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Posts posted by barbjhix

  1. I bought the hairstyle pack as well. Is it supposed to be unlocked during character creation or just once you reach the fleet? that would be really disappointing as i was hoping to start a fresh character with a new hairstyle:mad:



    I did actually figure this one out after a while and I think it is a real rip off....what I noticed is that only CERTAIN races are allowed the different hair and color combos. Like the long curly hair that you can put on the humans and sith, you can't put on a cathar......Maybe they will allow it in future upgrades, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  2. I agree, it is getting past annoying. I was listing items on the GTN and it got to the point that it would not allow me to create a sale. I would have to log out and log back in to "reset" to complete the transaction. I was buying crafting mats from and I had to bid several times for the bid to go thru and when I went to the mail box my items were not there, even thou the notification at the top said I had mail!!


    I realize that they closed down the Aussie servers and they merged with our servers, but they didn't take in to account the amount of lag it would cause - - the lag has tippled - we need more servers opened up for the N America West Coast use.


    I looked at the server usage at 10pm on Friday night, 2 West Coast servers were VERY HEAVY, with the other having HEAVY traffic. East Coast had 4 with STANDARD and 1 HEAVY. The Europe servers - all 9 of them had LIGHT traffic - - seems like a little bit of a traffic balance to me!!

  3. One easy fix for being able to access emotes quicker would to be able assign them to a key, like we do abilities. In FFXI all abilities are menu driven, but you can write a macro then assign that to a macro book/key for easy use.


    Example, FFXI has emotes for each job you have over 30, I have all 20 emotes, I was able to write a macro to string them all together - I assigned them to a series of 3-4 keys and they came out as a blended animation that looks really cool (FFXI you have 1 character for all your jobs, instead of 20 characters and 20 jobs)

  4. We had /lick in FFXI. I loved licking random stuff. I'm all for this!


    I've been playing FFXI (Final Fantasy XI) for 9 years and my husbands since launch and there has been NO /lick emote ever. You can write a macro that can say you are licking someone/something, and there is not motion to go with it.....I'm very familiar with the emotes in FFXI and writing macros - I'm guessing THAT is where you got your /lick emote from.

  5. Yep, pretty much that is what I'm saying, my character is a Sith Pureblood, which is considered "human" there is no level restrictions on the unlock, so there is no reason why the options should not be there when I access the appearance changer


    Customer support online and on phone are not helping - they just told me to post my problem here and hopefully a Developer will see my post and look into the bug. The one online customer support person I talked to said that my online tickets had never been acted on - that they had been answered and never "passed forward"......so basically I'm reporting a bug and the info is NOT be passed on to who needs to see it to correct it.


    I agree it is a bug. I have 2 other characters that I haven't leveled up to fleet level yet to see if there is a problem with them yet, another Sith and a Chiss - I will try to get around to them within the week

  6. I've been having a fun time with this one and customer support - finally they told me to just post my thread here and hopefully a developer will read it and it MIGHT get fixed. It's a small matter really, but is bugging the heck out of me. I purchased the Human Hair Style and Color unlock - - and they are to be applied to all the characters on your account - - but for some reason, I was able to access the new options with 2 of my characters, but not my 3rd.


    I do understand that if your character is a Cyborg they do NOT APPLY.......my 3rd character is not a freaking Cyborg, she is a Sith and I've seen other characters with changes applied to Siths.


    So here is my little problem. I was able to applies changes at the appearance station to character number one, a human (CHECK). I then applied changes to character number two, a human (CHECK). Danced character number three up, a Sith.....NO CHECK - NO OPTIONS FOR CHANGE.


    So *** is going on and why can't customer support forward this onto the correct department that should be handling bugs like this??? Ticks me off that I'm doing their job and paying their wages at the same time when I buy Cartel coins and pay my subscription.:csw_bluesaber:

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