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Everything posted by Valek_Hawke

  1. Ok, touché on the two-manning an OP, but I don't see your name in there anywhere and to me it still looks like a "lowly DerPS" DPSing and occasionally throwing a heal or two but certainly not full on healing, but regardless of you Googling a video you are still an arrogant Fuc*stick if only for the "lowly DerPS" comment. You malign not only an entire class of player but the PEOPLE playing those characters and think you're being cute or funny or cool when truth be told most people probably just think you should've stayed a gleam in your daddy's eyes that night...
  2. As I said, I really do see both sides of the coin. Yes he could have educated himself beforehand and yes, and on the other hand you and your group could have explained things in chat. Are you wrong for not doing so? No, not necessarily. Perhaps in my tilting at the passing windmills I've taken this thread off of its intended course and for that I am sorry. The point I wanted to make is about how players in this game and probably every other mmo are treated so abrasively and abusively for simply asking for help. Granted every situation is different and It's a lot easier to tell someone "Keep Braxx away from the hounds b/c he buffs them if he gets that red circle under them and Focus Fire the 2 hounds" Than it is to explain a boss fight in an op. I get that. All I'm saying is please do it politely.
  3. Ok, I will admit that that statement is a presupposition based on all of the rude, snobbish, arrogant, egotistical, angry, elitist, abusive and abrasive comments I have seen thrown back and forth in the chat window and not on personal experience in a blind voice comm, so perhaps you are right, I don't know. Personally I still believe that were there some empirically tabulated results that my supposition might be proved to be the majority and not the minority. However, I probably should not have narrowed it down as I did to JUST adolescents as there are many grown-ups with jobs kids and lives who act like pissed off at the world prepubescent emos trying to look cool for their "friends" or prove to themselves that they're really NOT the reason their mom and dad are alcoholics. Well, first off I wanted to go back and re-read my last post to make sure that I had not somehow said that YOU were an Elitist Jerk, and for the life of me I don't think I did, BUT if you took it to mean that I was calling you personally an Elitist Jerk then that was not my intention. NOW, that being said, I remember something my Dad used to say when I was just a little kid and I think it might apply here...WITH THE CAVEAT that I am NOT calling YOU an Elitist Jerk, I can't make that decision about you, I don't know you nor, - that I am aware of - have I seen you personally talking the kind of trash to which I am referring. For all I know you might be one helluva cool guy or girl, I don't know. But, a hit dog hollers loudest. Only YOU (Sound like Smokey the Bear ) know whether or not you are one of the Elitist Jerks. Same thing goes for your group. They might be great people too, I don't know. Now that that's out of the way I probably would have done something similar to what you did, only I might have handled it a bit differently..."coddled" them I believe was the term you used. First off, I remember the very first time I used GF as a sin Tank. For whatever reason (I like to blame it on the effects of old age on the mind and memory) I forgot to uncheck the DPS role before entering the queue so I got picked up as the DPS of the group. Still not realizing WHAT I had done or the apparent life-threatening gravity of my mistake I began to tank the instance and was quickly and viciously reminded that I was the DPS NOT the tank. Now that doesn't seem to be at all what you or your group did to this pugger, I only use this example illustratively to point out that maybe he just made a simple mistake and forgot to uncheck the DPS role in GF. I don't know. But it seems like you and your group were kind enough to overlook this mistake. Now, you mentioned that the pugger told you or your group that it was their first OP ever, and that you said you posted your guild's Mumble info into chat. Did they ever take advantage of that? Also, as they admitted that that was their first OP ever, did anyone bother to tell them that they had to purchase the shield generator from the vendor right there at the beginning for just that very reason, for WHEN they got knocked out of the shield and had to make their way back to the group? I can't imagine that that particular instruction would take too long. And since they did admit that it was their first OP ever, why didn't anyone offer to explain the fight to them? Granted, it is a bit complicated and would take a while to explain so I'm going to have to go out on a limb and say that apparently they didn't take you up on your offer to join your group in Mumble, but I could be wrong. Yeah, I remember the one and only time I did that, turns out it was the very fist Raid I took part in too. My reasoning was that I needed to get back to my party as quickly as possible to help them bring down the boss. Only takes that happening one time for someone to learn a very valuable lesson and it's a fundamental rule of Raids / OPs that I wish someone would have warned me about before the fight ever started. But at least it's one less person eligible for the loot table on that boss. Got to be good for somebody, right? As I said, I would have likely asked the player to leave the OPs group as well, esp. since the rest of you seemed to be a guild group, but I would have explained to them why I was asking them to leave. To be honest, it sounds like to me that after the first fight (and again, I am making a supposition here), not even being told to buy some shield generators for when they get booted out into the sand and then being told AFTER they die and release that they shouldn't have done that and that their punishment for doing so (regardless of their intentions) was to be banned from the loot table for that boss, they probably figured "F**k it" and just decided to grief you all a little bit. I don't know if that is in fact the case but it sounds like it could be one possibility. Politely asking someone to leave an OPs group who had done some of the things you mentioned, esp about the 2 on 2 fight, I would say No, that doesn't make you or your friends elitist jerks. Blindly vote kicking them, well...like I said; Berating him/her for whatever reason short of them outright disrespecting you or your group members...well, yeah I think those actions could be considered being an elitist jerk, but like I said, YOU have to decide that for yourself.
  4. First, allow me to apologize for that comment. The crux of my post was about people who are arrogant and disrespectful toward other players and that comment was disrespectful to you. Second, I have not done any of those fights you mentioned although I have watched the videos for Olok and Operator IX and yes, Operator IX still has my head swirling just remembering what I watched and I agree that explaining the fight in chat would be at the least a monumental undertaking and while I cannot say with any degree of certainty what my response would be to someone who asked to have the fight explained to them I can say with absolute certainty that were I qualified and capable of explaining it to someone I would do my dead level best to do so. Look, I get that a number of these fights have some extremely complicated and mind numbing mechanics to them but let's be honest, these Operations really should not be PUG'd in the first place and if one does PUG one, either by forming or joining then I think there has to be a presupposition that you take what you get. I'll admit, I'm torn. I can see both sides of the coin here and I suppose what I'm getting at is HOW a player suggests that someone do some research beforehand, whether it be on the fight mechanics or their character. You mentioned the Sentinel you preemptively kicked for being so Totally clueless about their class and gear; May I ask HOW you preemptively kicked them? Were they blindsided by a popup saying they've been vote kicked for whatever reason and then the group just ignore their whispers asking why or did you take the time to talk to them and find out if they have ever played an MMO before and this was their first toon ever, or if they understood the importance of main stats and tertiary stats and the ones that applied specifically to their toon and explain to them that the way they were currently geared out while somehow allowed them to progress to that level would not benefit them or the group and ask them to leave the group perhaps with an offer to help them at a later time to get better gear or explain the benefits of finding a good guild to become a part of to that very end, perhaps even invite them to yours? Or that at that level the Makeb dailies were an excellent place to start gearing for the HM55's? I also agree with you wholeheartedly that voice comms makes the process much smoother but it can't be assumed that everyone has them, is able to run them alongside the game or that they're comfortable doing so. I can only imagine that the abuse players suffer in game chat is only exponential in a blind voice comm and it's bad enough having to read it, who wants to sit and LISTEN to some pissed off at the world prepubescent emo scream about how bad you suck your first time into something b/c they're trying to look cool for their "friends" or prove to themselves that they're really NOT the reason their mom and dad are alcoholics? Maybe I'm just too old for this game or any other MMO / multiplayer game. Maybe I'm just too idealistic to believe that treating people with kindness and respect are the ways a person should behave anymore because I rarely see it or read it anymore and when I do it shines like a white-hot light in the night. Someone, I don't remember who made the comment something to the effect of it was good to see people standing up to the Elitist Jerks or something or other to that effect...if only it would do any good...
  5. Somehow I doubt you've bothered to explain anything to anyone even one time, let alone an "umpteenth" time...in fact I'd be willing to bet you are probably one of the people I'm basing the rest of this post on... That being said I personally do both. I read the guides and watch the videos (what few there are that are actually worth reading and/or watching) on the fight mechanics and I also ask in game in case there might be something that was not covered in the aforementioned. And while this may not be entirely "on topic", what tweaks my twizzle is when I see something like this pop up in general chat... "LF Ballin' Tank Heals DPS & Pivot for HM55 slob fest - MUST have level xy Uber Ultra Extratesticular gear (thanks Fett), must know ALL fight mechanics perfectly by sound cues only and be able to execute flawlessly with no monitor, must be able to solo all boss fights...must link gaming Curriculum Vitae going back to at least Ultima IX to include highest Epic gear set and all achievements on every character you've ever created...blah blah blah..." You all know the ones I'm talking about... When I see something like that the first thing that pops into my mind is "Damn Scooter! Aren't you about an arrogant f**kstick! PLEASE, share with us non-gaming gods and goddesses where and how exactly you Jacked into the Matrix and downloaded all of your gaming glory and prowess! Share with us how you were able to know every fight mechanic, every little trick or whatnot without ever asking a soul to explain something to you? Or how you were able to suddenly go from lowly noob gear to Extratesticular Godliness without ever being carried by better geared players on your meteoric rise to becoming a legend in your own mind? Well, I can see how in your arrogance you might not ask anything to be explained as in your mind there are none with more 133t mad skills than you and you make sure everybody knows it every chance you get. This is not imo a helpful community by and large. Now, let me be perfectly clear and qualify that statement. I have met and chatted with some of the nicest and most helpful people one could want to meet in any gaming community, but sadly for every one of those people there are hundreds of little emo bastards who take the opportunity of someone asking a perfectly legitimate question to troll them, to mock them, to post some absolutely venom-filled vitriol and it's pathetic. I see those responses to questions and the first thing that pops into my mind is this guy http://i.imgur.com/m1y42S7.jpg?1 screaming "Leave Britney ALONE!!!!" ... So sad
  6. Don't you worry Oak, when the undercut idiots get ramped up on the Dye Modules just like everything else you'll be able to pick them up for a song, a song AND a dance at most. Craziest **** I've ever seen, even worse than WoW...got 60,000 credits in mats to craft an item? No problem, sell it for 9,999 credits because the next highest guy is 10,000 credits! Don't you worry...
  7. Just out of curiosity, what is the affection of those 2 companions. I have been running the 450 Treasure Hunting missions since the 2nd day of Early Access and to date I have only gotten 12 Mytag crystals, but have talked to others in my guild who say they have gotten quite a few and one guy who says he has gotten 50+ to date. Come to think of it, I had the same issue with the Corusca Gems at 400. I have 3 companions that are maxed out on affection, a couple that are about 1/2 way and 2 that are at about 1k Including HK...) 2V-R8 has the Treasure Hunting Critical sensor and I always send him on the Rich missions and the other 3 that are maxed out on any other Rich or Abundant missions, have spent countless credits to do so and have gotten squat to show for it. On the Archaeology side trying to get the Green Carbonic Crystals is the same damned thing. I have gotten a boatload of the Perfect ones but very few regulars (maybe a total of 40 - 60), even from nodes on Makeb. I am at a total loss as to what to do. Hopefully this patch will "fix" whatever the hell's broken.
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