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Everything posted by CheaterLL

  1. Auf der jeweiligen Flotte ist ein NPC der dir die Skillung zurücksetzen kann, er steht auf der Repflotte bei 7 Uhr, Impflotte 1 Uhr.
  2. Ist leider nicht möglich weil die Engine schon bei verhältnismäßig wenigen Spielern in die Knie geht und dir Framerate dann Richtung Diashow geht.
  3. There is no ToS NiM. The deco can drop in both SM and HM.
  4. My Juggernaut does around 2.5k single target, but then he's almost full 224.
  5. Run storymode operations, you'll get bolstered to appropiaze stats in SM. Try to always run the current group finder operation and pick up the weekly mission to get the extra data crystals. Save up your purple data crystals until you have 150 to buy the offhand. Try to get as much loot as you can - sometimes there are tokens that noone wants, then speak up and ask if you can have it. Sometimes the raid lead won't count the random 220 item from the final boss as a token, it has a very good enhancement (unless it's a tank item). Use green and blue data crystals to buy companion gifts and exotic isotope stabilizers on Odessen and sell them on the GTN to be able to afford augmenting yout gear. As soon as you reach level 60 start Knights of the Fallen Empire and play until you finish chapter 9. This will get you a free legacy bound main hand with rating 200 mods and access to Odessen.
  6. I always tank him to the right exhaustion zone so the dragon knocks me against the wall so I can jump right back. When he spits I'll just move to the side. Also what has the chained menifestation got to do with the dragon?
  7. Nur mal kurz ein paar Ergänzungen: Die Sammlung gilt Accountweit, also auch Serverübergreifend. Einmal in der Sammlung freigeschaltet sind Teile für alle Charaktere verfügbar - man muss nur einmal die Kartellmünzen zahlen. Auch ohne Kartellmünzen zu zahlen, können Gegenstände auf Charakteren, die sie bereits besitzen (oder einmal besessen haben) aus der Sammlung geholt werden. (Wer Vermächtniswaffen besitzt muss daher keine Farbkristalle freischalten). Rüstungssets müssen vollständig auf einem Charakter und gebunden sein (Anzuehen/Outfit-Designer), um sie freizuschalten. Aus der Sammlung geholte Gegenstände sind immer Charaktergebunden.
  8. You can open the pack, take out only the unlocks you want and then close the pack window. You can then sell the pack for 1,000 credits to a NPC vendor.
  9. Bei der Charaktererstellung an dem Punkt, an dem du die Klasse auswählst nicht auf weiter, sondern auf Fortgeschritten, dann kannst du da die Skillung auswählen. Alternativ später auf der Flotte in der Nähe der Ausbilder steht ein NPC der dir deine Skillung zurücksetzen kann (Als Abo sogar kostenlos)
  10. Well I spent 2/3 of my budget (760k) on SSDs and barely have any smaller ships.
  11. I have 7 and he didn't complain, so I guess not.
  12. All my ships are shared with all of you.
  13. The titan frigate is indeed my TF-50 TITAN Carrier. Also K what do you plan to ram with you victory? Any ship below a destroyer will just get annihilated.
  14. Titan is missing as well. Don't worry, I only have a few left. TF-99 (done)(Not gonna use in 3.0) TF-91 (done)(Not gonna use in 3.0) TF-90 (done)(Adjusted version of the TF-91 cuz Sil called OP) TF-80 TF-70 TF-60 TF-61 TF-50 (done) TF-40 Also all the other bits of the TITANFALL project, like pods, walkers etc. Also since the TF-99 wasn't shown yet and won't be used in 3.0 might as well post it here:
  15. Rav: Torque: Consoles are bugged, didn't get repaired visually but were actually repaired, repair droids didn't die afterwards Cora's Bird is not bugged DF: Can confirm guardians bugged Not only the arms, but any kind of tentacle in the whole OP are completely messed up. KP: Everything's working. EV: First boss is kind of bugged, sometimes he turns, sometimes he doesn't.
  16. MOCK3: Honestly, why does the Imp2 frigate have half the crew of an ISD2 when only 1/4 the length (so 1/16 the size)
  17. 1 mil clone > 1 bil B1 Vader > seps
  18. Alright, v2 of MOCK2: In short: >1400 Dreadnoughts 1 Destroyer ~700k Droid Tri + Vulture ~800k AAT >450k MTT ~4.3*** B1
  19. Also, with 1428 of the larger Providence Dreadnoughts you get 4,284,000,000 (four and a quarter billion) droids. Edit: there is still room for one Destroyer in there, making for a total of 4,285,500,000 droids.
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