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  1. I'm looking for a new guild to run with on imp side. I just started playing again after a year's break. Stopped playing right before the Shadow of Revan dropped. I have plenty of experience running HM's and have done some NiM progression. I also pvp quite a bit on my own time. With that in mind I'm not necessarily looking for a hardcore progression raid guild again, but instead am looking for an active guild that enjoys content and for people to play with . If possible I'd also like to bring two of my friends with me into the fold. 1 like me has been playing for much the same time and just came back and the other just started playing. The 2 more experienced of us two players are used to playing multiple roles at the NiM lvl of raiding (At least for the time. DF NiM and DP NiM) and have multiple toons on both imp and pub side. But all and all we are just looking for an active guild to have fun with, preferably one that does more than just raid logs then takes off. If you think you might be that guild I'd appreciate the invite and you can either reply to my thread here or message me in game. I'm usually on "Bro-Nee" lately which is an operative. If not try "Brobituary" which is my Mercenary.
  2. <Meatbagz> is currently looking for a healer for their Tuesday Imp side raid team. They run from 9:30pm PST to about 1am PST. Here's our forum post for more info. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=735585
  3. I am currently looking for 1 rDPS for my progression raid group pub side. If you don't have HM experience that's ok we can work with you and get you geared so long as you can make the times and have TS. We run Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7pm PST to 9pm PST. We do DF HM on Wednesday and DP HM on Thursday. Please msg Bromega, Brotaku-kun, or SirBromo online for an invite.
  4. Hey sorry about the late reply. We are indeed in pacific time with a majority of our players residing within the pacific time zone. All raid times are also PST times.
  5. We're looking for a tank, 2 rpds, and 1 mdps to fill out one of our 8 man progression raid teams (Republic Side). If you don't have much experience in ops that's okay we will get you up to speed. Please be lvl 55 if you are interested. Our guild uses Teamspeak 3 so please be willing to download and install the program (no mic required. being able to hear us is enough) This particular team raids on Thursday and Saturday nights. However, those times are up for negotiation so even if you can't make those night feel free to apply, and we can discuss better times. Or if you are just looking for a guild without overbearing regulations or rules feel free to post here and we can send you an invite and maybe you can make or join a raid team of your own. Please post your character name here or whisper Bromega, SirBromo, or Freenamechange in game.
  6. We're currently looking for: 2 rdps (at least one gunslinger), a tank of any class, and a melee-range dps of any class. If you don't have much experience running the ops that's ok we can start on SM ops and get you ready and going for the HMs. Teamspeak is required even if you don't have a mic (communication is important during an op) We're friendly and all are welcome. We raid Thursday and Saturday nights but we can discuss raid night changes if need be. If interested please reply tot this post with the character you are on most often so we can get in touch.
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