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Everything posted by Holanos

  1. Don't irritate him with this "reality" thing...... Something like reading a Dev Blog ist totally inappropriate these days.....i mean,why should someone do this when a complaint in the forum or the chats creates MUCH more attention than actually INFORM himself what is really happening? We have a role model for that at the top of the us goverment so you can't be really suprised that bevaviour like this is getting more and more common.... Reality? There is only MY reality and anyone that denies it is spreading fake news....
  2. level3 ist das problem...wenn du nicht über die geroutet bist hast du 32 ms wie ich .... Ich zum beispiel werde über telia geroutet und obwohl die es in der vergangenheit oft waren ist es jetzt level3....
  3. The same reason a dog licks his balls .... Because they can :-)
  4. NEVER play the mentioned Dark Souls then.....only ONE way to survive,you have to do EVERYTHING 100% correct and a slight glitch in it kills you..... THIS is hard..... What you mentioned is only a boil on the butt :-) And btw @Damask_Rose.... This conversation goes about the deniement of a variation in gameplay....those who deny something others like and demand just what they expect are the problem here......don't try to replace cause and effect...... Criticzing something new just because it's not the same someone wants is nothing about "liking or not"...it's about forcing its own will over those of others.....
  5. yes it's gone automatically even if you were online that moment....for you maybe you have to relogg....but that would be weird because for others it worked automatic... But still even if it WOULD be shown on your pc as you intend....it's gone anyway....
  6. You can't tell people that see variations of the "kill x to get y" as disturbing their routine and annoying because they had to adept to new challenges something like this. On the other hand the same people say they hate grinding... Well.... doing they same type of mission just varianting via the npc type is grinding too.... But they don't see this... They have a clear idea how this game should be in their mind and even a slight variation of this picture like the walker already disturbs them...or a more slow paced part like the "thief thing" is not acceptable..... This is sad...as i said before....your expactation in just getting what you know hinder the developement of this game..... Thanks that you are a minority....most of the player really liked EVERY PART of the expansion.... Denying this does not make it less true....
  7. Really??? Bacause you failed it two times you don't even try to solve it as you should and just take a shortcut? Wow......this is what i call a short attention span...... I do it - if i'm challenged by something like this - 50 times and if it has to be more until it works(HELLO DARK SOULS and his more forgiving brother LORDS OF THE FALLEN it's you i mean) . There is simply no WAY to give up even if it takes 100 tries....... The only downfall of this is that you loose a couple of controllers to your home wall....:-)
  8. Level3 und telia gehören nicht zu ea also warum beschwerst du dich nicht bei level3 und telia?
  9. Lass es mich mal so audrücken... NICHTS aber auch GAR NICHTS spricht dagegen bitraider abzuschalten und ohne st ins game zu gehen..... Das verteidigen von bitraider ist in etwa so wie wenn eine firma ampeln liefert die die falsche farbreihenfolge haben,die stadt die aber trotzdem einbaut weil ja alle farben da sind.....genauso aussagekräftig sind "argumente pro bitraider". Wenn etwas kaputt ist ersetzt man es oder benutzt es eben nicht und benutzt es nicht aus trotz weiter wie bw es macht. Und der bitraider war buggy vom ersten releasetag an das kann man schön im forum nachverfolgen. Diese hunderte "kann das spiel nicht laden" "patch funktioniert nicht" ect. p.p einträge die es im forum gibt gingen erst mit dem neuen laucher und somit bitraider los... Aber stimmt schon....hunderte Einzelfälle bei denen es ausschliesslich an "exotischen systemen" liegt(das war bei einführung von bitraider das hauptargument oder besser die hauptausrede). Platz 2 belegt dann die firewall....sehr logisch wenn andere games problemlos laufen liegt es an der userfirewall.... Also BITTE ...hört auf diesen virus zu verteidigen und schmeisst ihn runter denn alleine das hilft auf dauer....
  10. I simply can not stand all those complains of people not getting THEIR opinion how the game should be realized. Y'all look and sound like little children throwing themself on the grocery store floor,hitting the ground with bare fists just because they don't get the sweet they want so badly.... Dudes it's not your decision which way this game goes and nor it will have to follow your opinion how it has to.... In my eyes this "thief" episode was a refreshing variation of all those "kill that" and "pick that up" and "run there to trigger this" type of missions and what do you do? You critize EXACT that variation? That's stupid because you are argumenting for a complete standstill in the game developement in demanding and wanting the same things over and over again just because you know them...... And yes...i liked this walker thing too... Why? Just because it differs from the normal missions....
  11. We don't have outside doorhandles on our front doors in germany... :-) I'm always stunned beeing in the us at the pure invitation for robbers to come into your house and steal your belongings just because there is a handle.... Makes it easier for them because many us habitants are really careless about locking their doors :-) And yes that means you can lock yourself out without keys in germany...but it's safer this way :-) Even you can't break in your own house :-)
  12. Nein hat sie nicht...aus den von mir erklärten Gründen...einfach den Ordner löschen führt nur dazu das sich der ganze Mist neu schreibt. Nur wenn man vorgeht wie beschrieben ist der Mist weg. Und das ist der gefühlt 200. Thread zum selben Thema... Bitte vor Threaterstellung die Forensuche benutzen...die funktioniert nämlich wenn man sich auch nur ein wenig intelligent anstellt....
  13. Das ist nicht "super" weil der sich dann automatisch wieder schreibt ... Das Teil ist wie ein Virus....du musst vorher den kompletten Bitraidervorgang killen. Und das bedeutet das du auch in der swtor ini den bitraider auf "false" setzen musst. Resultat ist dann ein kompletter Download des Spieles OHNE Bitraider und dann ist Ruhe...
  14. Do you really think a SINGLE planet proves ANYTHING? Or the people(maybe,there is no proof at all) are leaving because of 75 cxp? That's nearly impossible naive..... If they are leaving that it is because of continued nerfing due to whinethreads of the pvp faction....pve is unnescessary unplayable(aoe for example) because of those pvp whinings. That's the reason not 75 cxp....
  15. You are really funny in ignoring that bitraider is always the problem...... Kill it and all problems magically dissapear.... That's the bottom line.... Any other "solution" is just a temporary one and bitraider WILL strike back at any time .....from a different place maybe but it will
  16. Dudes do a search in the forum BEFORE posting "identiucal posting no 2343242"...... This problem is already in the forum mulitple times and it is called "bitraider"..... Kill it(how is in the forum).load the game down once more and your problem dissapears..... But seriously...it is tolerable to search the forum BEFORE posting if a thread about this already exists.... And ignore OwenBrooks...it's the bitraider and not some "communication error",because it's ALWAYS the bitraider :-)
  17. Really? So what makes you so mad about playing 10 hours a week and lets say you need 100 hours of play so you need 10 weeks to get lvl 300? Is it because you have a job and are progressing slower than other people? Well...that's only your problem and some of you guys STILL try to make it into a general problem which still it is not.... Just play 10 hours a week and take longer to max level..... This is still tolerable in my eyes. A mmog is not about your whishes.....most of the people here can accept how this works why can't you? Again...just because you got more cxp in the past does not mean you have to get it forever. Don't try to force your self acclaimed "right" to other people,because this "right" is only an illusion....
  18. This is working as intended.... Whever told you that you have the right so see YOUR style in the cutscenes was lying to you :-)
  19. Mmimimi i don't get enough cxp while playing Mimimimi It can't be true that i actually have to WORK to get lvl 300 cxp MIMIMIMIMIMI -tilt-
  20. 75 is totally normal since this goes live....just because you are expecting more because you get in in the past does not mean it's intended to continue this way.... :-) So no "more" here 75 is what you get and that's the bottom line.... There's nothing to "fix" it just works as it has to...the "fix" was to set it back to normal.... Adept or die :-)
  21. what's wrong about beeing 20 levels over the planet max? nothing.... you will be set to planet maximum anyway so who cares....? Always those whinings if something is not 100% as YOU think it should be...
  22. No that is no problem.....just take your pills every morning and the "problem" dissapears.... :-)
  23. Fictional things are and stay fictional.... "Love" is a hormonal ignited brain process that encourages the reproduction process. That's all...no secret about it and no miracle.....
  24. It's more reasonable to fall in love with your car or your left shoe then with a fictional figure....:-) At least your car EXISTS :-)
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