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10 Good
  1. I couldn't find the chest piece for the Amplified Champion set even though he sold every other piece of it. Is this intended or overlooked?
  2. Were you able to easily understand what amplifiers you have and what they do? (from the UI only) For the most part, yes.The only issue here is the tooltip will only have the description of whichever amplifier you hovered over first in rerolling. Do you understand how to reroll/change an amplifier? Yes, I like that I am able to view all of the amplifiers on one page and edit them from there, but also go into an individual piece of gear and edit the amplifiers from the modification page as well. Does the cost for changing amplifiers feel right? Too high or too low? The cost feels way too high. It's fine at first but with the exponential growth, I found myself spending multiple millions of credits on each reroll looking for a specfic amplifier due to bad rng. A credit cap on what reroll costs is one solution, but another could be to allow the player to control the randomness. What I mean by that is having all posibilities for an amplifier available but being able to filter it similar to how we can filter group finder flashpoints, with the cost increasing the more that is filtered out. Doing it that way could lower a true random to be much less expensive, a class specific type of roll to be about where it is now, and a single amplifier to be a bit more expensive.
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