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Everything posted by Occams_Razor

  1. Wooohoo, one of our teams now has Styrak down on HM, another team's close behind. We're hearing rumors about improved PvP queues in upcoming patches and planning accordingly, so why not apply today and get ready for more awesome!?
  2. Well, as it's Friday, it's time for a status report! Still have some room for more awesome folks. Apply today!
  3. Looking for an established guild running current content and preparing for the next big thing? Then look no further. Twisted Legends is the guild for you. Whether it's PvP, PvE, or anything in between, we've got a hankering to share in those adventures. Apply today!
  4. Don't have a case of the Mondays! Apply to Twisted Legends today, and find a home for your awesome!
  5. Hey there, mates! Twisted Legends is a guild for people who want to spend time with similarly awesome folks. We do Ops, WZs, and all the good stuff. If you're heading over to Harbinger and looking for a great group to hang with, check out our thread here. And don't forget to bring your awesome!
  6. Folks, we've got plenty of room for more players interested in elder game content. WZs sound like a gas? Apply today to get your spot in our RWZ team. Ops more your thing? We're looking for a few good DPS to round out a 16-man team. Stop procrastinating and apply today, get where the awesome is!
  7. It's hump day! I've got to go to a wedding this weekend, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't apply to Twisted Legends. There's no time to lose! Apply today so you don't miss out on even a minute of awesome!
  8. If you haven't heard from anyone yet, look for Brickette online and harass the hell outta him, he's such a slacker (He's also me! ;-)) Actually, that was me, and I apologize, we jumped into our evening Operation and I lost track of our chat. Holler at me again, in the stalker channel if you'd like, and we'll discuss your application!
  9. Sorry we missed you in chat, sir! Last night was a pretty busy one, with two Ops teams hammering out some content. One team nearly one-shot TFB HM (stupid beacon sneaking up on us!) Meanwhile, we're still looking for a few good folks to help us fill out the rosters and expand into PvP. Are you awesome? Then apply today!
  10. Seemed like the OPs responses were frankly baiting/antagonizing the "bullies." I believe that bullying is wrong, but if you're responding to aggressive comments in chat with "love me long time" I feel like maybe you aren't the victim you are setting yourself up to be...
  11. Please do! Some of our newer members aren't as active in the channel, but there's enough of us old-timers to keep things interesting. And even if you're not looking to stalk us in our channel, you might just want to apply today. We added a few more awesome folks this week and our Fri/Sat 16-man probably only needs a few more awesome folks to round it out. Better apply today!
  12. It's Memorial Day! Twisted Legends salutes all who serve, and particularly all who have given their lives in service.
  13. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? I don't know that, but I *DO* know that Twisted Legends still has lots of room for awesome people! We have two 8-man Op teams churning through content at a good clip, a number of quality new recruits for our third team (with room for more) and the foundations for a solid RWZ team. Apply today to help fill out the remaining positions!
  14. So please look us up in-game and give us a shout! We look forward to chatting with you. Remember, if you need the perfect place to put your awesome on display, you're looking for us. And we're looking for you! Apply today!
  15. Brickette, Evilchild, Greenoskar, Richlieu, or Bulwyrk are your best bets currently.
  16. Wouldn't you like some awesome folks to hang with while squandering your summer in front of a computer!? So would we! Apply to Twisted Legends today!
  17. Folks, we've still got plenty of room in our 16-man Fri/Sat Op team, so if you're interested in checking out the endgame content in a big group of awesome folks, apply today!
  18. What's got dozens of active members, three Ops teams, and a whole lot of awesome? Twisted Legends! Sign up today to be part of the fun!
  19. Summer heat getting you down? Join Twisted Legends! There's plenty of cool to go around!
  20. Astalder, apologies that I keep missing you. Keep a sharp eye out for Brickette or Bulwyrk and send me a tell if you spot me online!
  21. Well, one of our teams has expanded a bit and is exploring 16-man content. Sound like just the thing for you? Apply today!
  22. Want a vacation? From the ordinary? Join Twisted Legends today and begin your vacation among a group of extraordinary people just like you!
  23. Summer is almost upon us. That means more time to play SWTOR! And who wouldn't want to do that with a great group of people? Apply today!
  24. Another great group of recruits this weekend. Continue to be astounded by how many awesome people are looking for us. So if you're one of those awesome people, don't hesitate! Apply today, and let's make next week as twisted as possible!
  25. Friday: the summation of the week. What have you accomplished? If you need something to finish off the to-do list, apply to Twisted Legends today! It's basically the only important thing you need to do this week. Give us a shout!
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