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Everything posted by Desuoniichan

  1. Hey I'm looking to get into pvping as a marauder quite a fair bit and I've read conflicting ideas concerning how to Min/Max Carnage Marauder pvp gear. Any questions people can answer would be greatly appreciated. Is it true you want to have all vindicator gear (for the 4 piece set bonus on force charge), rip out the mods of those, and put it in equivalent medium armour and use that? Are there any specific armourings/mods/enhancements off gear that I would want to rip out and put into my gear to get a better stat increase overall?
  2. Hey I'm going to be hitting 50 soon on my operative and I'm really curious if there are any guides out there explaining which spec is best for PVE, how I should handle my rotations, and whats BiS. Yet to find any guides about it on the forums unfortunately so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I'm going to be forming an 8 man operation group in the near future and since I'm new to swtor (I'm an old WoW veteran who raided TBC-Wotlk) I'm curious as to what sort of format my group should have, as well as what the best Tanks, Healers, and DPS are before I go out and starting recruiting people for it. Any help regarding my questions would be greatly appreciated.
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