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Everything posted by safarm

  1. So I got also problem with level 60 chars - All the time when I create one I get lvl 1 char instead of lvl60. I get my token back but I can't make lvl60. Waiting for it is useless when loading screen is for lvl1 players who are starting HUTTTA !!! Please play your game and try this thing also before u start giving us useless advices!
  2. Hey, I would like to do some ranked group warzones, but they aren't poping so I thought of making 2 guild teams and playing againts each other, but question is. Does it count as win-trading even if we will be fair and kill ourselfs as they were another enemies and not another guild members?
  3. Hey folks, Would like to ask you what is better for HM operations from these classes (merc,sniper)? Sniper have shield but he isnt mobile as merc who even have heals (and also IO have highest dmg in the game right now).
  4. In other parse I didnt do that. Was my fault at begining, still need to get rotation into my fingers Btw I'm mostly BIS 192 so I would like to ask if I should get more then 452 crit or its enought ?
  5. Hey, so here's my parse could u tell me if I'm doing something wrong ?
  6. Could u do parse without PS as filler only EN and MB with this crit ?
  7. Failed Query: INSERT INTO logs (user_id,server_id,timezone,player,guild,file,date_uploaded) VALUES (142,,'Europe/Prague','Tormia','ICZA','3baea69b959de43c6b22d0591b10519c','2015-02-04 17:24:39'); It types this and even more things when i try to upload combat log. Do u know why it does that?
  8. Trying, but it always fails. Dunno what's wrong with it.
  9. Hey guys, here's my parse following this rotation (used EN and MB as filler when i could). My gear is mostly BIS 192 with 6set bonus so I would like to ask, why its soo low?
  10. Hey guys I want to ask what is your average crit on HM without 6 set bonus.
  11. Parsing every day and my numbers are decreasing ... I changed a little my gear (swapped coms 198 power mods for 192 tokens ) dunno if its cuz of it or if I'm doing something wrong. Before I changed mods i made around 4.3k each parse, now im doing around 4.2.
  12. Would like to ask you guys about stats. Right now im using 6items with accu+1augment and im thinking if I should use 1alacrity item. From parsing I dont see much difference, just some skills hits little harder but still its alot RNG dps spec. So I would be glad if some1 who is using this setup : 6enhanc+1augment accu, 4 surge enhanc 6enhanc+1augment accu, 3 surge enhanc, 1 alacrity enhanc could post their parses. Btw does any1 have sometimes bugged energy regeneration in cover ? Cuz I sometimes got energy rate : 5 instead of 6 at 100% energy rating.
  13. Sniper is worst playing in 8v8 warzones cuz there u got high chance that they will not notice you. If they don't they u easy kill them. But if they will focus on you then u cant even cast 1 ability cuz of poor deffs and non-mobility. Ranked warzones are same but there are many skilled people who know that they need to focus you or they will die so it's really hard to play as sniper when mostly all u do there is lying on the floor.
  14. Done 4495 on 500k dummy. Gear is mix of BiS 192 and commendation 198 (MH barrel is 186)+
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