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Posts posted by slukslaksla

  1. Hey folks,


    One of the questions that has come up regarding United Forces is character slots and what will be happening for everyone. After the update, it is possible that a player could have more characters than they have slots currently. For subscribers they will still be able to play all of their characters (even if they go over their slots) but they can’t make any new characters. We wanted to do our best to alleviate some of the issues for not only subscribers, but F2P and preferred status players as well. Here is what you can expect to see changed on November 8 alongside United Forces:


    • F2P players will have a default of 4 characters per server (up from 2)
    • Preferred players will have a default of 12 characters per server(up from 6)
    • Subscribers will have a default of 24 characters per server (up from 12)
    • The maximum character slots per server has been increased to 100 (up from 52)


    These new slot numbers are separate from any character slots which you have purchased. For subs, we are basically adding 12 character slots per server to your account (by making the new default 24 instead of 12). Ex:

    • Today, you are a subscriber who has never bought any character slots, you have 12 character slots per server. After the update on 11/8 you will have 24 slots per server.
    • Today, you are a subscriber who has purchased 30 additional character slots, meaning you have 42 per server (12 default + 30 purchased). After the update you will have 54 (24 new default + 30 purchased slots)


    This should give a bit of breathing room for players, especially if they played on more than one server which will be brought into a new server on 11/8.


    Thanks everyone.




    THANK YOU SO MOUCH! i have 67 characters on EU side alone, all will be on MALGUS when it hits and it would be a pain do delete close to 2 dozen chars just to make one new. so yea i like this change. still lets me make another 33 characters on EU side... (and i still got US servers too that i play on a bit.). trust me... i WILL fill all those slots eventualy... so hopefully there is room for expansion in the future... otherwise realy nice change. saved me from a heart attack there.

  2. those questions are all answered in the FAQ of the Fall Roadmap...



    you can keep and play all your characters after the merge BUT if you are above the cap you cannot create new ones


    that is what i was wondering about, as stated in my post i know you can keep them but i were wondering if you could make more (wich apperently you cannot) and also if you deleted enaugh wich servers slot amount would be present? both or the higher. wich i do not recall reading :) (pardon me if i forgot it and actualy DID read it) either way im in a bit of a trubble xD

  3. 1. I believe number 52 is hard capped and you can't unlock more slots beyond this number. However, they're looking into raising that number.


    2. Can you even have different number of slots on different servers? I'm quite certain an unlock token adds a slot to each server, whether you're there or not, so you should have the same number of characters slots on every server. Unless there is some other server-only unlock I'm not aware of.


    But I think you have as many slots as you paid for. 52 is the max number you can unlock, but you won't get those unlocks for free, if you didn't pay for them earlier. So if you had 10 slots on a server, you still have it, I think.


    ty for the reply, and idk about different on different servers i play mostly on TRE atm but i belive they are different. forgive me if they are not. otherwise im in a bit of trubble lol xD maybe i'll transfer some to US side or something. x_x

  4. imma try to keep this short but as always im not criticising , i just care alot for the game xD proffecional/developer input would be great lol.


    here goes:


    so basicly when the servers merge to my understanding we will also merge leagacys similar to a char transfer but ALL your chars are getting transfered.


    with the limit to the new server beeing around 50 chars i am in a bit of a trubble. currently my total chars on all servers goes at around 82 lvl 60+ chars and even more unleveled. (give or take) these chars (characters) are mostly on TRE and PROG (eu english servers) but also a few on US side.


    on eu side i top in on around 67 characters total thus at server merge i will be quite alot higher than the cap of around 50. im aware that you keep chars above the limit but how about if i want to make more?




    1: can i buy character tokens or slots and make chars above the limit 50 or is that final?


    2: if i delete enaugh chars to get under the cap of 50 must i still buy character tokens/slots to make a new one or is the slots i had on both servers combined?


    example: you have 10 chars/slots on prog and 5 on TRE . at merge you get 15 slots or 10? (combined or higher one?)


    thats kind of it. i know most dont have this issue, but i do honestly LOVE making and leveling characters so for me this is indeed a big issue as i would like to make more characters in the future too :D

  5. This ability will only be used in PVE. I don't see any way on how to force teammates to literally try to kill each other.


    in pvp just change it to a stun. so basicly like the sleep ability for stealth classes exept this would not be spammable. look at how its done in the game "jedi knight: jedi academy" something like that. id support a mind trick style ability.

  6. first off i want to say i am not hating on the update or the game. and i will try not to include spoilers.




    most of the kolto stations does not work/activate when you step on them, this is the case for MANY uprisings as well. i suggest changing back to the old "click stations" as they work just fine :D


    respawining at medcenter on last boss will put you back at train, meaning a wipe will make it impossible to finish the flashpoint and also you wont get your loot should allies finish for you.


    not sure if its a bug but the train part seems terribly optimized. my computer run the game on ultra np even in huge battles with 24+ ppl on yavin worldboss. but this simply beeing in train area makes it laggy and kind of ruins my experience. (all graphics are on ultra etc, including new shadow system). the preformance is returned to normal once i step off the train into the jungle.




    I HATE THE GAR CAP, i do have geared chars but still! i want to be able to que for mastermode even on my "bad geared chars". i have done hard mode OPS in 220 dps gear without setbonus AS A TANK during recent updates. sure i got carried hard but it just means that i had a grp of skilled players WHO DONT NEED 242 GEAR to be gud! i see NO REASON WHATSOEVER for this system to be a good thing. as if you find new or bad players thats the risk of doing pug. (i want old system back cus if you enter manualy (as you still can) you wont get the "finish any flashpoint in groupfinder" quest done!) the weekle 3x mm will finish but not the other one that works on all modes.


    Umbara tokens:


    first off having to do it 10/6/3 times on solo/vet/mm is a bad idea. i am no casual so im fine but others are not. (neither do i like to grind). i would suggest changing it to 6x solo 3x vet 1x mm. this would make it alot more balanced as it simply cuts down the time needed to get it not how hard it is.


    next one i must admit i HATE with PASSION! (yes im a powerfull sith indeed):


    you can only have 50 tokens EACH WEEK! pardon my language here but w-t-f??! i was looking forward to getting on music and grinding it out over night to then im the end have an amazing stronghold (Wich i have not yet looked at so it will be a surpeise for me)


    i suggest a simple fix for this: REMOVE THE TOKEN CAP COMPLETLY! nothing more to add there. again sry for the hatefull nature of this. if anything its a good source of power.... mhm...anyways!


    any thoughts or replys are as always, apreaciated.

  7. I hope you or Eric would be so kind to confirm that players will be able to unlock the stronghold using story mode only and that it won't need master modes done to unlock.


    yes, if you need master mode etc to unlock then RiP cus NOONE will be doing mm fp-s no more with 242 cap. and trust me i doubt your guildies want to farm mm fp 10 times for an achiv etc lol. HOPEFULLY either it can be unlocked with story/vet mode or just using cc and skip that entirely!


    i pray to potato that they do NOT make you do hard mode to get it, not cus hm is hard but cus noone will be queing for it anymore with 242 cap.


    EDIT: as a possible way to do it "right" for me at least, would be to drop the 242 cap thing and rather make solving the flashpoint up to the player. i see what you are trying to do here but i personaly do not think it would do what you hope it would, to make better ppl play together. finishing a misison is part of the proccess and if one fails then that is too.


    not trying to sht on the game or its dev procces here i still considder swtor one of my favorite games ever! just want to let you know my thoughts :p

  8. when it comes to HM fp changes i supose its to prevent leeches.. like 140 geared "just hit 70" or even better just hit 50, characters. that knows nothing. i have done mm FPs in rating 56 gear etc just fine cus me and my team knows our sht. otherwise i think 242 is to high as i do not have a raid team atm (although i am more than capible my sleep issues dont alow strict schedules, its complicated) so most my gear is from the every now and then pug raid. wich is fine but eh slow.


    mm fp is one of the best ways to get gear/cxp so i just hope you dont take away the dayly missions etc as entering manualy can do that if i recall correctly. (if not then no problem :D) i dont mind asking my guild for tank etc and go manual as long as i get the same amount of rewards/dayles as doing through gf.


    with this said i do have a couple ok geared chars one beeing 240+ but im that guy who loves to swap ALOT so hopefully for us that are not leeching nubs this change will only bee for the better, not worse.



    i am also wanting to say im wondering about this Stronghold i HOPE i can get it with CC as i like doing that. (dont want to grind too mouch) plz dont make it reputation locked etc lol. (im sure we will get answers for this soon though and meh i trust BW)


    3rd i am a bit sad to see that you are still not buffing sorcs (dps) yet. if this is the roadmap for the next 90 days... well i dunno if i can go 90 days with sorc beeing as bad as it is now.. (last nerf to bubble and self heal was not a good sign btw) so yeh im wondering when you are doing this utility stuff that you keep talking about :p

  9. hello... yea i think in PVP these changes wont have as much as an effect except for the changes to sorc heals. PVE tho... rip ranged.


    not rly sure there... some of the sorc healer changes apply to the entire class... such as static barrier beeing weaker. so we should see a LESS powerfull sorc in pvp all over... and thats asuming you play madness not lightning wich is even worse in terms of defense...


    cus to me pvp is all about defense... if you cant live then doing 12k dps dont matter... sorc doing under 9k dps at best gear/skills atm aint even got that... (and most normal player without a raid guild prob dont even have gear so they doing even lower dps.)


    pve wise we are fine.. we always were...


    it doesn't matter with dps in PVE if you gonna beat the boss anyways... as long as you hit minimum dps in pve ur fine cus boss is an AI so it does the same thing all the times... so asuming sorc hit at least minimum dps wich id say it does then PVE we will ALLWAYS be fine cus we have healers and tanks to back us up... so while running all mercs is faster ultimatly it dosn't matter cus ur beating the boss anyways.


    we dont have that in pvp however cus the matchmaking atm is potato...

  10. Well right now, my Guild leader is in NiM TFB WITH A SORC. Madness at that and the Madness sorc is pulling 8.3k. Not great compared to other classes but for where sorcs are at right now, thats pretty good. But I agree with everything you are saying. Guess what...the DEV DONT CARE!!! THEY DONT PLAY THIS GAME AND THEY SURE AS HELL DONT PLAY PVP. Cause if they did, they WOULDNT HAVE NINJA NERFED OUR STATIC BARRIER.


    as i stated: this is mostly for pvp as pve is more about tactics etc (and i asume they at least made sure its dps fit minimum requirements) meaning any bad spec should be able to do any content in the game including NiM content... some does indeed do it better than other though... alot better...

  11. been a bit since i posted now but yea sorc is getting NERFED! lol... read the healer changes, on the top it says changes for ALL OF SORC. not just healer. changes beeing nerfed self heals and way weaker static bubble lol...


    now ofc you asume: "but this will be countered in the buff of madness/lightning right?" well no.. or probebly no... madness buff most likely gonna be a small force sustain nerf or buff (depending on how BW feels) and a buff to deathfield and leech dmg. and lightning isn't even on the list! LMAO...




    now this is prob becuase the healer is OP (i think its fine atm but, who cares am i right?) mostly in pvp but also PVE as i seen sorc solo heal etc (for the record i seen all classes solo heal ops). now for pvp healer was a bit powerfull but that made it fun! the reason sorc heals is bad in pvp is not cus its OP-ness its cus the potato matchmaking system putting 3 sorc healers on 1 team and 0 on the other. and with any semi experienced healer on ur team no matter the class it will be harder for enemys.


    70% of all matches i play on TRE server is like this^^ having more healers on one team than ours got dps-es... sure you could talk about premades but back when matchmaking was actualy good... (or less ppl played healer, u decide) premades happend only now and then... and wasn't rly hard to counter.


    imo the heal OP-ness is ONLY becuase of the matchmaking (as pve wise all the heal classes can solo heal and in all situations they had full 248 gear and experience) in short change matchmaking not the class. i do agree sorc heals is a bit OP but only a bit... just tweak it a tiny bit like make roaming mend have more cooldown or something.


    and then theres the dps... we already have (__insert offensive word here__) dmg and defense... as an example the static barrier wich you are nerfing literly does not do anything at all... if you are beeing attacked by a merc any merc.. of any skill and gear, one v one you will ALWAYS lose seen you are not too skilled or geared urself. becuase static barrier dosn't do "peck" and the 25% dmg reduction stuff only last like 5 sec... with already ultra weak self heals for dps spec this nerf is gonna DESTROY the sorc pvp wise. not to mention lightning DAMAGE is not getting a buff...


    all in all this entire thread is about making the sorc more reliable and more powerfull not LESS... as i said before i do not asume to know biowares thoughts so who knows? maybe they are adding a great buff to madness and we wont even need lightning anymore... who knows? but right now sorc dps is in a CRITICAL state both dmg and defensive wise... but especialy defensive wise.



    the avarage regs pvp match for me i end up in the top 3 of scoreboard on my own team, so im not a master but i feel like i know my sht... when playing my mostly 236 geared sorc (who is also my main char so i got LOTS of experence) i never go higher than maybe 5th or 6st place.. on the board. and i feel like im pretty good as the sorc...


    one merc is all it needs and having not tested it i think this merc nerf aint gonna change sht... again have not tested it so idk... now most of this thread is dedicated to sorc PVP and not pve but even in pve the dps is lower than other classes unless you have the best gear etc.. (wich atm cus im lazy, i dont)



    so bioware... plez. if you are reading this post... (asuming you not already are) plez make the sorc BETTER not worse.

    an example is to make unnatural preservation or whatever its called similar to merc/pt adrenaline/kolto thing.. that heals you for longer but when you need it. that and make static barrier MORE POWERFULL and mabe also build healing stacks like merc. (and plz fix the merc net bug where they net you and it dissables god bubble, asuming thats actualy a bug...)


    *sigh* i would get great grades from writing an essay like this in school lol...

  12. Lol yeah waaaaaaaay too powerful. Force Speed doesn't impact overall DPS (other than in situations of high mobility) cause it doesn't impact the GCD in any way, shape, or form. Unless that alacrity bug is still there, in which case, that's not REAL DPS lol. And yeah all that can hit pretty hard, but still not nearly as hard as the auto crits the other classes get, and they get them just about as often. Lightning will never be, and IMO, should never be as bursty as the other classes because they've got pretty good sustained DPS as well.


    Forked Darkness is a 25% to hit 25% harder, which overall is about 6.25% more damage per attack. 25% of 20k is 5k. Not really too much of a bump, but if Forked Darkness was affected by Chaos Nexus, that would be hella bursty. And fun. Mostly fun.


    i agree a bit, but only a bit. lightning can indeed be bursty but only for small windows of time. seperated by your buff cooldowns. as i try to say here i do not think L-sorc needs a change of mechanics only a slight number increase. cus burst dont matter if its not killing anyone. 6k crit does not = good if compared to say arsenal or even mara carnage.


    on my mara carnage, my carnage ability crits 10k+ regularly... thats a spam ability... and higher crit than my sorc- gets on anything at all.. add my full rotation and i can prob do up to 60-70k dmg in a couple seconds. (if all my abilitys crit good)

  13. In PvP TB won't hit quite as hard (cause it's PvP and you shouldn't be hitting harder) but also I don't think bosses have a Mark of Power equivalent - meaning in PvP people have a 10% higher internal damage reduction that bosses do not. So yeah your TB isn't gonna hit near as hard. Also, another reason your TB isn't hitting as hard is because you've got a TON of crit. Crit's the least contributing factor when it comes to a "highest hit" hence why all augments (crit/alacrity/mastery) were converted into Power, and only the enhancements were converted from alacrity to crit. (cause there isn't such a thing as "power enhancements" like there once was - everything enhancement has power on it already). In PvP myself, I'm lucky to see at the end of a match "Biggest hit [>20k]", and in PvE, for the time being, my average crit is like 19990. It _sounds_ like you're using crit relics? I would suggest swapping those out for Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault.


    In full 248 gear, with the mastery stim, this is what my stats will look like. This is where I like them. Are the most optimal stats? I have no clue, that's not why I like them where I like them.



    Now I don't believe relics can stack anymore. So this is the DPS increase of just TB alone when affected by the different Relics in descending order.






    Even if they DID stack, Mastery+Power would still be the best combination. Here they are stacked, again in descending order.






    Even if just ONE Relic Procced, either Power or Mastery would give you a bigger DPS increase than the Crit Relic alone. In descending order.






    The only time having the Crit relic increases my DPS more than either a Mastery or a Power proc, is if I lose so much crit (and tank my DPS) that I don't hit the DR on crit when it procs and even then, I'm doing less DPS overall, and over the duration of the relic proc. This is the same single power relic link as up there, vs the new stats and having the crit relic proc for comparison.



    New stats+ Crit:https://gyazo.com/1781aee9bc96df4d35ee833855c2e662


    Obviously everyone's situation is different - priorities, stats - but I would seriously consider swapping that crit relic out and trying another. If this was old lightning, and our Force Lightning proc was based on Affliction criticals, I could see an argument possibly being made for using the crit relic, but as it stands in today's world, it's just not worth taking.


    (And yes the base stats look a lil different from the other post. Found some typos that put the whole thing outta wack, and I fixed em)


    just wanna point out im aware of this^^ im just a scrub and wanted to see what i could get out of it lol. so ye...

  14. 60k in 4 Globals seems more plausible. But even then (did some tinkering w/ my spreadsheet... yes I'm a nerd and have a spreadsheet) moved all my stats into crit/power (massive DPS loss, don't recommend) and TB still only hit for like not even 25k.




    Character Stat Sheet on the left, the actual number of each stat in the middle, and how it affects TB on the right. Note this is for PvP not PvE, so there's absolutely no accuracy involved. And it's assuming all 248 pieces.




    Even with both 248 relics procced, the crit w/ Recklessness is not even 28k, so IDK where you're getting 35k from, but plz gimme it. Cause 35k would be sick af. Now if Chain Lightning were to hit 8 targets, on average that would do about 80k w/ 1 gcd. But again it's spread out on 8 targets.




    Assumes 30% armor.


    sitting at roughly 3.7k crit with both 230 relics proced(rest gear beeing combo of 230/236) i can confirm i never seen higher than 15-20k 20k beeing RARE.

    this ofc is also in pvp. on dummy i bearly scratch 13k

  15. There's no way, it's logistically impossible to do 60k in one hit all on your own.


    Futhermore, stating that he is doing 9.5k in ops 'no problem' with the single lowest DPS spec, unlikely. I'm not saying that it's impossible to do 9.5k in a fight here and there, but "no problem" implies regularly. There are very few Raid parses on Parsley showing Lightning doing 9.5k or higher even on SM and in virtually all the instances of hitting 9.5 and higher[and there aren't many at all] they almost all include a notable amount of Adds being involved with suggests that most of the rare 9.5 and up are achieved with fluffing numbers with AOEs on the adds.


    There are whole operations where there is not one instance of a lightning sorc reaching 9.5k. 10k instances even rarer, but that's via fluff.


    To be fair, a lot [but by no means all] of the highest parses in Operations involve fluff.


    No adds, no exploit, I'm not buying it as "no problem".


    Plausible, in some cases yes, "no problem", unlikely save for fights with add presence.


    Those with above 9.5K likely some of them are via exploit.


    few updates back i hit 43k crit on heatseekers combine with the lockon rocket thing and priming shot u got 60k+ dmg in less than a second. that was on merc though... so yea... i want what he says to be true but i know its most likely not...

  16. Is this a joke? Tell me it is.


    Telek isn't on this first list.

    Telek isn't on priority of class balancing.




    "Let's FINALLY balance Sage and Sorc. But hey, let's do it to the 2 best specs first instead of working first on the worst ones."


    That's simply unbelievable.


    i do not asume to know how bioware thinks but maybe they taking the "easiest" specs first? the ones that needs the least work on them, then they take the harder ones later so that next update we will at least have something while waiting for telek and ligh... idk just a thought.

  17. you make me lol really nerf the healers the healers need a bigger buff and beter defense skills

    we are here to help the party and not get kilt every sec


    healers are always main target so we need to stand our ground

    there are almost no healers in pvp same as tankers its more a full dps party pretty boring


    i play my self so 90% heal classes and i know how hard it is for us in pvp so 4 players jump on you

    every time ad least my saga can take a beating and can out heal a lot


    and you wanna nerf healers lol



    LOL what server u on?! on TRE 80% of all DAYTIME matches has more healers then dps-es lol... (wich is why i mostly pvp at night when they all asleep)


    most the matches has like 3h on enemy teams and none on yours too. making it fairly unbalanced and just plain boring. then you have the heal fests with 5+ on both teams noone dies... this happens ALoT more often than it should.


    healers are also awesome right now. on my 230 setbonus geared sorc i can often solo heal with 0 deaths if my team is at least decent in the dmg department. remember: you must heal yourself too ;P


    there is ofc matches were the enemy are simply "better", well in that scenario id just quit and q again.


    but in the end sorc healers are argubly OP now if u know ur sht. i seen sorc heals solo heal hm ops several times. and personaly been solo healer for pvp many times with like 5-6mil healing some times.

  18. Hooo boy... don't usually post on the forums but even I've got to comment on this. If you watched the video, even just a few mins, maybe not even, you'd find there's a lightning sorc in the raid by the name of Talen Jor. He's in 3rd most of the fight, only besting the AP PT Casaf, but he's neck and neck with the Virulence Sniper Arbitron (and actually surpasses him) for a big chunk of the fight - right up to the end when they downed Nim Brontes with *gasp* a ligntning sorc in the group (which is the point of the link, not to have downed it from a lightning PoV, but that there was a sorc present for a Nim kill....). Amazing what you can learn by watching videos.


    Yes lightning is in a bad spot, sure it could do with a few passive lil buffs make things a titch easier, but the only thing keeping it from being "viable" is the lack of a player's skill. Talen, obviously, he's got what it takes to make lightning work. Not everyone does, not everyone can do what he does, but that doesn't mean that everyone is 100% crap at the class. I don't blame people for not wanting to take a sorc DPS along for raids (not when the typical graph for DPS values looks like https://gyazo.com/d2998588f33023326392d9034a354295 that in the vast majority of fights according to starparse) and I would love some lil goodies (the class is my baby, so duh, plz bring me all the buffs) to make people not auto-decline sorcs, or at the first hint of troubles in a pug to automatically assume it's the sorc doing not enough DPS (instead of people not paying attention to mechanics...) but the video shows that we can do some pretty amazing things even in "our current state".


    having not watched the vid yet i only asume everyone in the grp is in good gear? cus after you have 240+ gear on ur L-sorc it does boost the numbers A BIT problem is dps wise a 230 mara can (im asuming) beat a L-sorc in say 242 gear.. if not 248. seen they both are played by equaly skilled players. i ofc never tested this so take it with a pinch of salt but i am trying to say that not everyone has a raid guild capable of providing full 248 gear to a L sorc ...


    this means that the small "defenders" of the current L sorc mostly, mhm.. "dont know sht". pardon my lack for a better term. i do not wish to start an argument here ofc, i want sorc to be viable in ALL modes and ALL content. maeybe not another merc but make it viable, aka a SOLID choice.


    (in my opinion) from a lore/story perspective the sorc is arguably the most powerfull.. perhaps after/before the warrior. i want it to feel like hes powerfull too. jugg rage for instance is KILLER in pvp i slay foes with 20k + crits even in old 208 ranked gear still on. while sorc in same situation bearly manage to hit 9-10k crits on CL ... storywise a sorc should be able to destroy vehicles with hes lightning and would never be limited to charging phone batteries like he is now...


    so i dont think we need to discuss why sorc needs to be buffed rather how it needs to be buffed!

  19. 6k damage dps is low?


    keep in mind pvp dont need dps rather it needs what i call "DWN" (damage when needed) so if you can have a short powefull burst phase buffed to death with raid buffs and the likes yes sorc can be good.


    with a good team backing you up? yes ANY class can be good.


    as i always say pleb + pleb =pro if they work together. in pve however unless u got great gear and skill your dps will lag behind. wether it will be fatal and cause you to wipe idk but ppl will take note and prioritize thusly.


    imo pve is fine as long as you dont run a full team of dps sorcs. its pvp that worrys me. the main pvp problem to me is not beeing able to do dmg before i die.


    aka i jump in buffed up, do my dmg and cus its low enemy dont die. they now are swarming me and cus im netted by merc and stunned i have nowhere to go. aka im dead.


    i dont think i need to say it anymore cus im sure ppl understand by now that sorc got low dmg AND low defense. again i keep healer separate cus obveus reasons as its dps that is the problem.


    sure we dont want another merc but im sure i can speak for everyone when i say we want sorc to be "more" competetive. make sorc a desirable class for both pvp and pve! make it something that not only looks cool but is cool.

  20. A couple of things:

    Both Sorc dps specs need buffs. I don't know anyone who understands game balance who disagrees.


    I'm not sure what you and your friend are doing, but if you can't get crits over 15k, then you are doing something wrong. The average crit for my Thundering Blast is 19-20k, and I'm not in full 248.


    Sorc Healing is too powerful in PvP, and it needs some adjustments. While they can nerf the healing a little bit, they need to address this as a PvP issue as too much will hurt PvE healing. One idea that I've seen that I quite like is using bolster to nerf overall healing by a significant amount or buff PvP trauma.


    Merc DCDs need to be nerfed but their damage is fine. Other classes simply need damage buffs.


    yee i agree. when it coems to our crits well that was just what my friend told me i have not actualy confirmed it msyelf :p sry if it was wrong. ligthing still sucks though.

  21. i made a big post about this a bit back: here about the sorc and why/what it needs to balance.


    lots of interesting stuff there.


    but yes as u guessed sorc NEEDS a dmg buff aka we need both lightning AND madness to be buffed.


    now pardon me if my post there or here sounds a bit salty or angry but, i just love the sorc so mouch. its the first ever class i played back close to launch and it always was the coolest looking one to me.:)


    to sum up my thread though, sorc healer is fine (as long as pvp matchmaking gets tweaked to not have 4 of them on 1 team). and madness/lightning needs a overall buff to dmg both burst and sustained.


    example: the highest crit i had as a lightning sorc in roughly full 230 gear was 10-11k on the hardest hitting abilities. the more spammable stuff i never got more than 5-7k (easely out-healed in pvp) and my guildie in full 248 sorc had never seen higher than 14-15k crits. (and those were only rearly happening)


    then you have mercs net ability wich can literly cancel your only death defying defensive (aka force barrier) wich in pvp is quite bad considdering it can only be cleanced by cc break. wich has a wary long cd.


    this combined with the fact that sorcs heals aint exactly great as a dmg spec makes you a mercs dream, or anyones dream for that matter. not to mention barrier only prolongs the innevitable and ur gonna die the second its off, unless you were lucky enaugh to place a phasewalk before u went into the fight.


    to me the highest priority would be to nerf merc considderably both their dmg and defense, and buff those same things for the sorc.

  22. Well there you have it folks!




    So the class that had the LOWEST SINGLE TARGET DPS gets put on the back burner...

    Just unbelievable!


    TRY AGAIN IN SEPTEMBER LIGHTING/TK hahahahahahaahahahah


    lmao thay actualy did hatred sin over sorc xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD gg lol

    this is a link to a post i made about sorc and stuff:



    sorc is litterly useless now. i seen ppl ask for HM KP (KP the easiest one) and say "need 3dps 1h 1t kp hm, NO SORCS ALOWED" not low geared sorcs NO SORCS AT ALL!


    its that bad lol.


    either nerf every other class to oblivion or buff sorc to the point it can 1v1 ANY class seen its geared and played well.

  23. NO !


    we need a passive dmg buff on our abilities. other classes casualy spamming their crap doing WAY higer dmg with some low cd abilities then a lighting sorc with his entire freaken rotation. Also Sorcs are like paper we should have High dmg all the time.


    100% agreed i like the idea of the polarity shift thing but sorc desperatly NEEDS a passive dmg buff. not saying make sorc as great as it was before but make it a class u can 1v1 a merc with. EVERY class should be able to 1v1 eachother seen its played fair and by skilled ppl etc.


    i literly have never been killed by a dps sorc in ages. i been finished off by them sure but never gone from 100%hp to 0 just from a sorc alone. not even close.


    the problem is on the table. i think the best way to "fix sorc" is to buff its dmg considderably to a point where u can have 20k+ crits on more than one ability. do that and maybe add some more defense like that old idea of moving force barrier and spice up phase walk a bit and we are fine.

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