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Posts posted by DuchessKristania

  1. Hmm, I agree with the general idea, and that some things definitely need a boost in conquest points earned compared to time taken. However, I'm concerned that things that are incredibly solo and alt friendly now will be getting over nerfed and turn conquest back into a mega grind for small mostly alt players. I agree with adding points to those harder, time consuming objectives, but given the history of conquest changes I fear you're going to over tune this and make conquest miserable for small guilds primarily populated by alts.


    As conquest is now I can get numerous toons through and contribute to my guild's slog for encryptions to open our ship, while still having time to play what I want without concern for conquest. It's made opening the ship feel attainable. Before this it felt like a job rather than something done for recreation.


    I'll reserve judgement and test things on the PTS, but I'm pretty skeptical at the moment.

  2. I keep seeing references to a "chat bug" but no actual specifics. I ran into a weird issue the other night where two friends and I were all on fleet. two of us suddenly stopped seeing new comments on chat, but our friend continued to see them. Now the three of us were on a voice call so we were not actually speaking in chat and it took a little while before we even realized something was off. From what I understand about "squelching" that's not what this is. Even if it were I think it would be strange that the two of us would be squelched since we weren't even using chat. I'm wondering if this is the bug people are talking about.
  3. Got ya I almost feel like this has happened to me randomly before but I was still able to talk in guild, I just couldn't use or see general. I barely talk in general usually just to answer questions newer folks ask. It was during the casino, I dunno maybe it was a bug or something. Thanks for the info!


    We probably should have checked to see if we could say something in gen chat, but since the three of us were on a voice chat we weren't using the in-game chat feature. It did seem to randomly just stop though. Since we weren't watching it super closely I'm not sure how long it was like that before we noticed.

  4. Regarding the comments about chat breaking, what's happening when it breaks? I only ask because I was playing with a couple of friends the other night and two of us weren't seeing gen chat comments, but the other person was. Is this happening to others as well?


    Also, never been squelched, but outside of a few rl friends I mostly play solo and rarely post in gen chat. On occasion I'll answer a question, or ask one, but aside from that I'm mostly quiet.

  5. Pirate Incursion was new and other than running it two weeks consecutively it was not run this much. Regardless of that, the question still stands to BioWare. Why ~5 months between occurrences of Relics of the Gree, why run Rakghoul Resurgence before Relics of the Gree when we just had a Rakghoul event not that long ago, and when will we be returning to a regular Conquest event schedule?


    I'd like to know this as well. It seems like the events are getting more and more unbalanced all the time. A guildie and I were just talking about how it felt like it had been forever since we had Relics of the Gree. Since I like a lot of the Gree weapons and want to earn more rep currency to equip some of my alts it would be fantastic to actually get to run the event again.

  6. the grind to 306 is a bear to be sure. It gets old quickly. However, once you're there gearing other toons becomes a breeze. I have three tabs in my legacy cargo organized for gear. As soon as one of my toons hits level 75 I can put them in a set of 306. This is typically one of the generic sets to start with until I decide on a specific set.


    It may be grindy, but since they implemented this system I find that I'm exploring more roles and having fun experimenting with different ways to play them. My teeny little three active players guild is now stumbling through harder content, dying frequently but figuring it out as we go.

  7. There actually is a game immersion reason for wanting this. After each expansion, once you complete it, you run out of chances to hear or see your characters speak and make dialogue choices. I remember on my very first playthrough, once finishing SoR/Ziost I was actually a little sad about this, and more or less wanted more of my main's story. I actually liked KotFE when it came out, on-rails slogfest that it was, simply because it felt like my main had agency to say and do things related to the story again.


    Outside of the quest system there are few chances for this (flashpoint terminals, some but not all dailies, etc). Once you've done them all over and over, you can get to the point where just just want more story with your main character driving it. And this would solve that.


    I have dozens (literally) of alts, but it's not the same.


    Yep, it's absolutely this. Once you finish story content your main just doesn't feel present. You miss them in a way.

  8. I've often wished that I could replay my main's story. I would be fine with not being able to actually change how the story ends and how it impacts future content. I just want to experience her story again. Much like it is if you replay kotfe/kotet chapters. The original choices are not rewritten and moving forward those are the choices that inform your character's progression. It would just be nice to replay some of the story elements.


    I mean, I'd even be happy with being able to replay the cutscenes. I can see how having a bunch of lvl capped characters going for the same objectives as the people progressing through for the first time could cause some problems.

  9. I find I'm enjoying tinkering with the armor sets and tacticals. I'm playing a wider variety of specs now because it's fun for me to see how the tacticals and armor sets can sharpen the way I play. My latest obsession has been my medicine operative.


    I like running the harder fps with my two active guildies, lol.


    I'm having fun doing all the little achievements. I really wish they would bring back the one that resulted in the Makeb gazebo deco. I want the deco, yes, but I also want the satisfaction of doing the work for it. I really enjoy working toward goals like that.


    I enjoy hunting datacrons, the fleet datacrons are my white whales. Can't ever get a big enough group to go for them. The random groups are always too disorganized and often run into timing issues. In fairness, I did this before I was lvl 75, but being a higher lever makes dealing with the mobs less tedious. I do have all of them outside the fleets though.

  10. I'd be in favor of a digital CE, the digital upgrade pack is kind of meh, but I don't think the physical items should be released again. I'm actually speaking as someone who does not have them. those are physical items that should be limited to retain their value. However, I don't feel that really applies to the digital items.


    Let's be honest, no one really knows which shinies other players have in the game or how they got them. I suppose if someone spams gen chat to announce it people would know, but beyond that, nope.


    Maybe instead of releasing a digital CE they should release a 10th anniversary edition that could include some of the digital CE stuff. That would actually make sense. Have some of those items for nostalgia's sake, along with new items. Of course then this would start all over again, but a 10th anniversary edition would be a good opportunity for people to get old and new shinies.

  11. It would depend upon the price. The problem is that I'm a curious person and I want to know what the CE vendor has. The other problem is that I have a wild imagination and will probably be disappointed with what the vendor sells and then wish I hadn't spent the money. However, the art book does pretty cool and now I kind of want that. Ugh, yes, yes I probably would buy it, lol.
  12. I like the suggestion of having the choice of who will be on my ship. There are some I'd bring on from my class stories and those I'd bring from other classes. I also wish they'd just make all the companions available via the terminal for everyone in general. It was suggested forever ago, and a dev actually responded to the suggestion but nothing else has ever been said.
  13. If it was like 2 million to use gifts, this might make sense - but saying it costs 5 million to buy gifts to endlessly feed to a comp versus just spending 4.3 and some craftable Dark Projects for the click once and done item seems silly..


    Unless you aren't a big crafter and don't have all the mats stored up. If you have to spend the time getting the mats, or buy them on the gtn the Dark Projects can end up being far more expensive and time consuming. So, I think it's dependent on how a player plays. Also, my teeny guild is working on opening up their ship, so Dark Projects are used for buying encryptions.

  14. I love the two Vector cutscenes, both the Alert and the one on Odessen. BW, more please! And, Vector had a huge influence on how I played one of my IAs. I never took the saboteur option on any of my characters, I always had them stick with their original faction. I leveled up a new IA to try out the saboteur route.


    At first, I intended to not do any sabotage and stop being a saboteur on that character when the chance came because I can't shake keeping my characters with their original faction. After watching the cutscene for the Vector Alert, I decided that even though that IA would eventually go back to supporting the Empire, there was a chance for some mayhem-ish payback on the Empire for how they treated Vector and the Killiks. I had my IA sabotage the Empire on Onderon and Mek-sha, and then sabotage the Republic in the Corellia FP. My IA is back to supporting the Empire, and the Empire is down three Dark Council members on that character. Dear Empire, next time don't mess with the best love interest (imo) in the game. :cool:




    Although I created that IA without intending to keep her, I think I will keep her now.


    Lol, all my Imps are saboteurs and all my Pubs are loyalists. Though I think the agent makes the most sense to become a saboteur when you consider how that class story goes. By the end of her story my agent, Inari was 100% done with the Empire. She went rogue and really resented being pulled back into stuff.


    I recently rolled another female agent. I wanted to replay the Vector romance since it's been years. I tried created a wholly different agent. Spec'd a healing operative instead of a marksmanship sniper. I couldn't do it though, I can't romance Vector as anyone but Inari. So I changed her name and appearance and just made her Inari 2.0, lol.

  15. They definitely need to cut the winning your chip back by a lot. I wouldn't say they should get rid of it completely, but they should definitely mega nerf it. We shouldn't win coins back more often than we lose them. As it is now, I get excited when I don't win anything, lol! I also wish there was a wider variety of prizes we could actually win. I have so so many of those speeders now. Between all of my toons I have thousands of kingpin tokens. The only reason I'm even playing the machines now is to stockpile cartel certificates for the inevitable day they re-nerf our ability to get them.
  16. Vote yes for this! I have my favorites and rarely bother with the rest outside of crafting. I'm hoping one day they'll just add all the comps to the terminal on Odessen so we can really fine tune our crews. Okay, okay, so I just want Vector on everyone, but a gal can dream.
  17. Agents are my fav to play. My main for years has been a marksmanship sniper. I think they're underappreciated. I just rolled a heal spec'd operative a week ago. It was an adjustment, but I find I like it better than my heal spec'd sorc. I've put my companion on tank for the leveling process and forced myself to practice running a healer. Finally hit lvl 70 this evening. Five more to go and then I can really look at her amplifiers and tinker with her.
  18. My main is a marksmanship sniper. I can't remember specific moves though. I will say for normal mobs in story mode and fps, I generally rip through things just using suppressive fire as my opener. I got the tactical that increases its damage. For tougher mobs I'll set down an orbital strike first, then suppressive. I pick off the stragglers after that.


    Essentially, my sniper is a glass cannon. She may be kinda squishy if too many get close to her, but they have to actually get close to her first. I don't know if my rotation is technically the best, or whatever, but it works well for me. She's been my main for most of my play time (almost since launch).

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