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  1. 1: What would the chances be to get "Luke Skywalkers Sand Speeder" added to the game? that would be rather cool.. 2: I think a cool change of pace would be to give players the option of switching sides.. For Example: if yer a Sith and you play yer toon to walk the path of light, there can be a place / person you can goto / talk to to talk about switching sides, to goto the Republic side (sith joining the Jedi order to become good) or the other way around.... Jedi going bad can switch sides to goto the Empire / Sith.... I would really think that would be a cool idea, and some ppl would love it, I know I would. IF it seems like a good idea, maybe you can send me a message via E-Mail so I can tell my friends that I talk to to get them to play the game lol!!!! Ty for your time, I hope it works you guys.... Jon Yuhas
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