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Everything posted by onurduman

  1. Cleared everything NIM in 5.0 and looking for 1 dps, we want to get all nims on easy farm before going into GODS nim. Raid days are Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays on 7:00 CET and last about 3 hours. Contact Lakkir#4580 on discord for more info.
  2. Greetings to all, I am currently in search for a NIM Capable raid team to join. My main role is Sniper, and I do not PVE with any other DPS class. I also tank as PT, or any other tank class really as long as I gear them up which I can do with 246 gear from the GTN. My progression is basically everything except Revan, with about 10 percent left on the core. My old guild decided to leave the game in the middle of 3.0, and I left with them to raid in WoW and play any other number of games. I've been back for over a month, and looking for a suitable raid team. As long as the team is good, I will be happy to join a team who is progressing in HM's. All I care about is having fun, and the level of the PVE content does not matter (except SM's, not very keen on wiping in SM) to me. As I've said above I've cleared every content, including timed runs, except Revan. I've done this a dps and a tank both. Currently looking to raid any day except Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Feel free to leave a comment here for who to whisper to get in touch with me. Thnak you all.
  3. Its mostly people who already have a quantity of max leveled characters who want to skip the dialogues. I myself will say it in the group chat to skip the conversations, because the only reason people spam flashpoints (mostly Kuat Drive Yards becuase it gives the most EXP out of them all and the fastest, just a hint if you want to level up the fastest way possible) is to level up fast. At that point people don't care about the dialogues. You can just ignore them really, or just tell them that its your first time and if they aren't an ******e they will leave you alone. Joining a guild is always beneficial, you actually get increased EXP from being in a guild (guilds that have that particular perk) alongside with having a guild ship (guilds that actually have one anyways, its expensive) that you can go to, use the galactic trade market, augment stuff, access banks, etc.. not to mention you will meet new people and do stuff with them. It is always more fun to play together. You can always look in the general chat to see who is recruiting, below are just couple of suggestions along side with this link so you can see the entire guild listings. For Imp side Roleplaying guild that has a big member base (big memberbase means there will more likely be people to run things with) would be Penumbral. For Republic side I'd say True Republic or Remnants of Hope.
  4. Lakkir isn't on Jung Ma anymore, I'm not sure what your policy is with that Humble but I thought I should let you know.
  5. Aetrus senpai teach me the ways of PT please. I am trying to learn IO and pyro.
  6. Someone actually did some sort of a test to see the population of servers at like midnight EST on Saturday, there were about 1800 people on Harbinger at number 1 most populated, there were almost 260 on Jung Ma, being the lowest. The funny thing is number two least populated server after jung ma had like 600 people, which is twice as much as us. It should give you a fair idea about how small this server is comparing to others.
  7. Might have to do with the fact that there was a massive 12x class mision exp. boost for about 2 months before 3.0 launched. Jung Ma being the smallest server to start with (and I mean really small) it could be because people leveled their characters up with the 12x class mission exp until 55. You'll see quite a bit of people on Rishi and Yavin 4, leveling from 55 to 60.
  8. Now do you honestly mean there are 0 people when you get to a planet besides you? or do you mean there is only a couple? When I was leveling, planets such as Correlia, Illum, Voss there was hardly a dozen people, maybe 20 max in a really busy day.
  9. Some of our members can't seem to be able to run it, although if you ask me they are just being lazy and not bothering to look into it. Star Parse > Parsec
  10. I had a quick question to all you pro parsers and couple of updated parses. First of all, as I've only started doing operations around 2.4, I am not familiar with TORParse-Parsec and newly released Star Parse. Forgive my ignorance about the matter. Now, to my question, here is the link (TTK 5102 or 5076?) If you look at the TORParse top 50 (search Lakkir) or the screen shot, both of which point out to the same fact that the dummy died at 03:16 (which is 196 seconds, stupid plasma probe keeps going after the dummy dies). On the tor parse link though, it shows that combat ended in 197 seconds. Now, seeing both the time at top 50 and star parse itself, do you divide 1 mil by 196 or 197? Does torparse simply round the number? Or have I understood this entire TTK calculation thing wrong?
  11. Good fix Bioware, good thing you fixed the Ravagers Exploit. The Underlurker is more bugged than ever. HM Bulo put some cracks in those barrels, load lifters are going after exonium carts and where exonium carts are going after dps/healers. The load lifters also sometimes stand there for a solid 30 seconds than explode on the tanks. Good thing you guys are working on tracking the exploiters.
  12. Oh, what is this new mail that all my characters got? It is another Rishi Idol for participating in Shadow of Raven expansion.. its probably a glitch the new patch brought.. DON'T USE THE IDOL GUYS! YOU KNOW YOU ALREADY GOT ONE A MONTH AGO, YOU KNOW USING IT WILL BE AN EXPLOIT!
  13. I'm sorry, but this is absolutely true. This exploit was in PTS and reported by tons of players, it was your companies idea to simply "ignore" them and rush out the expansion out of the door with an extreme amount of glitches and bugs such as the broken PVP bolster, Raven fight being broken (which is the main story line of 3.0) and Ravagers. I find it absolutely ridiculous and saddening that ALL of this somehow managed to get through the PTS for THREE months. Are we forgetting how SM/HM DF DP wasn't suppose to give ultimate commendations but pretty much every single player in this game has run them to get some of those 198 vendor gear? We demand action against people who used this exploit also (which is pretty much the entire player base). We all can guess this is why Bioware decided to release the expansion with the bugs and glitches that they knew existed.
  14. That is 3 cull rotation, new 6 set piece. Cost of takedown is definitely a huge setback but I believe I've found a way, will parse more.
  15. Hmm.. 4564 - Virulence (I only parse with my PVE gear, do not have specific set for parsing only)
  16. -Repost Lakkir - Sniper - Virulence - Wrath 4554.45
  17. The person for my server dps leaderboard thought that 1.5 mil dummy parse would be a better representation of how well we know our class with the damage bonus that almost all dps classes have. He changed his mind of course but it honestly appears to me that I pars more than 1.5 mil dummy than 1 mil. I parsed with 72 percent surge about 12 times, results were around 4.2 4.3 depending on the crits but the another 15 parses that I did with alacrity seemed to actually put my dps in solid 4.3 and 4.4. The new rotation with the 6 set piece is something that I'm working on atm, it seems that resource management is definitely an important part of it unlike 2.0 (with the 7 reduced energy on takedown ).
  18. I seem to be having a little problem with the 6 piece virulence sniper set bonus. My pars with the old 4 set piece : http://imgur.com/kPig7nO It seems that the entire concept has changed, perhaps my stats are wrong. I've been trying to figure it out for a day or two but it seems that I cant' get past 4.4 with the 6 piece. -2018 power -3890 cunning -416 crit rating -360 surge rating -110 tech accuracy -120 alacrity It really does seem that little bit alacrity is making work or perhaps thats just me. Anybody have any ideas? I was thinking maybe get to 300+ alacrity, might help with the resource problem.. although that would drop my surge down to at least 64 percent. -Lakkir
  19. Lakkir - Sniper - Virulence - 4411 DPS This is with the old 4 set piece, will definitely post again once I get my full 6 set piece. http://imgur.com/M5C3KkH
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