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  1. Sith Sorcerer Madness lv 35 I noticed new triple stat enhancements that can be artificed. I still don't know exactly what all the stats do or how much of an impact they have. Should I continue to focus on Power and craft Savant enhancements? Or is it time to switch to critical with Insight enhancements? Which of these new level 35 enhancements should I craft for myself?
  2. thanks for the on topic replies To those discussing how to lot--common sense tells me to just not be a dick so we ok there. PVP sounds interesting, may give that a try soon if the gear is coo.
  3. thanks for the replies This all sits well and good for armor. You want to keep the look so you upgrade the mods as you go and can keep the same custom armor as long as you like. But what about lightsabers? I see no difference between a custom [Corrupting Focus Lightsaber] and a custom [Lightsaber]. Since the sabers look the same and there are no stat differences, is there literally no difference between the two other than the name? Can i level to 50 with just the first custom saber I come across in this game and just switch out the mods like with armor? Kind of silly imo. I understand at endgame there are some purple sabers that will be better.
  4. apologies if this had already been discussed I'm a new player trying to decide how to gear up while leveling. It would seem custom gear with mods is the best stat wise, so I've been artificing what I can and spending commendations on what I can't. but I'm seeming to level too fast to keep up (lv 23). should I continue to accept commendations from quest rewards or accept more gear rewards? what strategy do you guys use to gear up whIle leveling?
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