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Posts posted by Jimmajamma

  1. Yeah I've ran with premades in 60s. You get on voicecomms, prioritize your targets, marks them and take them out.


    Not all premades sit there and coordinate targets and strategize, etc. For instance, last night we had a pretty interesting conversation about what caused American corporations to shift their focus towards short-term goals and stock valuation, and the impact that is having on American innovation and our ability to compete internationally.


    Other times we just discuss Taco Bell.

  2. Wait till you hit 60 & face the teams Hustle & Tryhard in the same Warzone. Or Lemon Party.

    Yesterday warzones were bad on Harb. Worse I've ever seen it. Pubs couldn't play worth crap.

    "Lets run here like idiots & not guard anything!" The imps I faced were almost completely premades and with what they were doing to us Pubs, I am going to assume they were ranked geared too.


    And I'm not one that's ever been against premades, but sorry, if you get in a warzone & as soon as members of your team see who we are facing start quitting, that's BAD. Bad for PvP, bad for players. That happened a TON too. Pubs constantly quitting matches because we were 3 capped, constantly being zerged, couldn't defend. *smh*

    Hustle, Lemon Party, Tryhard, and any others that are doing that need to just queue ranked against each other. See who's better then. Battle of the guilds.


    There is 2 of us in Lemon Party. We are leveling pub toons and are going to play pubside a little more. If you ever see anyone (of the 2 of us) in the guild <homies>, hit us up. We can group up and try to balance the scales, because like you said, most pub v imp games just aren't very competitive. As much as I love winning, triple cap games are not that fun.

  3. Good snipers will wait out your Deflection, blow CD's etc but not use hunker down until they are ready to line up their burst. Then well you're in light armor with no real way to avoid white damage unless you stealth out. I've caught so many sins with their pants down thinking I was an easy kill


    It blows my mind how many sins I see pop shroud and then yolo charge me while i am dialing up an ambush. There needs to be some sort of fotm training academy for these people.

  4. Start with lowbies to learn kiting mechanics. There is less damage going out sub 30 so you wont die as fast, plus you won't have as many defensive cooldowns so your main dcd is just going to be learning how to kite and los to stay alive. If you can get good at doing damage on the move and keeping yourself alive in lowbies, you will do fine in 60s.
  5. Imagine if there was a solo-queue only option for unranked warzones. That wouldn't even be an issue. Right there you've eliminated dedicated VOIP players who have dedicated healers and their ability to focus players down. Suddenly the matches would seem less lopsided.


    Here is what happens with solo queue only option: Solo queue will pop more frequently. Groups getting farmed in group queue will try to sync solos, because why wait longer to get farmed. More and more will do the same until group queue non existent. Massive sync queueing will occur. Same problems will exist.


    Please put the separate queues idea to bed, as it will fix nothing.

  6. Peope who death match just show they can't play a more advanced form of thinking pvp... If you are really as good as you think, you can still get your high dmage scores (which is what pvp has become), while winning the objectives... Playing objective pvp take more brains than running around in a death sqaud ganking 4v1... It takes tactics, communication, situational awareness and team work... All which is lacking from this community... Sure there are a lot of us who still play objective pvp properly and we nearly always have to carry the death match people... Of course they say the same about us... But how many pure death match teams win the match, not many...


    I have a feeling a lot of these groups that dominate the death match aspect would dominate the objective aspect if they wanted. People who label themselves as objective players should be thankful these groups are deathmatching instead of strictly focusing on objectives, because a lot of the objective heroes would probably be pretty irrelevant in matches. As it stands you serve a purpose and can make healthy contributions towards the outcomes of matches.

  7. I've admitted many times in this very forum that i'm an average pvper at best. I have my good days and my bad. Despite my lack of top tier playing skill, I'm still man enough to admit that steamrolling pugs is for little babies.


    I disagree with pretty much all of this. Reg queues take the biggest hit from people avoiding the faceroll, not to mention the constant coming and going of players during the actual matches themselves. Balance issues just mean you see more of certain classes, they don't affect queue times at all.


    At the micro level, you aren't wrong. At the macro level, the things i listed are much more detrimental.


    In a given night, some players may stop queueing if they are just getting farmed. Typically though, good solo players will keep queueing going forward. If bad players decide pvp isn't for them after a bad night or two, then they probably weren't going to stick around anyways. When I started pvp'ing I used to get f'ing dunked on by covenant, red-x, goof troop premades (im sure there were others). Like all day errr day. Still, I liked pvping and it only made me want to get better. Those are the kinds of players I want to see remain in the queues. Players with a little chutzpah.


    Balance is also a macro level issue. On Thursday night, poor class balance may not stop people from queueing, but if night after night your mara is getting dunced by a team stacked with sins/sages, or your merc is getting eaten by stealth classes, that could become pretty disheartening. Especially if you are newer and don't have one of each class. Plus poor balance is why ranked is so skewed, which is driving away some experienced players; much more so than premades in regs. Losing quality experienced players is probably bad for the pvp community, no?


    To bring it full circle, if these ranked quality players can't do ranked due to viability issues, they will sit in regs and just farm lesser skilled players. Hence poor class balance creates havoc in regs.

  8. TUXs thank you for the kind words. I saw you the other day and was wondering if that was THE TUXs from the forums. Confirmed. I do want to play pubside more. I'm really digging sniper & merc atm, but am still trying to level up my slinger/mando (i hate leveling). When that happens I will spend a lot more time pubside.


    I understand the situation quite well, but you seem to be unable to see past your own ego to do the same. My concerns here rest solely on the fact that reg queues are suffering due to the abundance of premades, which is ironic, considering that ranked 4's are dead. My stance on this has always been the same, and has never changed. Why anyone would support a situation that makes everyone suffer is beyond me. I'm sure the premades are having fun steamrolling groups of randoms, but they are causing players to stop pvping and driving up queue times. I'm all for the transfers lately, I like to see the population boom, but this issue has gotten worse the last couple of weeks, when queue times will suddenly nosedive during primetime, due to people growing tired of being farmed.


    My own ego? That means a lot coming from a player who constantly talks down to people without having the stones to identify himself.


    I've never claimed to be a great player. I think I am pretty good most of the time. Other times I play like a doofus. In this thread I said that a lot of players are better than me, and then explained where I think my ceiling is. It really makes my head swell when I do that.


    As far as 'premades in regs' destroying reg queues, that is down there on the list of why reg queues suffer. Ahead of them (in no particular order) I would things like put class balance, content drought, natural MMO attrition, gear inequity, toxicity/harassment and faction imbalance all ahead of 'premades in regs'.


    If you are playing on the Harbinger then you are embellishing a bit about queue times in regs taking a nosedive. I play like 3/4 nights a week and not once in the last month have I wondered to myself why queues aren't popping during primetime.


    As far as 4's being dead, that is a bed that the 4's community made for itself. Now they get to lie in it.




  9. All I'm saying, is quit being a carebear and play against other premades. If you are queuing your premades against pugs, expect to get called on it and stop getting so defensive.


    All of you chumps farming pugs are killing the queues for everybody. That's just the way it is.


    Most of the time I queue solo or with one other person. Some of the time me and zeroing will pick up other players/homies who we've seen in games to make 4. Sometimes the players aren't even that great; we are just trying to give some pointers. Sometimes they are really good. But we rarely have a tank and last time I checked tanks are pretty necessary in group. You said there are no pugs in group, but if we queue'd group it would essentially be a pug :rak_02:


    I wasn't being that defensive. I was just explaining why I don't do 4's and that the situation is not binary. So please continue to hide and make the same blanket statement about a situation you seem to not understand.

  10. You do not need macors for team ranked, simply setting up your focus target and target of target hotkeys will enable you to do everything that you need to in order to win team ranked.


    Not that I really care, grouped ranked isn't for everyone and no one should ever feel forced to queue group ranked (though it will make you a better player and more than likely it will make you realize how shallow solo arena/regs are).


    To the people who talk about "numbers not meaning everything," stop defending your lack of ability, in the game that K'senia linked he pulled 3-4x the amount of damage as everyone else on his team.... while I agree that a dot spec sage/sorc can out dps most classes, it should not be nearly to that magnitude.. (and really, a vigi guardian in the mid fight the entire match can easily farm dps); while objective play is important in regs there comes a point were you simply need to be able to pull the numbers. (2k+ dps is easily achievable in a game like that from tactics/vigi, it's frankly pathetic that anyone is defending those numbers).


    i know you dont need to run macros to do team ranked, but a lot of players use them, so it puts those who aren't at a disadvantage from the jump. i understand how the focus target/modifier works, but its not as efficient as being able to multiple things with the push of a button. its just not.

  11. Don't be scared of competition man, it's good for you.


    so is yoga and i don't really see a point in doing that.


    if people didn't run macros i would probably try to do a little group ranked, but they do and i don't. i don't even have a gaming mouse or any bullsh*t like that. all things equal a lot of players are still better than me, so with better equipment i would be at a much larger disadvantage before the matches even start.


    it's about knowing your limitations. i had 2 tier 1 toons last season, so i wouldn't exactly say i'm a *******. that is probably my cap and i know it. i'm fine with it.


    people like you come here and call people regstars and say they should be queueing ranked, yet you're probably the same type of person who after losing a solo match will tell some people "stick to regs sh*tter". i can't help it if you are too dense to see how the inequities that exist in regs exist in group ranked as well, so simply using an umbrella statement of "all groups should queue ranked" or whatever bs you keep saying makes you look a bit silly. teams farm in group ranked as much as they do in regs. that would be exacerbated if all 4-man groups were forced into ranked. the situation isn't as binary as you make it out to be, so for the sake of everyone just shut up, guy who talks a lot but doesn't put his toons in his sig.


    - bronson 3:16

  12. I have lvl'd from 10-60 in PvP Powertech Tank. I suck. I try to play to win the goal, protect or take turrets, guard / taunt when I am not ZOMGsmashing attacks and CDs to survive.


    I try not to get involved in petty side fights but stay on goal as much as possible. Chase the Huttball or try to defend the scoring zone.


    Constant facerolls. Constantly getting smashed. Almost always losing matches. This makes for a very slow gear grind.


    Rarely does anyone (EbonHawk Imp) work together. Everyone is scattered, no one listens to calls for help (rarely). From 10-60 NOT once has anyone offered to help teach anyone else what we should be doing or offered any useful advice except "You suck" or "You are a terrible tank and an even worse DPS". All because I was in a frantic fight for Middle Node and didn't have time to switch my guard to him. "L2P or don't queue".


    I've tried watching YouTube videos to see what others are doing. Most of the video hosts appear to be having the easiest matches of a lifetime. Lucky breaks, enemy players running right past them to something else. It looks a lot different than the brutal zergs I am always caught in.


    From 10-60 mostly all Ive learned is, what the goals of the various arenas are, and that if you loose the match you get about 55 comms if you got 8 medals. No medals = no comms at all. Wasted time, wasted medpacs, and further demotivated. My first step into 60 unranked was no better.


    I want to learn. I may not be great but I can learn to be "ok". I've given it more than a fair try lvl'ing 10-60. I want to win sometimes and get my gear. What is wrong with everyone?


    This is really counter-intuitive, but when someone says "you suck, uninstall, l2p, etc" whisper them and ask what you can be doing better. For a lot of people, that rage is just a reaction. If you actually tell people you are new and ask for some advice, they may try to help you. Of course some won't. But some will.

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