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Everything posted by fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg

  1. Fine, it's a request. Can we have Trandos as a playable race? I don't care if you would kiss it or not.
  2. I could think of a few more species that they could add too by just doing these things. Instead they like to go with aliens with head tails that clip which will lead to people not liking it and then to people complaining on the forums for he next three months.
  3. Well the armor problem is solved. As for cutscenes, I'm pretty sure trandos would work given the fact that they are roughly the size of a type 3 male body. They do speak basic so that wouldn't be a problem, though modulating the voices would be necessary. Romanes? It can work.
  4. I LOLed at this thread:p. Put it this way OP, out of the thousands of people who play Ziost every day, how many do you think have your problems? Probably a hundred or so which is a very small minority. The fact that they didn't release the full content was so people didn't complete it on the first day, then go troll the forums saying how lazy Bioware was for not making more content. It is not Bioware's fault, it is just you. Me catching a cold was their fault. Thanks bioware.
  5. For trandoshans I just figured they would do the armor similar to what they did for Qyzen Fess by just having the chest, belt and bracers slots visible. Trandos don't need shoes.
  6. I'm probably the only one here but I wouldn't mind having modles of my characters.
  7. Keeper. He kinda presents the image of a strong and competent leader but you can see that he is absolutely terrified of the sith. Qyzen Fess because he seems to be one of the only trandoshans that doesn't want to skin people like predator. Darth Marr because he isn't a physciopath unlike other sith such as Vitalite, Jadus etc.
  8. Is he Grand Nagus Zek or Rom? Anyways, I would buy a few hypercrates and some cartel market armor sets. Then unlock them in my collections.
  9. It is so surprising that this hasn't been added to the market. WE NEED IT. WE NEED IT NOW!
  10. Crap! I voted. Fortunately it was on a tablet which those things don't really affect. Edit: after reading the other posts on this, I think I'm fine. On a side note, the playable species that I would really like to see is trandoshan. They work with existing armor (except gloves, boots, and helmets which I can see those just not showing on them like Qyzen Fess). They are capable of speaking basic, although that would be akward so I suggest using the trandoshan voices already in the game and using subtitles. As for romance, who cares!
  11. Just make sure that slave Leia or orion slave girl are actually women. I'm so glad my girlfriend knows I'm geeky.
  12. Let me just explain. Ranked PvPers get really pissed when they are on a team with someone who is undergeared because that person is more likely to die and cause the rest of the team to suffer as well. I would suggest doing a whole bunch of regular warzones and then exchange some of the coms you get from that for ranked coms until you have enough to buy a set of decent ranked gear.
  13. How about "Corrupted the Computer" or "Corrupted the Flashdrive."
  14. I'm sure he has better things to do than post on the forums and get "oh..that's nice" or "*** took you so damn long to post!" That sums up every other response.
  15. For those of you who do not want 12xp, I have a simple solution: Don't do any story content until it is over! There are plenty of things to do in the meantime.
  16. I have an idea. Don't do any story content while it is on.
  17. I'm going to post my code It is worth one or two clicks by now SO COME AND GET IT!!!!! http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/15upg9
  18. Those of us that want 12xp do not wish to skip our class stories, but rather experience them without the side quest and KDY grind.
  19. It happened to me as well. Just wait about 2 minutes and refresh the page.
  20. More codes should be popping up since I gave mine to 3 people.
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