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Everything posted by HugoBendtsen

  1. our guild have been doing TFB SM for a while now. Started TFB HM after downing Kephess HM EC friday we are not ******* noobs who needs to learn FP's. We're a small guild with few members.
  2. Yeah you guessed it. We are a small guild who can barely make the 8 man ops work. Alot of times we actually have to do with 7 man. Then you add SUPER STEEP repair bills to the mix. We have people avoiding the progress runs due to the steep repairs. Do you have any idea what that does to the morale of the guild ? I mean, people will not show for Ops when there's progress (wipes) to be made, but will come for farm runs. I for one do not want to be inguild with such a lazy *** (we dont get to pick and choose between loads and loads of a specific class, so it represents a problem) HAHAHA, i have to laugh, crying wont do. I mean, if you are punishing us for gearing up in 63's (i really wondered why you made the best gear available to everyone, bad decision, but ill roll with it) and now you punishing us with another bad decision. Farming for pots or whatnot, that i would be able to live with, but to have to spend at least 2 hours a day farming for _my repairbill_ so i can wipe for 4 hours. Bad move, really bad move. Im cancelling my sub if this isnt fixed, this isn't worth my time then. Fire the person who made raiding about repairbills now. Oh, we have 200k rep creds a week from the guild. We spent that friday. Our tank spent more than a million on repairs this week.
  3. i levelled the whole way with deception. that was alot of fun the most of the time, cant imagine how boring the tank spec must have been or how frustrating madness would have seemed at that level. when you get talos drlik, you should at least give it a try. You have so much CC that your dmg/tank companions mess it up for you and maul makes it fast. Talos makes it so, that you wont ever have to seethe kthxbai =)
  4. I dinged 50 like 3 weeks ago and have been fortunate enough to find a decent PvE guild and today we downed our first TFB boss on HM after downing Kephess HM I have, untill today, been deception all the way through, but wanted to up my damage, so i specced madness. Man, it was kinda hellish to practice madness on the horror on hardmode, and it wasnt untill the end that i found out that creeping terror should be cast with deathfield and discharge to manage the cooldown. So when i do it like that, and i mind the procs and whatnot, im using my force pretty close to 100% (@1800+ dummy dps), and then i see this: Shock increases melee bonus dmg by 10% The force cost is 39 and man, that's steep, so i jkust wanted to hear u other madness assassin's if you bring in shock into your rotation or leave it out to preserve force?
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