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Posts posted by PacifismActivist

  1. BOSS was one of the worst reg guilds before arenas came out, me and elizabeth would carry the horrible pugs by ourselves vs your silly 4 mans. I didn't know you were the GM because I beat your assassin and sniper in duels so easily that I figured you were just another scrub from BOSS.


    Now that my inactive guild only queues with ****** comps and MVP/Breakfast barely queue, you feel the need to announce you're the best? I have news for you buddy, we became SECOND best on harbinger after breakfast/tauntauns/rockbottom left, and just being in second place made us all transfer to a real server.


    Have some dignity, you haven't gotten better, you've gotten lucky and an empty server.

  2. It's amazing how people like solo rank playing with random bads as opposed to group ranked.


    if you wanna do teams you should dps for us on pub side man! I'm always one man short, hit us up :)


    Shhh, don't tell Ironhide.



  3. I just do not get one thing, why people have so much "hate" towards others in game where I did not start anything... after people being too cocky to me, when it started. Apparently people in this game have this kind of attitude,

    because of that I have 3 thing to say to them:









    If people say something bad about you,

    judge you as if they know you, don't feel bad just remember

    "Dogs bark if they don't know the person".


    And to all who started hating on this thread about boss guild...


    "Without stupid people we would have no one to laugh at"

    Take the time and thank a stupid person for their contribution...


    ur a decent PT but you need to stop throwing out your solo rating as if it means anything. every game i've played vs you you've had 2-3 friends with you, I imagine in teamspeak or mumble, while I am actually solo queueing and getting put with teams I don't know and who often suck balls. You're lucky, and you don't solo queue, so stop bringing rating into this. You were a reg star before they made solo ranked reg-star-able for people like you who need numbers for validation of their skill.

  4. my rating on acid is my best rating, on my sorc i lost a lot at first and now i almost never lose and i'm barely approaching 1200 where as I maintain 1300 on acid while getting horrid teams and losing half my games usually... on the sorc I can win 2/3 games and my rating stays the same, mostly becuase I'll get like -14 on a loss and +9 on a win or some ********
  5. B L I N K had it's first win vs Breakfast last night on The Bastion, we only beat them on Harbinger and on the PTS but on the PTS we had opfotm so it doesn't count. Last night was really chill though, good games, sorry for respecing smash B'lack, but only one of you had 30% AOE reduction and despite my almost keeping up with blanket's carnage damage, that's no longer my main spec and I wasn't able to put enough pressure.


    Big props to Plaje for tanking for us, didn't know he had it in him.


    and @LegendaryQuan hasn't played much ranked recently because myself and Liz aren't on much. Just wait till we find a permanent healer on pubs, or tank on the imp side. You won't even know what his username will be, you will only know that someone is legendaryquaning the **** out of you.

  6. Comp's crashing, freezing, and blue screen of death.


    Reinstalled drivers, and reformatted with a fresh copy of windows 7.

    thinking power supply since everything minus my hard drive is new, any ideas?


    -- I just want to get back to killing you ****s


    Baulz Deep


    plugging in a new power supply takes roughly 5-10 minutes at most, and you'll have your answer. see if any of your geek friends have a spare they can lend you or something, or else its 40-60$ for a good one

  7. Before solo ranked, the best regstars (or at least some of them) were actually decent players. Now the regstars are the premades that used to get farmed by fresh 55 pugs. team rancor, g-quit, mx, meet killface, etc. lol. Sad. These people actually think they are good and **** talk now too hahaha. Scumbag loser scrubs. (no offense to anyone in any of those guilds though...you losers)


    and Joov > all. But boss would be farmed on a nightly basis if mvp hadnt transferred. Not beat. FARMED. FARMED! but Joov > all.




    Just kidding.


    just wait till I get over this virus, me quan elizabeth and a mystery dps will crush these pansies

  8. Lol you lost to kaleedo so much. plz do me a favor uninstall.


    before calling you terribad, I would like to ask you to come duel me on any of your toons. from what I remember you are short of being a regstar, more of a regcomet, not the bright kind either.


    Kaleedo was tank spec, I only lost when I was playing my more comfortable specs that are virtually impossible to win with vs a jug tank.

  9. Sorry looks like pacifism cheated. I'm calling for a rematch.


    my rules were no medpack, nades or adrenals. you can clearly see none of those in my bars (no nades / wz meds), also at first he screwed me over by only using warrior buff, I made sure to buff him too when I used my other 2 buffs.


    Aside from that I made some serious mistakes such as wasting stealth and not getting more than a stack of annihilation , or not charging 30 stacks in carnage.


    If anything, Kaleedo had guard on him for the duels he won lol... A rematch isn't worth my time, if I can beat him without even warming up in my worst spec, I'm sure I can do it even better with a little practice. I would love to do smash vs smash, most people complain jugs are worse but honestly it's just because I'm better.


    also luxford u should duel me on my sorc in a week or two when I have some more conqueror

  10. we have a decently high standard for who can join, contact me if I'm on or in-game e-mail me, I usually duel possible guildies or run some warzones with them.


    On the pub side for our 4v4 ranked team we need another healer because elizabeth can't play as much, and we could also use some extra dps.


    For the imp side, we need a permanent tank (PT hybrid preferably), as well as a permanent healer.


    Even if you don't fall into the classes mentioned above, we are always recruiting good PvPers for warzones and for when we need a spare dps or heals or tank, so don't hesitate to apply if you're a PvPer!


    I lost once while I was smash spec (vs tank this is probably the worst spec to be), I lost once because I went too far out of the dueling area, and I lost another because I was carnage for some tired, stupid reason.


    Once I realized that he's obviously tank in dps gear I went anni and pulled a miracle in a spec i dont even know lol


    anyhow, jug tank in dps gear is by far the best dueling class in the game, if he were on a mara I could have shown him a thing or two

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