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Everything posted by BlacksheepofWI

  1. Wanted to just toss this question out there with my personal theory. What are your thoughts on how this story will return to the good old rep vs emp war? My personal hopeful storyline is making it take place DURING the kotfe/kotet timeline. What I mean is... we already know that the republic and empire were not just playing around during the alliance vs eternal emp period. What if the storyline follow the story of those who were still within the republic or empire not directly related to the eternal conflict? With the whole main storyline of kotfe/kotet going on in zakull, odesson, and several places in the known galaxy, I just thought it would be interesting to explore what the two traditional forces were up to and what they were going through. Also I just wanted a story that would make sense for my alts (PCs that were not the "alliance commander" in my head canon) Anyways what are your theories??
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