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Posts posted by MalakaiCaine

  1. It would be a very nice quality of life thing that would be nice for people if a cockpit mode/first person mode was added to GSF. There are a few people who like that kind of gameplay especially real life pilots or want to be pilots.


    Also its a bit more immersive to play in the cockpit instead of a magical camera that fallows behind the spaceship.


    you do realise what 'quality of life' even means as a phrase, and how it cannot possibly apply to GSF, unless some hippie douche 'therapist' is using it as an 'aid' for a paient.

  2. I can manage around 30-40k damage in my novadive and flashfire, as long as luck is on my side, and I dont even have most of the upgrades yet. It just means that you're spending more time shooting things than flying around capturing objectives.


    you'll find the idiots who do huge damage, actually contribute precisely sweet, and the ****, of all, to the match, objective wise.


    all they're doing is farming the bads fighting nowhere near points, derping around in open space being douchey.


    but then again, i do 20 K plus routinely by actually playing the match to the objective, as a team.

    On Defence

  3. It might be amusing (or at least more satisfying) if the death message read something like "[playername] was chased into the ground" or "[playername] was forced into a wall" when that player self-destructs within some number of seconds after taking damage or being the target of an attempted missile lock.


    i think anyone who runs from a fight to hide inside their spawn ships dead zone, should get killed by their own ships turrets and the death message should read "X died like a little *****" or "X died a cowards death"

  4. Someone mentioned the WIng Commander and X-Wing series to have good AI. I played and enyoued them both, and yes, AI was, as far as I remember, quite good - at least good enough. Those games are from the 90's. How the hell can it be that they figured out a good AI twenty years ago, and today they are unable to do that?


    hell, freelancer had good enough ai, etc. elite, freespace, there's a whole SLEW of space games with decent AI.

  5. I have full min /maxed obroan and a half mastered Scout ship. It doesn't bother me one bit my pvp gear doesnt affect space.(as it shouldnt.) I play both am decent at both and will continue do both.


    As for people who were always getting steam rolled in pvp by experienced players...Im glad ya'll are having some fun with GSF, because now warzones have been awesome. Im talking 5-6 huttball scores, winning by 1 point on Civill war. Voidstar going its full length.


    It seems there are less whiny people and poor players in ground pvp. Just the people with experience, skill and gear.


    Bads will always complain.


    yeah. now the players who don't suck are happily farming the bads in space, who cannot into flying, let alone CAM.

  6. That's two reasons BW would have to think long and hard before trying to step up the "realism". Warthunder and Star Citizen are headed by some pretty talented veterans of those genres. Competition would be tight and I wonder if the game engine can do much in way of decent physics simulation.



    it does hawever prove there IS a market, contrary to douche exectives wishful thinking that nearly killed off the genre, and GSF has already shown BW that they CAN make profits out of SPACE COMBAT

  7. Yeah, sure, when the scout has the advantage in close combat, it should be able to be beaten by equally good pilots? :rolleyes:


    No. If you have two equally good pilots, one in a striker, the other in a scout, and have them do the 'circle of doom', the scout will come out victorious most of the times. It wouldn't be balanced if the striker could beat the scout at it's field of expertise (all of this is based on the pilots being equally in skill and having the *same* upgrades).


    circle of doom is expressly NOT a CAM.


    it's a refusal by two idiots to use any form of cam at all.

  8. The day before yesterday I actively tried to evade & shake a following starfighter - and of course I used tzhe speed boost.

    However, I used it into the wrong direction & crashed into something.


    It never occurred to you PvP players that one could be just doing wrong things because of panicking ? Because of feeling frightened ? Kernel panic ?


    If not, then it shows how little you know about human psychology.

    i actively make people crash if they're sucky pilots close to things.


    box em in, block off an angle, watch em turn away from my fire.. SMASH into a rock.

  9. I've noticed that the 'normal' pvp queues are mostly full of the people that had top notch gear and always owned the warzones before GSF launched. I think they dont like the fact that all of their "hard work" getting super gear so they can faceroll people doesnt help them at all in starfighter combat.



    yep. geartards HATE space pvp cos they cannot gear their way to victory.

  10. Yes, experience in other space sims (and even regular flight sims) is very significant. However, I doubt we'll see a huge influx of people just for GSF...Bioware would love it if we do, though.


    you forget just how hard up gamers are for space, since devs tried to kill it off as too hard to do well, and publishers tried to kill of the genre because >muh profit margins arn't 300% plus!



    we have star citizen... orr........ star citizen, since the 'new x' is a total PoS.

  11. ****uational awareness. get it , develop it, and keep it.


    IRL pilot throughout the history of sir warfare die because of exactly 2 things ever.


    1.) Sensory overload


    2.) no Situational Awareness.


    in star wars terms, remember how porkins flew right into the death star and boomed himself like a chump?


    he died cos being a fatty, he hated feeling his full wieght, and had his acc. compensator on full, whereas luke, tycho, and wedge etc daial theirs down, so they can FEEL what their ship is doing. porkins was pulling up, but he couldn't FEEl that he was max delta v, so he wasn't actually getting anywhere near enough deflection.


    and so he died like a little *****.



    another star wars example, same film, the death star trench run when red leader takes his self and two other x wings in, he uses the targetting competer, and closes his other eye, he can't see ****, he can't manouvre ... he trashes the shot, and both him and his wingmen get picked off by vader like noobs.



    IRL there's a billion billion exapmles. pretty much every single recorded kill is brought about bby a fail in #1 or #2

  12. NEWBIES to this genre always suck at aiming, because they fail to use IRL doctrine.


    NEVER EVER EVER continually adjust your aim, EVER.


    don't aim at the lead indicator, aim where the indicator is GOING TO BE hold your aim steady and fire, let them walk into your fire.


    you will see an accuracy jump of at LEAST x4.


    if you are constantly moving your aim, you trash your aim constantly.


    because your EYES AREN'T ROBOTIC.

    they don't immediately adapt to the new angles etc.. they have to focus and adjust.. hence whilst you're THINKING your aim is dead on, actually you're shooting everywhere BUT the target.

  13. Agreed with OP, anyone who has not already started may as well not unless they like being fodder for maxed out ships.


    Probably the worst designed PvP I have seen in a long time.

    1) Not enough participation to implement matchmaking, the Q times would be horrible

    2) Huge gear gap between new players and existing players

    3) No PvE component where people can learn the basics, so basically new players have to lrn2fly while being farmed by existing players


    Reminds me of a game called EVE, the whole game is basically designed to feed new players has fodder to the existing "bitter vets".



    >yfw i trollkill players with far more heavily upg'd ships in my comparatively base ships.

  14. Some of my most dominant games have come on alts with few (if any) upgrades. Subscribers will be way ahead of other players in terms of experience, but I doubt the actual ship upgrades will matter much with how the matchmaking works.


    not necessarily.


    i've said it b4, but i'll say it again, wait until it's open to everyone, and all the vets from other games in the s[ace combat genre who are old hands come play as prefs or f2p's and murder everyone in their un upgraded basic novas / bolts, guards / rycers

  15. Cool, thanks!



    yeah, bombers make capital ships cry though, which is funny. hence having a fighter screen and using good carrier group tactics is necessary.. man fights in disco are FUN...


    i HOPE bioware see how happy we are with gsf and expand expand expand it, since they can see now that they can make money out of gsf.

  16. Also, if you're a striker/gunship against a scout, it's better just to flee while you can. If you don't, they'll eventually catch you, and then it's GG


    not true, it's skill based, any class of ship can beat any other class of ship, at any upgrade levvels of any variation of type in a dogfight. as space pvp is skill based.


    a thourough greasp of basic CAM lets me outfight pretty much anyone in anything.

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