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Everything posted by Kane

  1. Tantalizing but unnecessary. The remaining threads of an ailing mini-series are best left elliptical.
  2. You want a refund? Seriously? I'm sure this issue is very frustrating for you but I lose all sympathy (I know, the perfect stranger -- it hurts!) with this kind of po-faced grovelling. If you can't smile when something goes wrong, you're probably playing the wrong kind of game.
  3. I respect, OP, that you have sat down, thought about this and expressed in words your state of mind with a modicum of rationally -- trying to evade the forum post pigeon holes we concoct to disregard any post we don't agree with -- but listen to this: you've just got to level 50 in (for what is for most) a very short space of time. I will also say this: do not dismiss what I am writing as serving any particular interest on these forums -- afford me the same privilege afforded to yourself. We've all played certain games too hard, too fast, either at launch or release, or as soon as we could get our grubby mitts on them. That is not to say there's anything wrong with getting through the majority of the launch game by now but, put simply, after all that, you're burnt out. That's a lot of play on a game this soon after release and I don't blame you for feeling a little sonic youth after arriving at what appears to be the end of an experience. You have a lot of valid concerns, some that will be addressed and some that may not, but I think you're going to have to find a less tangible resolution to this unseemly bout of irritation over the game; you're going to have to venture on a spiritual journey that softens the games flaws in your eyes. And not for the sake of the game or Bioware or any particular interest on the forums. But, rather, for yourself. Because those aren't the kind of thoughts you want around in your head, playing the game or not. Every gamer knows the bittersweet suck of a completed game, a slice of virtual reality taken away from us by the imposing script of a mammoth credit sequence or gentle lull in excitement that comes with a disappointing climax. It's not always a pleasant experience. You begin to find the consensual reality doesn't quite seem to click in the same way that your virtual bildungsroman is marked by annoying quest givers of the opposite sex with lurid and lecherous advances, receiving a new pair of shoes every time you held out a needy soul or robot, or the horrific number of clueless sergeants you meet, hunched under barricades asking you to risk your life for their crummy war. And, due to SWTOR's enrapturing narrative experience, you're likely for a double whammy of post-videogaming blues with SWTOR, after achieving your goal of level 50 and completing your class quest series (for now (?)). But it depends which mindset you play the game in. I'm attempting some form of virtual consciousness transforming, or something like that, just to make this MMO experience completely different from any other I have played. I am genuinely attempting to destroy my perception of reality! And that makes thing hella exciting. I recommend. And, for the record, I don't see this oft repeated line -- "a single player game with multiplayer functionality" -- as having negative connotations. I find it more apt to reverse the line: "a multiplayer game with single player functionality". It's a multiplayer game with the immersion of a single player game. And that's all I ever wanted, for a start. As I said, your concerns are valid, in the least that they are valid for you. But you need to stop playing their games. Hitting 50 is only one way of succeeding in this game. What else you do and how you measure that success is up to you. But, to the point, give the game a break. Come back in a few months. If you really can't drag yourself away, but can't quite find the spark again, try and invest in one of the little hobbies the game affords (crafting -- which is really quite good; I'm impressed! -- or raiding) with a good group of people. The community is still developing and it's got to grow organically. You may not want to hear it - you may want to hear that your rapid ascension to level 50 godhood yields many, many spectacular treasures - but frankly, you've gone waaay past what I could hope to achieve on my unsteadily-hitting-10fps-craptop, so I'm just bloody jealous -- though I can now cackle away knowing that with even my massive, self-inflicted laggy inconvenience (namely, combat), I am not the only one in pain!
  4. Must have given you the wrong pre-order box in =store - assuming you get a special code with the CE. Even so, you might only be able to get the CE bonus items with the registration code tucked in the disks.
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