no clue whatsoever on class skills. My tree is empty as of now..I am a Jedi Sentinel. Can anybody give me their opinions on what skill tree I should pick and why? Thank you!
  9. So...I decided to pick Archaeology as one of my Crew Skills. However, I'm torn between Artifice and Synthweaving. Which do you think is better for a Jedi Sentinel? If you can, please also include some facts/advantages/disadvantages in your comments. From there, I will choose my last crew skill accordingly. Thank you, I appreciate any help
  10. jzheng


    I guess that's pretty nice. Now I don't have to worry about hurrying to finish my quests when my sub is about to end.
  11. jzheng


    Just started the game a few weeks ago...and I found this: http://www.swtor.com/free/features Free to Play people can still progress (storyline missions) without a sub in the game?
  12. Thanks for the help In your opinion, which do you think it more important: Artifice or Synthweaving?
  13. So, recently I started to pick out crew skills. I made up my mind to pick Archaeology and Synthweaving, but I'm torn between Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting. Can someone tell me their advantages, disadvantages and opinions? I'm also hearing that I should take Artifice instead of Synthweaving, so I'm confused. Any opinions and explanations would help greatly
  14. Thanks, appreciate your help. I found this link to help clear up anything you said: http://www.oldrepublic.net/258-crew-skills-map-force-non-force-classes-usage-dependencies.html I agreed with two of your choices, but I'm torn between Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting (missions). Can you explain the differences, advantages, disadvantages?
  15. Just started out the game, found this really helpful and it cleared up some questions that couldn't be answered in the tutorials. Thanks for posting!
  16. WARNING: NOOB AHEAD! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, I'm confused about class skill trees and companion crew skills. Can someone further explain these two concepts to me? Any reccomendations for a Jedi Sentinel would also be appreciated.
  17. jzheng

    Warzones Exp.

    I recently tried a warzone, and through that one round, leveled up. Right now...my level is pretty low during world progression (level 19 in Nar Shaddaa.) So... would you consider playing Warzones a good source of experience?
  18. jzheng


    Are relics for one time use only or do they last forever?
  19. I read it too. It was pretty hilarious and whoever thought of it up must be a Star Wars https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/response/isnt-petition-response-youre-looking "The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We're working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it. The Administration does not support blowing up planets. Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?" Lmao
  20. So...I'm thinking about romancing Kira. However, so far, the game doesn't really give many options for me to flirt with her. At what mission / level / world does she start giving a Knight options to actually romance her? I'm still at a pretty low level, level 19, World: Nar Shaddaa. Any advice on romancing her if I get the option to?
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