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Posts posted by Ozlandu

  1. Since the answer was told, yeah, it's the Swede.

    Now for the dude who said it be all of them... No, that's false.


    I'm assuming in a math exam, if the question of a specific exercise asks you the speed of the wind (say there are circumstances), you're not going to ask "are we in the north pole or in mexico, because the speed is different" and you're also not going to ask about the weather conditions, are you?


    There's only one valid/possible/correct answer, and it's the Swede! Congratulations to those who got it. The actual 2% is what, 150m humans that couldn't resolve it? Factor in people under 12 (assume they can't do it) and people over 50 (same), how many people of the 7.3bil is that? I think the 2% could actually be reasonable.




    Also, if you think you can only obtain the answer by guessing, well you're in the 98%. Every clue gives you something to work with and eventually (assuming you read the clues properly) you end up with one possible answer. It's a bit like a sudoku puzzle, where you can only place one number at a time, and each time you put one in the grid, it males you able to find another one. It's very similar, and no one -really no one- guesses a sudoku.



    I dunno man, I'm not going to argue the math or the syntax of the riddle. I think it speaks for itself. But it was a good brain twister and a fun read.

  2. If you take the question at face value, then the answer is the swede. If you think it's a trick question then the answer could be all of them.



    It has to be a trick question. It's illogical that 98% of people guessing a 1 to 4 answer would guess incorrectly.


  3. 98% of the people in the world is a bad generalization of a small demographic ever asked this question. If it's based on the assumption of an average IQ ratio it is an even poorer generalization. The question itself identifies one person as keeping dogs (The Australian). If there are five possible answers, one is immediately eliminated making it only four possible answers. If a person just guessed blindly after this one deduction, they would have a 25% chance of guessing correctly. Thus out of 100 people (let's say that's the worlds population) approximately 25 would guess correctly making it only feasible for 75% of the worlds population to guess wrong. And that's assuming they used no other problem solving skills aside from the one very obvious deduction. Personally I see Einstein as a man of reason and logic but more importantly a man of numbers. I do not see him making a miscalculation like this and view the question as a low brow attempt to give a clever riddle more credability with an impressionable audience.


    That being said, I found this post pretty entertaining. Thanks.




    I did not include my answer to the riddle so I will do so now.



    Five men live in five houses of five different colors;

    -It does not say five men live in five seperate houses of five seperate colors. Therefore I have to assume each man lives with the other four in each of the five houses or each has five houses they live in.


    They smoke five different brands of cigars, drink five different beverages, and keep five different pets.

    -Again, it does not say seperately so I have to assume each man has five of each.


    The answer would be that they all keep cats.


  4. Thanks for the feedback everyone, it helps in getting some perspective on current class balances for me and where I should best begin investing my time. Although I think they are all worth playing, it's good to read that there is open mindedness about the utilization of an unorthodox class fulfilling the DPS role. It makes sense that certain classes offer party buffs that are just universally a good thing, coupled with good damage for the win. Just interesting to me that these really awesome classes are potentially so versatile, even viable, and capable of fullfilling multiple roles based on need or want.


    Thanks again for the feedback, I look forward to experimenting with this and testing it out for myself.

  5. Lots of very helpful feedback, actually considering getting back into tanking after learning about how much easier it is to manage aggro with the PT/Van. I love tanking, just not the micromanaging people part. Honestly I feel like if I could just recruit competent AI companions instead of the random pug pools I get I would probably go that route. Not to mention dibs on all the gear haha.


    Anyway that's neither here nor there, it is however helpful and I appreciate all the feedback from veteran players of the game. Being a bit unorthodox about my approach to a class is what drew me to SWTOR in the first place. I liked the idea of using a Jedi Knight to wreck face instead of being a meat shield, or a very dangerous Boba Fett style PT that can go toe to toe with the best of them. I'm an old skool SW fan, set in my silly ways. This was really just about getting a feel for the long term development of the class and as is the fate of most classes in MMO's, it's preferred end role in the group. Gonna go to the drawing board with these notes (Yeah, I actually wrote down some of the stuff you guys said) and test it for myself. Thanks for the links too.

  6. i run commando (gun) as my main dps, and (mainish) merc on impside. Have gs, sent, and sniper on 55 (+mara on 42 or smth) too but just like freedom to be versatile... sure you cant hit the top of the leaderboard but who really gives a...... :D


    Also vang is my main tank and AP-PT is just under testing on kaas and early pvp


    I hear ya. My initial concern was in choosing a class that just gets eclipsed by another in end game content. I realize every class is viable if played well, but lets be honest; the majority of people in end game content work with numbers not theory. I don't have a guild nor a character anywhere near end game at this point so it's really not an issue for me in my current situation. But it will be, and I would like to think long term about it so as to maximize reward and make the most of my time. I'm not really interested in creating a bunch of alts, though I suspect I will just for the different stories. Ideally I would like one, maybe two main characters that can see me through all the advanced end game content then perhaps on to PvP.


    Sounds like if I'm not going to tank, a flexible DPS/Healer is the way to go. Thank you for the feedback everyone, gonna go roll a Slinger and a Merc. But please feel free to add anything, all feedback is/has been appreciated. :)

  7. Unfortunately popular belief is that only snipers and marauders are up for the challenge of higher tier content, so if a raid leader is particularly stubborn he will pick up those classes first.

    Some require more skill than others, some cannot be stacked, but the truth is every class is perfectly viable for any kind of content if played correctly.

    If you're interested in numbers here's the dps leader board thread


    Interesting content, thank you. Although according to those numbers Slingers and Merc's actually rank higher than Mar/Sents or Snipers unless I'm reading it wrong. So why on earth would someone prefer them over a Merc/Slinger? Is it for the additional aggro a Ranged DPS pulls vs a Melee DPS? Thanks by the way for the link.

  8. Ideally, if you have a choice I'd say be a Merc, I think they're the most versatile class in the game. Heavy armor, Burst spec with Arsenal, Sustained with Pyro, good array of AoE attacks in any spec, a great off heal that's an instant AoE on short CD, cleanse is always good, knockback, Hydraulic Overrrides, 1min CC usuable on bio or droid, and fully ranged to avoid lots of stupid boss proximity AoE. They also make great healers.


    What you said makes alot of sense. I also like the fact that the Merc could spec into healing for better FP ques. That might be the way I roll for my main since it's looking like my idea of using non traditional DPS classes out of character seems to be pretty unacceptable by most information I've found.


    What's your opinion on the Merc's end game viability with PvE content and PvP content? Does the class balance out well or does it lean more towards one sort of playstyle vs another? Sorry I realize I shouldn't be asking Merc questions in the PT forum, but it's all Bounty Hunter so hopefully it's reasonable.

  9. Hello DPS gurus. Was wondering what your thoughts are on using classes more typically associated with other defined roles for picking up the DPS mantle. For example, Do you think a Guardian could ever truly fill the DPS slot if built/equipped properly? How about a Powertech? Would you ever consider using any one of those classes over a more traditional DPS class, like Slingers/Merc/Mar/Sents etc. for end game NiM content? Is it viable? If not, what classes in your opinion excel in the DPS role better than the rest for versatility and preferability in groups?


    Not a very experienced player myself so I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

  10. Hello Guards. Been reading up on the class quite a bit and have found enough information about it meditate on for a year. Kinda overwhelming for players like myself, but I'm excited to learn and figured I'd further that learning by asking a question here.


    In the raid videos and streams I've watched, I can't say I've seen a guard in a DPS role. My experience is just that though. This interest me because I would like to use a Guard for a DPS instead of a Sent simply for the meaningless cosmetic difference of one lightsaber vs two. I'm also a fairly experienced tank, but after watching alot of end game content I just don't feel comfortable with micromanaging other players as much as I do my own abilities. So rambling aside my question is, Is It Viable To Have A Guard In a DPS Slot For End Game Content? Or is it one of those things that people just shake their heads at and either politely endure or boot without hesitation?


    Asked a similiar question on the PT forum and got pretty much a 'No' there. Starting to think the designated Tank classes, aside from maybe the Assassin/Shadow, are in the end best optimized for that role. However it seemed the PT was once capable of fulfilling that role, so it lead me here to see if my next choice in character is viable. Trying to nail down a main, so any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  11. Hello PT's. I've considered rolling a PT for sometime, and have flopped back and forth between classes like a bad habit. I think I've found my calling in tanking, but I'm average at best. Even so I know I will get better if I stick to it instead of re rolling. I've messed around with the Guard and Jugg and found them both to be rewarding in their own way, but pretty similiar. I recently ran a FP with a PT who was incredibly efficient and had great control of both the group and the aggro. I guess it just kinda put stars in my eyes and I wanted to get a feel of where the community stood regarding a PT's current viability.


    I do like PvP, though it's not my focus currently. I'm more interested in PvE content, so my question is more or less directed at PvE. How does the PT hold up compared to other tanking classes? If you were to que for some end game content and saw a PT tank, would you think "Oh ****, this is going to suck." or "Oh great, I love PT's. This should be good." Have you ever seen a PT que as DPS? Is that viable?


    I just wanna make sure I invest my time wisely. All thoughts/opinions appreciated.

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