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Everything posted by Zandoezan

  1. As i have not faced him and can only guess it's a lvl55 boss, i have ot say up to date i found Lord Valis to be a tough SOB back in the day.
  2. I take it you are asking two questions? As per above yes you can use indoor but not sure about flashpoints, but i think you can They can be used in many indoor instances where you cannot normally use a mount.
  3. Reboot was awesome and i remember there was a hot girl in there also. ps i see you quoting mmjarec .. i had the mmjarec visiting my comment today.
  4. Well then surely a Jedi could use it on his enemies/Sith? Why dont they you think? It's not evil in itself just the way in which you will be using is, as you have said. It's as if the Jedi only have enough to survive. I know the Code basically teaches them to protect themselves and other but not every trick in the book must be used fro evil doings. This is what is so limited in teh game and movies for me. To me this is why i think Revan was the best Jedi ever. Well, nobody needs a lightsaber to channel force lightning. Nothing was stopping Revan from using Force Lightning as a Jedi other than his Jedi teachings. So, that's why he was able to do it after turning Sith, because he no longer cared if it was dark side.
  5. Thank you for the explanation. Now if someone else finds this post your answer will keep them up to date on the boosts and that is all i meant by it. *I will not necro again * writing it down 100000 times on my tab
  6. Thank you for your answer. Instead of rambling on about necroing this and that you had a constructive answer. My reason for "necro" this is because it's an old thread that had lots of answers in it, but it was last year and lots of patches happened since. Like fixing hte permanent boost usesage. Ive created new thread's just to get people or Moderators asking me to search first before asking for help. Necroing seems to be the best way to inform others i have read/researched before repeating the same old same.
  7. So would you guys want me/us to create a new thread each time about the same thing?
  8. Hey spare some cartel coins there buddie, seems you have lots of money.
  9. Cool but here's the paradox. Revan could absorbe lighting and create it himself as a reborn "person" or Jedi (without his saber). Why only after he became a Sith could he do this? The thing is, learning the darkside of the force should not change you. Actually is it not always Yoda and Qui Jon that warned Anikin not to do things that will lead him to the dark side? (we kinda going off topic now lol) In otherwords it's not the act of learning dark powers that makes you corrupt but rather the acts that will open the darkside desires/feelings/emotions.
  10. Huh? are you reffering to me? If you are then why are you commenting? Youre not the OP are you?
  11. Mmmm, i think i see what you saying. One thing though, what if you force persuade someone to go kill himself or another then? Is this not a dark thing or is it just the person doing the asking that is dark? Edit, i see you actually answered my question.
  12. Exactely my point. It's totally weird. I mean why is it if youre a Jedi you cannot use lightning? Is it because you have to learn it from the darkside only and if you try that you go dark. So it's dark or light nothing in between for hte Jedi. I suppose that is what George Lucas wanted it to be when he wrote it.
  13. Hey man of your choices i do not see the neutral one as well, neutral. To force persuade someone is to take their will away, i know the Jedi uses it alot which makes the whole thing so unreal. Earlier post was about Anakin asked to spy on Palpatine which in a way is the same as force persuade. Thing is Anakin cannot be force persuaded, so guilt was used to get him to do it. (a very politician type of style) Also if you lie to someone should that not open you up to the darkside? Why is it that the Jedi cannot do the one thing but can do another like lying. He may not strike another person or use a Bounty Hunter for revenge or justice but he can lie or force persuade. Light side option: Please sir, be reasonable. We can all work together. Neutral option: [Force Persuade] You will work with us. Dark Option: [Force Lightning for a few seconds.] Will you work with us, or shall we try that again?
  14. POLITICS, thats the one thing that is very much present in SW. This to me hinges on Darkside. Darth Sidius used this well to his advantage. As for why the Republic do not use bounty hunters i find very narrow minded in SW. Also as a Jedi why is it that if you give in the the dark side regarding a few choices that it corrupts you, like it is alive. Surely it's up to the individual to be able to use both at his own commad.?
  15. OK i hear what you saying, but then the Smuggler should also be available to do runs for the Empire not so? I mean Han Solo worked for Jabba and well, Jabba aint no republic or Imp sympethizer. The game and the movie just made the Bounty hunter out as a baddie. Even Boba Fett's dad was a baddie just because of one raw deal.
  16. Man it's interesting to see the answers you guys give. Each of us have a different idea. Very cool. As per my comment above post, the Bounty Hunter should be able to help out the Republic side also, seeing as they are in it for hte money. Yet in the game they give you alot of choices that say you like working for the Empire.
  17. Geez man you pointed out some very good facts. Specially the one regarding the Coruscant mission. I found that also to be stupid. That is my point with regards to the game and the movies really. The light side choices for the Darkside toons are just so stupid. People kept telling me you can make light side choices as a Imp player but frankly the choices are stupd and not really light sided. It's just not so selfish most of the time. Now, would you enjoy playing a MMO or game which gave you the freedom to choose your answers? Also talking about the Bounty Hunter, why cant they hunt baddies for the Republic also? why must it only be for the Imps?
  18. Sadly i tried it with my wife. I installed NFS Carbon for here and she ended up swearing so much that it was decided that she should stop rather. SWTOR will just kill her i think or she will kill it. Thing is i am the one in our house who swears a lot not her. She hardly cusses.
  19. Personally i think it's disrespectul of the OP not to fix his spelling or read through it again. If he is a "retard or slow" which i am not making fun of by any means, then yes i can understand his typing errors. Even if he used a translator it would have come out better. So no, he is just too lazy to type and if i was a Bioware employee i would not even worry to read his topic.
  20. As I grew up i was fortunate enough to watch the SW movies as they came out. (yah im fairly ancient). What stuck to me was that I liked the Jedi, Darth Vader was mean and the Bounty Hunter was the coolest cat around. As i grew into SW and became older, i noticed that the theme in the movies are the same in the game. There are no grey areas in the game. It's either Light or Dark. I have several Lightside toons and now 2 Darkside toons but I find both sides do not really represent realistic thinking. When i want to save someone or kill them then you dont have the choice. I dont like killing Jedi's with my Bounty hunter but i dont mind killing Sith with my Lighside toons, although i like to save anyone (npc) that i can. This is where my problem with the game comes in. As with the movies the Jedi are way way too stuck up and are pretty much like robots and the Sith just want to take and are very very selfish. This applies for the other classes also. (in this sense, i do not see it as being an RPG game) Surely you must have more choices available? When i read the lore regarding Revan it made lots of sense to me in the fact that he was a Jedi that became Sith that became a "person". He embraced and managed the Light/Dark side of hte force. Yes he was a Jedi again but was he really? Anyone else feel like I do or do you think im just nuts? (feel free to explain your answers) Thx for reading. ps. i know this is jsut a game, but it makes for great philosophizing.
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