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Posts posted by akisgood

  1. But did you win???




    Yes, using acid, but it was not a fun time. He is only one example, so many games there are people who leave or mysteriously don't manage to use any abilities either round lol...

  2. Hey, I just wanted to draw attention to the amount of throwing and trolling that goes on in ranked. It's been mentioned before but if we keep mentioning it one day bioware might deem it an important enough issue to assign customer service reps to police a randomly selected tiny subset of games or something similar.


    The attached screenshot shows a guy who anyone playing pvp on harbinger might have encountered, but I have erased his name to conform to the rules. This is first hand evidence of trolling; an example player who queues ranked without gear on and throws matches. I don't know if this is some win trading set up or not, but it's frustrating for other players.



  3. Spam bots spamming general chat about gold for sale are not a massive problem, but the solution to them doesn't seem particularly complex unless I am ignorant of the overheads of working changes into your game.


    You could easily let the player-base tackle spam-bots themselves in some system similar to this:


    -If an account (not individual character) receives 10 (arbitrary number) spam reports from unique accounts within say, an hour, they should be muted from gen chat for a period of time, either a fixed period or until they switch to another zone.

    -If an account receives 50 of these reports in a day they should be muted pending investigation from CS.

    -If the system is abused the victim can put in a customer service ticket, but I would be surprised if 50 people cared enough to report spam on an innocent player, especially if there was the possibility of getting reprimanded for abusing the system.

    -Subject to well chosen parameters and fair conditions, it seems to me that a system such as this could save whoever has to look at all these 'report spam' instances some time.


    p.s. plsmakegalacticcommandlegacywide

  4. It is unfortunate that people often seem to get personal and defensive on the forums when the principle aim is to discuss the game. This thread is not about you and you seem to have misread my tone of questioning completely. Frankly, I would appreciate if you could try to offer your opinions in as unbiased a manner as you can, but I know this can be hard. I think I will pass on your kind offer of tuition, although I am sure that you are an extremely intelligent, skilled and special individual.


    I am glad someone brought up assassin tank because I am, in general, a fan of how things work with the tanks; you can get slightly more out of playing the more complex choice (especially in pve but this is not the place for that). I don't think it would be particularly hard or particularly controversial for bioware to tweak various specs so that you can choose whether to play something simple for perfectly adequate output or something more indepth for more reward. In practical terms, this would probably mean keeping the idea of having simpler burst specs and more interesting sustained dps specs but increasing the margin of potential damage between them.


    I'm not sure how long you guys have been playing the game but there has been an unmistakeable trend of the reduction of RNG and meaningful choices in dps disciplines especially. What I would be interested to know is whether anyone is actually against having more choices to make in the game. I am not interested at all to hear people take a defensive standpoint over various classes; at this point most veteran players have tried and enjoyed them all.

  5. Are you saying that you find sorc healing in pvp complex? That is interesting. I see that you are primarily a sorc player, do you think that you are able to be impartial with respect to the relative payoffs of each spec at low skill level? This is not a barb, I am curious as to what you think about yourself. Have you tried the other healing specs? Do you find sorc to be boring at all? Could you specify what exactly you have keybound because this is rather more than the total number of possible abilities of a sorc including consumables?


    To clarify further, I guess my issue personally is how much can be achieved with few buttons as a proportion of the best possible and how little thought is required which leads to your brain going to sleep. They seem to have intentionally reduced/removed the RNG from a lot of (especially DPS) specs, and I think that this makes things less fun.

  6. If I pick out a particular class, I am sure that its fans will have something to say about it, so I won't do that.


    In my opinion, pvp could benefit from a lot more complexity in the classes. As it stands, it is quite boring because so much can be achieved with minimal thought and effort via certain kits, defensives and rotations. I understand that you don't want to intimidate new players, but I think that older players would be entertained far more if some of the specs were made more interesting rather than no RNG 5 button snooze fests, or if thoughtful play was rewarded more often.

  7. Dear Bioware,

    I like swtor, and I like to play and master the classes, but having recently come back to the game with the promise of new operations after a couple of years, it is distressing to see how simplified everything is, especially the kits of said classes.


    This is a plea, if you read it, to work some complexity back into the game with future patches. I don't know how anyone can be entertained with (primarily) 5 button specs, completely lacking RNG, that could very easily be played with quite a short macro. Perhaps I am missing something...

  8. Dear Bioware,

    I like swtor, and I like to play and master the classes, but having recently come back to the game with the promise of new operations after a couple of years, it is distressing to see how simplified everything is, especially the kits of said classes.


    This is a plea, if you read it, to work some complexity back into the game with future patches. I don't know how anyone can be entertained with (primarily) 5 button specs, completely lacking RNG, that could very easily be played with quite a short macro. Perhaps I am missing something...

  9. Healers are insanely strong in pvp. I think most people who pvp a lot would agree. Something that would make pvp a lot more interesting and reward strategy rather than afk healing would be to greatly buff the healing debuffs available to dps classes. This would allow you to focus down targets and end the current ludicrous situation whereby healers can, in regs, quite often walk through the middle of a fight without much fear of dying.


    I think that a good amount of change would be to double current healing debuffs such as scattershot to 40% from 20%.

  10. You realize that means longer queues.... right? You are ok with that?

    You give me that option ill drop all arenas from my list in a hot second. Others drop others... you end up with most of the players blocking half the maps and the queue times go thru the roof.

    We dont have the population for these kinds of measures or separate queues for groups/solos/ or anything else without it hugely adversely affecting the queue times.

    Its a self fulfilling prophecy that leads to death of the game prematurely


    "a map" this means 'one'

  11. I'm sure some of these have been suggested already. Perhaps someone who knows why bioware hasn't implemented them can enlighten me.


    - Cross server ranked queues - Better queue times and integrity of the system (no queue syncing/swapping servers for easier matchups).


    - Replace 4v4 acid - The acid caters to stealth classes who can wait for it in a dire situation, and is chaotic at best. You could leave the acid in but also introduce a system similar to WoW whereby healing and stealth both become less effective over time to resolve stalemates.


    -Huttball tough ball carriers - Everyone has had those games where a tank with his defensives available picks up the ball and trying to bring him down feels like flogging an elephant with a wet noodle. Holding the ball should give a stacking debuff increasing damage taken, maybe reducing speed etc. It shouldn't refresh immediately on passing the ball, but should only apply its effects while you are holding the ball (to prevent flip- flopping). You could call it "Exhausted - The huttball is heavy!" or something.


    -Update pvp achievements- The damage dealt and healing dealt achievements seem to still be tuned for level 50. When you can get the highest healing achievement on a class with no targeted heals, you know something is wrong there. I don't know how hard it is to do but maybe even add some novelty or challenging ones like 1v2, 1v3, throwing the huttball to every member of your team in one match, killing a player with the environment etc.


    -Queueing map choices- Again, idk how hard this is to do. A lot of players have maps they don't really like. Why not let them choose 1 or 2 maps to exclude when they are queueing up for regs?

  12. I agree with the OP. Juggernaut is severely lacking in CC immunity. I think the easiest thing for bioware to do to help out those poor few of us who still struggle on with this severely handicapped class would be to replace saber reflect with a passive ability called 'saber deflect' which allows the Sith juggernaut to take no damage at any time. I think that this would be more realistic in keeping with the star wars story and films, although admittedly it would not make all juggernaut players happy :(


    Source: I have played all the ACs quite a bit in pve and pvp.

  13. I'm not sure if this entire thread is an elaborate and masterfully executed troll. If it isn't, I suggest to the op that he might want to spend more time playing other classes and I would love to hear his opinions on merc and sniper dps in solo Q, especially if they are as brilliantly balanced and well thought out as this thread.
  14. You might want to play at least 10 ranked games before 3.3 to get some kinds of rewards from this season (season 5) before it ends broski....


    ..also it may surprise you to take a look at how marauders are doing on the solo leaderboards. They seem to be in the top half of classes to me. :)

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