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    Daughter, Gaming, art, photography, guitar,
  • Occupation
    Factory Rat
  1. Agree, would like to at least see more attention to the idea. Cathar, I haven't even bought them... There's so many other races that would seem more important to buy. Or redo the Cathar to be more CAT? Since it's obvious in their name - I've so far seen Thundercat looking creations.
  2. Wow nice list, hope to see this updated forever. I'd like to see more customization features and races for purchase. And personally I'd like to see more value to those purchases or more available separate purchases of skin/hair related features to the character customization content. I bought the expanded hairstyles for humans and found only 2 new ones to choose from for the males. I wouldn't mind paying for additional unlocks related to such features or a pack of content to add diversity to making a truly unique character. And with all of your armor suggestions that would play well into the external side - now if only we could customize our organs and blood colors and sell said organs to the cartel for credits... >.>
  3. I am with you on ffxi - it had everything right and was challenging.SE didn't need to kill end game by adding levels... They had plenty of area, and adding all those new areas without raising the level cap would have worked way better than the watery soup ffxi is now. Players were comfortable and ffxi had its own design going on - it didn't need to wowify. adding to the thread: There really needs to be a different focus, this content going out of date thing - just to grind content again doesn't make sense, it's routine. Players are already established, new players are still striving. It's time to bring in a political system with more responsibility within a story built universe that continues with new branching possibilities.
  4. I bought the hairstyles for humans. It consisted of 2 new male hair styles and 3 for female. I would like to suggest at least 10 more haircuts or 2 more features to pick from in every customization option besides hair. I'm having a hard time with getting into human looks, the females/males just don't look very good to me like the Rattataki do - some of the cyborg options look really good on empire humans, so cyborgs are prefered - I'd like to see more "eastern European" looking faces with the option of no eyebrows. The white eyes are a nice option, I'd like to see more options in terms of unique customizations, especially if the Cartel market is such a huge part of Swtor, and a little bit more given to the player in terms of what they get for purchasing such extra features. I'd also like to have more cyborg features to choose from for Sith warrior.
  5. Why focus on level increases - this is so old school. UP and up to make the past irrelevant. So you chase down the enhancements to make your gear trendy again, maybe sport a new look in the end. Focus, focus, focus... There's clearly content already available to improve on, not levels.
  6. I wouldn't play Wildstar. Unless you're impressed by lots of plastic with rainbow colored filters over a bottle of water.
  7. Deinxceriis


    Put a bunch of people in a room, tell them they can do anything, give them everything then put a justice system in their hands and then pvp on top of it all. Sound like the top vacuum cleaner on the shelf at Walmart during black Friday. Don't be fooled. Swtor currently outshines the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, but wow is on its way into the Korean MMO popularity of meaningless content click bricks. Archeage may be a sandbox, but it's definitely a sandbox full of cat poop.
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