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Everything posted by Tachenko_Yuri

  1. Never mind the weaponry that has wonderful features such as: Lightsaberstaff that has an entire blade disappear. Rifle that has it's " moving parts " change color at random and of course, my favourite, the assault cannon's moving parts which also change color, but also vanish.
  2. Nah, I just saw, more correctly written: " me iz accomplished guy, me better than 100 of yous together, me opinion countz, youz suck "
  3. ...and? congratz? There's war veterans, soldiers with tours of duty on their records, and many people better off than you, EA still sees the lot of us as a subscribers, nothing more
  4. Big macs: more than one big mac in a given scenario. Big Mac's: something that belongs to the big mac. I.e. : " The big mac's lettuce. "
  5. Exp.1 Nope, customers abides to a business plan offered by the provider, and can decide to spend, or not, his money on said plan. A stakeholder spends money so he can have a say in changing said business plan, with the more " pull " the more share you have of the said company. So, to get the game exactly as you want, you need to go buy 51% of EA's share, which isn't " SWTOR Cartel Coins " Exp. 2 So, you're thinking that buying a 100 Bic Macs gets you a seat into McDonald's Markting development/business meetings. Cuz the answer would be no.
  6. II'm sorry, but a big-spending customer, will remain as such. The word you're looking for is " stakeholder ", a title which is not granted by an amount of coins bought, no matter how big it is and in what time span such a purchase has been done.
  7. If people bought entire batches of crates for the slots, and just for the slots... well, lol. GTN wouldn't have costed them one single RL cent. And someone seems fairly " backside " hurt about all this... Re-directing you to the answer I gave at the first quote.
  8. dude, that's truth, reality, you can't go saying stuff like that around here!
  9. 6 millions for the slot that I donated single-handedly to my guild SH, along with another bought by another guild member for I'm guessing some other mills. Me, neither this other guild member, neither the rest of our guild have made a fuss ever since the drop rates have changed, or " nerfed ". don't see why everyone is eviscerating each other about. Just get out there, do you crew skill missions, like, you know, what's happened for the last 3 years of this game.
  10. Levelling wise, that would leave yavin out. /contacts Melarra, does a DR. Lorrick, and fills her ship up with slot machine ranters to infest the last intact world of the TOR universe. YUS - Yavin Under Siege? New FP confirmed? nope, the revanites can sort that out
  11. /cue I've been playing since 1975 beta tests, this and that, gonna quit over the slots, blablabla
  12. the 3 pages of the forums atm are either: 1) WAAAA SLOTS WAAAAH, RAWR, QUITSMASH RAAAAAAGE!!!111 or 2) Some incredibly lush, well worded and elaborated theory on fixing slots, which in the end becomes point N°1 anyways. not much to read. And yeah. Legend status rep for a couple million machine, sucks; better off buying crates in coins, or for even more millions, off the GTN.
  13. of all the bugs, glitches, exploits, 10+ hour maintenances that have occured in 3 years of his supposed gameplay, folk's miffed about, yawn, the slots.
  14. Imagine a mob of medieval townsfolk, looking for the next witch to burn. Imagine, that a witch starts saying " hey, I'm a witch " and starts taunting the townsfolk. Can you guess what happens after? You'll find out in a couple of mins, Just.. prepare yourself
  15. Yeah, all ppl definetly go to vegas for the unique shot at losing money with style. *___*
  16. Take this thing to the drawing board again. Burn it to the progress to the ground.* Make: An early access which isn't an Open Beta, broken at that, if I may add ( revan fight ) Squelch the slot machine and what it brought with it. ( loving the cert drops, but mostly unaffected tbh, not the case for many others apparently ) . God Forbid, to be able to do away with murdering LAG that is still around. Get OPs what they need to be not easy, but FEASABLE, as in BUG FIXING which is still in dire need, as today's maint has yet again demonstrated, and something that isn't basically Draxus at Oricon's release all over again, a.k.a. Pug Group ( and not only them ) Murderer. Oh about OPS, nuking would also resolve the whole ravagers exploit thingy, amongst other exploits. . . . No, of course not. That just can't happen obv, in so many ways, for example all the real cash transaction on crates and sub days. But when stuff like this has been ongoing, is still going, and *will* keep going from the looks of it, makes one think.
  17. To FUBAR the crafting economy, with major impacts on item crafting, conquests and all sorts of other markets, just to push this one hypercrate's sale, would be just... D:
  18. crazy *** necro *__* Sure it's more that 170, and 170k, to that.
  19. Lovely of the gree to come around, many folks wanted it. Now, how about a word on a lag,so this event, along with everything else in the game for the last 5 weeks, gets fubar also?
  20. " Just have to argue with you " you're some important folk that I'm unaware of? Actually it would be great if bioware could just sit and make you said outfit, would mean they wouldn't have problems with the game, and spare enough time to grant these wishes to single folks But, yeah, stuff's happening, affecting cm also imo. Notice how packs come around every month or so. 5 weeks-ish since 1st revanite pack batch came out, no new pack ( acolyte, according to collections ) , and no eta on its release. so.. end of the day, in your original post you asked what's the problem, if it's licensing, or else. Answer to that most likely is Messed up state of the game currently.
  21. You may find that there are other things currently, with slightly more priority than a very restricted group asking for a specific garment to be created for said very restricted group's needs.
  22. so.. nvm solution 1 = LOL , and solution 2 = more LOL Seen enough ban threats through different games that went from ban threat, to leniency, to nout been done, to say that most likely this is going to be another case of it. Bulk of the exploiter are, obv, raiders, and most likely subs. Do they really want to ban subs and lose money? Ofc, the chips can actually do something, and surprise me big time. ... And a word on the lag fixing would be majorly appreciated also
  23. To be able to log in and expecting a good time, instead of crossing fingers for no lag to be there.
  24. ... Atm, just pray they you're going to get something like this: " In approximately ( some time ), we're fixing the stuff that messed up the game for the last 5 weeks. "
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