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Everything posted by legofansrule

  1. Hi all, I decided it was time to trade up my Ghostly Magus Armor Set for something else, so I redeemed it from the CM Unclaimed Items section. Much to my dismay, when I redeemed it and transferred it to my inventory, the armor set came in pieces (helm, body, bracers, etc.). I spoke with a friend who had also transferred the same armor set to his inventory and he said it came in a box. While it isn't that big of a deal, I was just wondering if there's any way I can transfer it into a box, or if this is some sort of bug, since I haven't ever heard of this before.
  2. I'm really excited for this, but I'm also extremely disappointed that there can't be any "Hybrids" in SWTOR. I loved filling up half of the healing and middle trees for a balanced game. Even having two limited heals on my DPS made it a lifesaver in some combat scenarios. I hope there will be at least 1-2 abilities that Mercenaries will have access to, regardless of their selected Discipline. If not, it would personally take the fun away.
  3. This just happened to me today. It was on the final boss, "Terror From Beyond" though. Now I have to redo the whole Operation! I'm tempted to quit my sub because of it. I just wasted 6 hours doing it.
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