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Everything posted by Ryyx

  1. And I said they should drop everything for this where exactly...?
  2. Without knowing a ton on Star Wars lore (whether the droids are considered sentient/alive/etc.), I can't say for sure. But just assuming with your comparison to a TV or car, no that is not the same. First, one (by your own words) is explicit sexual content (having sex with tools essentially), while the other is no different than the OGRs already present in the game. As BW has already included such options in their games that are driven around story and customization, this really isn't any different than what they have already done and stated they want to do.
  3. Agreed. Hell, we don't even need the game. We could just RP the entire thing without actually playing it if the "just RP it" line of thinking kept up.
  4. It has already been explained by a few on how the Sith use these emotions and how they lead to power the dark side, etc, so I would retread over that. As for real life, I think it is very contextual whether these emotions are useful or not, as it can probably change from situation to situation. Someone already brought up, that having no fear can lead to complacency or just stupid decisions in general, but as also pointed out being controlled by fear can be just as harmful in different ways. Everything in moderation I suppose.
  5. Hey all! First post in the forums, but I just wanted to lend my support for SGRs in SWTOR. As a bisexual man, I fully support greater diversity within such a rich story that the SW universe provides and moving beyond just the confines of straight, cisgender, white, masculine, etc. Also, great work from you all trying to keep Bioware/EA accountable and I hope to get more involved in the conversation!
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