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Posts posted by Evolixe

  1. Guard has a purpose in PVE due to the threat lowering of the guarded target. If you have tanks that have it hard to keep aggro (yes, there must be also something wrong there as that shouldnt happen) then they guard 2 dps and if 2 of the 4 dps can guard they guard the other 2 dps. This way all 4 dps are guarded and have lowered threat, which is a helpful thing.


    You can't guard someone that is guarding another so this is actual bs.

  2. so i did some quick math


    14 augments, 8 players which need 112 augments in total, so a group needs to raid for 224 hours to farm the pve material for a full group, assuming you raid 2,5 hours per day that's 90 days of raiding which, lets say you raid 3 times a week is 30 weeks of farming. this patch comes out in October this means your average group will be fully geared by May next year (again, with the pve side of material gathering)


    from a nightmare player, my feedback is that this is insane :D


    Better than 20 years of solo ranked :rolleyes:

  3. Look.. if you want to design something like this it should be possible for 1 person to farm enough mats for 1 augment in 1 week. At that point it will still be 14 weeks of going full steam before you can deck out 1 effing character.


    And yes, eventually.. after the main farmers have gotten their characters decked out and will only farm for monetary gain the market will saturate and incentive to do anything other than buying it from GTN will drop. But that is just how this **** works.


    I still have at least 10 characters to deck out for myself and I know several of my veteran friends have half a dozen more than than. Seriously.. even 1 week per augment would be a very serious stretch and we're looking at several weeks per augment as it stands..


    What are you thinking? Honestly :confused::confused:

  4. So I understand that this is designed to be a carrot for MM Ops and Team ranked, but for myself and the majority of people I know in game, we cant farm MM Ops being mostly casual players, and Team Ranked is just not happening as people don't want to get involved with the toxic players who reside in ranked, especially after losses stopped counting towards the quests.


    If you want this to have any success then the losses are going to need to count again, but even then I think most of us (At least in my circles) will just have to accept we wont be getting these as farming MM Ops is just not realistic for us, not exactly "Play your way"...


    I don't really see an issue with that. You don't need full minmaxed 306 for HM anyway.


    Theres been enough serving snowflake mentalities like this already

  5. 1/5 guaranteed loot drop from TR daily and weekly, respectively. + some bonus chance from SR and TR boxes, with only TR having an appreciable chance.


    Yeah I left that out deliberately. I understand that they want to move people to team ranked but this isn't incentive.. this is brute force.

    • Master Mode bosses will drop a new material: OEM-37
      • Most bosses drop 1 in 8-person, 2 in 16-person
      • Final bosses drop 3 in 8-person and 6 in 16-person
      • Dxun bosses will drop 2 in 8-person and 4 in 16-person
      • Apex Predator in Dxun will drop 6 in 8-person and 12 in 16-person

      [*]Ranked PvP Missions and Boxes will drop a new material: RPM -13

      • 50% chance in weekly group ranked box
        • 5 on Weekly Group Ranked Quest

        [*]10% chance in daily group ranked box

        • 1 on Daily Group Ranked Quest

        [*]25% chance in weekly solo ranked box

        • 0 in Weekly Solo Ranked Quest

        [*]5% chance in daily solo ranked box

        • 0 in Daily Solo Ranked Quest

      [*]CM-1337 ingredients are:

      • 15 OEM-37
      • 25 RPM-13
      • 5 Legendary Embers



    Also, there is a 5% chance from the daily ranked pvp and a 25% chance from the weekly.. but that percentage chance is based on what? 1 RPM? So I have to play 3 weeks of solos on average to get 1 of a material I need 25 of to make 1 augment?




    That means I'd need to play 75 weeks of soloranked to make 1 augment.

    And I need 14 of those.. do I need to play soloranked for 1050 weeks (20 years and some change, btw)


    To gear 1 character in new augments? rofl.

    And then I haven't even considered the fact that you also need all the other materials :rolleyes:

  6. While we feel like guarding is a useful skill and important to the advanced classes that have access to it, it has become clear that it is being abused in PVP by guarding and guard switching with no penalty. This makes PVP unbalanced towards the disciplines that have access to guard.


    I mean that is some strong wording for players simply using a mechanic that you guys, as developers, gave to us.

    The whole removal of stances was an insanely bad move and I called it all those years ago.


    Still, this is a good thing. I would like to echo some others in that this is really only a PvP thing and it doesn't necessarily have to apply to damage dealt to anything but players, however its also not really a big deal if DPS can't guard in PvE anymore so eh :rolleyes:


    What I hope comes after now is that we can start making some tweaks to the classes that heavily rely on these guard mechanics to succeed and see if we can compensate them elsewhere when time is going to prove them to be lacking now.


    Also, nerf PT burst. Thx.

  7. This is the kind of naive comments that chap my hide. *I* personally work my *** off in every match. But I'm stuck with a bunch of PVE players on my side while the other team is a PREMADE who understands objectives.


    If you think I'm the sole reason we are losing match then that tells everyone you've announced to the SWTOR world that you are naive and ill informed. Usually attributed to people who say "It's just you" when they know that is hardly the fact.


    You're acting like this is every other pop which it really isn't. If you're losing more than half of your unranked warzones you really do need to take a hard look in the mirror.

  8. You can't just tell ppl in regs to git gud. THERE IS NOWHERE LEFT FOR THEM TO ACTUALLY TRAIN AND GET GOOD.


    You can do a little research before you do regs. Read a guide, watch some streams, get informed.

    There is no excuse for being an actual hinderance to your team.


    Lol okay, give me a minute to finish my dinner and ill boot up the stream to play some regs.

    Want to bet I can get at least 2 weeklies done before midnight? :rolleyes:


    Actually did this, btw. Went 13-2 in just over 4 hours and that was with a whole boatload of full length voidstars

  9. Welcome back.


    Get used to getting facerolled by a pre-made (ran into many today). I'm 6 hours in to PVP today, I have 8 of 10 wins (2 came from last night). So six wins in six hours = 1 win PER HOUR. So logically it'd take 10 hours a day to cap all 10 wins.


    Now imagine if you have every class on both Sith and Pub side. Forget finishing your weeklies. This isn't rated PVP, grouping up for non ranked should be banned. Queue, toss in random players, have fun, let a loss count as 1 win, a win as 2 and let people enjoy the game.


    Then again, the developers of games rarely listen to paying customers anyway.


    Lol okay, give me a minute to finish my dinner and ill boot up the stream to play some regs.

    Want to bet I can get at least 2 weeklies done before midnight? :rolleyes:

  10. Youll only be matched against other healers for the most part (outside of mongs that deliberately decline qpops)


    Its by far the easiest way to climb in the sense that you only have to be better than 1 player on the enemy team most of the time

  11. I completely agree with the OP. I'm honestly disgusted by the horrible snowflake attitude that seems to be reigning here.


    Get a group, get a guild. Invest some *********** time into actually becoming decent at PvP instead of just asking to be rewarded for being bad.


    Level up. Theres plenty of people out there that will gladly help you all. But as long as you keep desperately clinging on to this piss poor attitude of selfpity everyone that actually plays pvp because they like it, rather than any rewards, will always look down on you with disgust.

  12. Honestly the replies here are laughable.


    Do any of you people complaining ever watch any pvp streams?

    Like Snave, or anyone on twitch?


    I do my weekly pvp quests on all characters in a matter of hours and you all sit here complaining that it takes you days for one (1?!) Character. And that its somehow the games fault? Lmao



    If you would just properly educate yourself on how pvp actually works you too could get several characters weeklies done every day. It really doesnt take a PvP mastermind.


    All of you have gotten spoiled for way too long.. seriously if you are complaining about not being able to do 1 weekly in a day it is entirely your own incompetence speaking.


    Learn how to actually pvp, and then you can reap the rewards. Not the other way around.


    Enough said. Don't sit here crying about how you can't win, and just get better so you actually deserve to complete that daily/weekly/whatever the f

  13. Honestly the replies here are laughable.


    Do any of you people complaining ever watch any pvp streams?

    Like Snave, or anyone on twitch?


    I do my weekly pvp quests on all characters in a matter of hours and you all sit here complaining that it takes you days for one (1?!) Character. And that its somehow the games fault? Lmao



    If you would just properly educate yourself on how pvp actually works you too could get several characters weeklies done every day. It really doesnt take a PvP mastermind.


    All of you have gotten spoiled for way too long.. seriously if you are complaining about not being able to do 1 weekly in a day it is entirely your own incompetence speaking.


    Learn how to actually pvp, and then you can reap the rewards. Not the other way around.

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