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Everything posted by therealeasy

  1. I think PT is a 'close range' class but not melee. While they have some melee abilities, PT loses a toe to toe fight against any good jug/marauder/assassin. PT is a 'within 10m' fighter IMO, keep them just out of range of their attacks, occasionally duck in to land the close ranges, while trying to hover at optimal range of 10m.
  2. OK but that is an invention of the out-of-movies lore right? In the movie it doesnt show that and implies he gets eaten i read a few books and would like to check out more but i am not too familiar with the other literature so i dont know if he became a ****** but in the movie he was definitely not a 'mandalorian warrior,' again i like the mandalorians but i dont think they are mentioned in the movie at all similarly the idea of thousands of jedi seems detached from the originals i understand this is the old republic and i think this game is great and i like the lore, i just think, between the mass number and proliferation of jedi and lightsabres, the extravagant armor and the new lore... besides some references to them, it feels several steps detached from the original films
  3. i know there are star wars novels, comics, graphic novels, games like KOTOR which were great as well, etc they have added a lot to the SW universe but when i think of star wars i think of the original trilogy one of the most interesting additions, present in this game and the lore, are the mandalorians, who were even said to have warred and battled the jedi but, the only 'mandalorian-esque' character in the movies, was bobba fett, who in my opinion was a rather weak subservient character who was dispatched by luke as not much more than an inconvenience and polished off by solo in a moment of comedy relief.. flying into the sand monster also the idea that nonforce users , smugglers, republic or imperial troops, could fight jedi, who in the original series seemed to be very rare , and their lightsabres were regarded as special. for example, solo often comes up with the plan and does great against the empire guards, but you dont see him blasting darth vader. when he does, vader blocks the shots with his hands and pulls his gun effortlessly... the movies really give an idea that jedi are far more powerful. even thinking about it, the jedis used the force which set them above during the space combat scenes, from what i can remember. i know the lore has changed and classes are balanced so everyone can be useful but i would be interested to hear others opinion on this. it seems the game is clearly more based on a 'universal SW lore' perspective than an ode to the original trilogy i personally think it is great, i like the balance and the mandalorians, but does everyone?
  4. Hey The Esseles and The Black Talon both have great stories available and voice chat, options, within the mission They are really great and fun to play through I havent made it too far or to ops yet but the ones following are good and fun too, but they follow a similar but 'cutscene-less' progression of bosses and an end boss, with maybe a few quick options it seems like the first 2 are the best to me do any of the ones later on get to be a bit more involved? if not, in my opinion that would be great to focus on for any to be developed next
  5. is this a bug because of the standard/strong target variation or intended ? why not strong target damage for pvp ?
  6. Yes i am mostly interested in regular, unranked warzones, but at 50. I wanted to make sure I am not making a mistake staying here if that is what I am interested in before i invest the time. So far things have been great and that sounds like a good number so I will probably stay here.
  7. Thanks for the replies all hmm there is some interesting information to consider one of the things that is most important to me is the warzone 'community' size. i think i would rather be playing in a pool of 500, to make up a number, regular players , than saying 80 to 100 and end up playing the same teams over and over. i am thinking this is more likely on the ebon hawk? or are there enough players that it doesnt end up with the same match over and over? pre 50 things seem well varied but, i am guessing that there are more people doing warzones pre 50, though i may be wrong
  8. hello fun game i started f2p and upgraded bceause I think it's great, have a good time when i started I picked this server because it said mature. i am not interested in world pvp in this type of game too long to explain (i can do it or do without it, its neither a positive or a negative for me), or roleplaying heavily, though i dont mind grouping with players who are a bit more serious in pve and pvp. i am interested in pve and i like the stories but my main focus is warzone pvp. i find it to be a lot of fun. before i get too far into my characters i was wondering, how is the pvp scene here compared to servers like prophecy of the five? pre50 warzones seem to launch really fast with a good mix of players, and there seem to be tons of level 50s running around near the pvp area on fleets. is the pvp scene good here or if i want my main focus to be warzones would i be better off on the pvp server? thanks for any advice
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