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Posts posted by TehMron

  1. I was reading the Madness Sorc PvP guide on Dulfy, ( a most excellent effort, thanks Dacri) and he says in there to make sure you target the ground when applying death field so that your DoTs will spread.


    But I normally have an opposing player targeted, and just tap the key twice to apply death field. Does having a player targeted instead of the ground mean that the Dots are not spread to other players within range? Reading the abilities doesn't seem to indicate that, but I thought I would ask and make sure.


    Thanks in advance for answering.


    If you tap the key twice, then the Death Field will hit (and spread DoTs to) anyone in an 8m radius of your target. If you target Death Field manually, you could put the center of the radius somewhere smarter so that it hits (and spreads DoTs to) more players. For example, you could spread DoTs to someone up to 16m from the guy who you DoTted by placing the Death Field halfway between the two of them.

  2. Because the clip point is now precisely at the GCD boundary, it's actually relatively easy to do: just treat Force Lightning like any other 1 GCD ability and spam the next activation within the action queue window. You will clip at exactly the right point. It was harder in 2.10, when we had to clip at 3 stacks and no later, which was a longer interval than a simple GCD.


    The caveat of course is that the engine doesn't (currently) properly respect the ability action queue, and so you will end up with about 100ms of unavoidable (and meaningless) extra channel time. If the action queue were working correctly, this technique would result in literally mechanically perfect clipping.


    KBN would you be willing to post a parse using the clipping rotation? It doesn't need to be high crit/RNG, I'm just curious to see the log and how mental alacrity plays into it.

  3. I've reflected it multiple times, and others have also reported being saved by it too. It works.


    The huge hit to everyone counts as AoE damage, but the attack that picks a random raid member to instantly kill in the case of a failure - thats single target, and can be reflected.


    At what time do you cast your threat drop to do this? I tried this last week, casting 1 - 0.5 seconds before the Underlurker's channel ended, but it was not reflecting the damage.

  4. The parse I detailed above also seems to indicate that Swelling Despair may be happening off of the global cooldown. When I resist the first Swelling Despair, the sequence is that Dread Strike ends at 19.68 and Bestias hits with Assault at 21.38 (i.e. 1.7 seconds later), but somehow managed to fit in a Swelling Despair attack in between those two abilities.


    I think Dread Strike is similar to a Knight's Master Strike, meaning that since it's channeled there is no GCD after. So Bestia could immediately cast Swelling Despair after the last tick of Dread Strike and still have time for Assault 1.7 seconds later. In fact, it seems like Bestia needs to learn to queue her abilities and up her APM.

  5. Thank you for the response. I looked back at the guide again and saw your written out rotation just below the section of the #1-9 blocks of 4 GCDs. You written out rotation was super helpful to me because I can see how that works out and starts to repeat itself - and the adjustments of adding an IP and HS if you fail a HiB proc makes sense.


    For whatever reason, the section with the #1-9 blocks really was not clicking for me, but thanks again for the other section.

  6. I'm having a hard time following your explanation of the rotation through the 4x3x5 blocks/cubes diagram. It would help me a lot if you could list out the GCDs for the first several HiB cycles until things start to get more or less repetitive. I realize that the rotation has a bit of RNG when you occasionally have to fish for the ionic accelerator proc (with only 1 SS or IP used beforehand), but seeing the GCDs for an ideal rotation would still help me out a lot.


    It's definitely different than the Commando rotation, where you want to keep the HiBs rolling every 6 seconds to keep your plasma cell dot up. But I like how it's different - makes it more interesting!

  7. DF parses have a lot of RNG. Not only does your crit chance matter, but the timing of your relic procs can make a big difference. For one, if your heal procs and damage procs occur around the same time, you 'waste' one of the procs in a sense. On top of that, it can make a big difference if your relics proc during your Wounding Shots or burn phase, versus while you are putting up your dots.
  8. Along the lines of what SamuelAU is saying about not wanting to delay your main rotation for Trickshot (when sub 30%), I am a little surprised Falver that you have so much success with using Sabotage Charge at places where it will lead to delaying you next Speedshot by a GCD. Sabo charge is less dps than Speedshot or Aimed Shot so I would expect it to be a dps loss if it delays your main rotation. However Falver your dps is really impressive and you seem to use sabo charge in every burst volley window, so maybe there is something to it...
  9. How can any of you guys do so much dps I'm a sage balance and I can barely do 2500 dps I'm almost full 72 only my 72 glove missing with some 78 or 180 armoring belt wrist offhand 1 implant without a stim my bonus damage is around 1518 my willpower is about 3230 0r so augments are willpower I got underworld power proc relic and elemental damage relic I try a power click arkanian relic and still cant do 2500 if someone could give me some tip or help me I don't know if I'm doing something wrong my rotation is mind crush weekend mind sever force, force imbalance and tk until cool down is over and start over try difference rotation but not better


    One thing is you want to throw in some insta-cast disturbances when possible instead of exclusively using TkT as filler. The trick is to figure out how many you can squeeze in while still making sure you'll get the insta-cast proc again before your mind crush comes off cool down.

    But that change wouldn't be enough to bring you way up into the 3k range. To be honest, I'm not really sure how those sages parse so high (especially in balance). They must be using their cool downs really well.

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