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Posts posted by MagSul

  1. Not a jukebox, nor an ambient machine! I propose the ability to select global ambient music for each stronghold in a similar fashion to the way you select the name and title. Why? Atmosphere! I'd cheerfully pay for it the same way that I paid for the Arneclin Masterpieces (yes, I had to look up how to spell that!)


    Every player's stronghold serves a different purpose. Some have turned Coruscant into a Jedi Academy, others have turned it into a safe haven for refugees, a cantina or even a full military installation. With each player's choice and taste, different ambience is required to help bring it to life!


    Please consider allowing us to choose a tune to keep on a loop! :csw_speeder:

  2. If this is a thing that I'm unaware of, please educate me! Basically, in the preferences menu, I'd like to suggest a toggle-able setting that allows a player to auto-run when right-clicking available loot, or a target, such as a vendor. Alternatively, or in addition to this, allowing companions to gather loot in a similar fashion to how they gather resources.


    ...That red text which reads Out Of Range: Move Closer when your character is only two feet away is bothersome!



  3. LotRO adjusted helmets & hats to have a generic hair showing that matches your character's normal hair color. Not perfect, but much better than bald.


    That'd do! I have to admit, it's one of the main reasons I tend to avoid hoods on my characters. Looking bald underneath is just blegh!

  4. There're a lot of ideas I agree with and some I don't, my contributions are:




    Day & Night Cycles

    I appreciate that this may not be suitable for places like Ilum, but worlds such as Coruscant, or Tatooine, Tython would be interesting to see at different times of day. Could be nice for those role-players out there, too! It also helps places feel a bit more real, adding to player immersion and a change of scenery just helps the place to look less stale when revisiting.



    For similar reasons to the day and night cycle, I would like to see weather integrated.



    Critters, whether hunting them for achievements/codex entries, there could be a lot more of them. They make a world feel lived in. A lot of areas in the game are completely devoid of life and it can make walking through those places feel lonely, even with a companion or friend.



    More consistent ambient music and sound effects would significantly add to player immersion, whether that be birds chirping, or the animals I'm passing by grunting at one another.





    Czerka was something I enjoyed as a series of solo-accomplish-able dailies in a realistic amount of time, Ziost too. I would like to see more variety to repeatable missions, with more enticing rewards for indulging them beyond credits. The four starter planets could be a great starting point. I'll use Tython alone as an example -


    Tython Reputation -


    Seeing Flesh Raiders off of the twi'lek village, which could be done the old fashioned way, or by using a mountable canon or such. The poisoning of their crops missions seems like an easy repeatable.


    Investigate/scout waypoints around tython for flesh raider activity. You'd arrive at these waypoints, deploy your binoculars at a landmark, then based on chance, have an encounter or complete the objective and move onto the next waypoint. It provides a bit of variety, you can go to the waypoints in any order and won't necessarily fight something at the same waypoint every time.


    Search & Rescue: A NPC at the Jedi temple needs you to investigate a report of a missing pilgrim, or padawan (alternating, at different locations?) Find them and escort them back to either the village, or Jedi Temple accordingly.


    Liam Dentiri's Combat Leadership quest, droids scaled to your level.


    Repair sonic emitters that keep flesh raiders/predators away from the training grounds in the gnarls/around the Jedi Temple.


    Another way to redeem reputation could be to turn in crafting supplies, with a different resource required each day. It would give us something more to do with all that desh! Then the following day when you do the quest, they need rubat crystals, as an example.


    Those're just a few examples off of the top of my head for repeatable missions. Rewards could be anything from Jedi/Pilgrim relevent decorations (such as Jedi Temple chairs), outfits like Orgus Din, Kel Dor Jedi Master, Meditative Padawan, lightsaber hilts, crystals, titles, all purchaseable through a combination of reputation and credits.


    I'd expect Korriban to involve archaeology in some form, breaking prisoners, thrashing droids. On Hutta, bounties, a "Simon Says" game with a hutt, where you have to perform different dancing emotes in a quest-only outfit (a feature of the Imperial Agent that was underused.) You could type the emotes in, or have a mission-specific action bar, failing to perform resulting in descending to the rancor pit! Then those who would rather just fight something, can. You could collect tribute for the relevant hutts as well. Ord Mantell could be things like changing ID tags, like on Makeb (for smuggling), the usual repelling of enemy forces from the perimeter, gear inspection, you name it!



    Life Day's great, but when it rolls around not a whole lot of new content appears. Access to Kashyyyk on a scale similar to Manaan would be sufficient, with a few mini-games or non-violent missions (unless you wanted trandoshans to rain on their parade for one of them.) Limited-time things do draw people in!


    Nar Shaddaa nightlife's a great way to lose out on money, but how come the casinos are closed for the majority of the year? I'd like to see more winnable items, perhaps drinks passed around that intoxicate your character, with some of the items only being available while in that state. Decorations, titles, mounts, credits, scrap materials, hutt faction reputation are all good incentives!


    Other Things:

    I'd like to see more social levels and rewards for progression. The Party Instigator and things are really good, but why stop at level 10?


    Earn influence with companions by killing things. The example I read from someone else today is 1 for a standard foe, 5 for a strong, 10 for an elite. That'd be a superb change!


    I would like to see the family tree hold the capacity to add other player's characters. Friends build their characters around one another quite often and build their own stories. It's a shame that the family tree system can't accurately reflect this.


    Of course, finally, more operations, flashpoints and warzones would be interesting. :)


    I appreciate not everyone will read what I've put, or necessarily agree with my ideas and I know that by writing them here, their chances of implementation are still completely zero, but it's been a lot of fun dreaming up ideas. ^.^

  5. Hey, guys!


    I am enjoying the quick pops of group finder when I sign up for a tactical flashpoint, but I (and I'm sure others) do spot a problem with this system. Flashpoints such as Legacy of the Rakata, Depths of Manaan or even The False Emperor can be played out of sequence by new players and this provides them with spoilers for their upcoming stories. Since the game places individual storytelling high up on the list of priorities, this strikes me as odd.


    My proposal is that as a new player, you are unable to play one flashpoint until you have completed the previous one in the list. For example, you would be ineligible to sign up to Hammer Station if you had not yet completed The Esseles. Once you had completed The Esseles, you would be able to sign up for both Hammer Station and The Esseles and so on until the list is full. Measured against your legacy achievements, this would not affect experienced players who're creating new characters.


    I understand that my opinion does not necessarily represent or match the wider playerbase of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but thanks for reading anyway!

  6. To be fair, there are a lot of alternatives to the Slave outfit which you can access through your collections, once you've obtained them the first time. I think it's fair to have to do it every time. Besides, Star Wars: The Old Republic is still an MMO, it's not unreasonable that it asks you to spend time with other players to a small degree.


    You can reach that social level very quickly (with or without a social boost) by doing the Black Talon/Esseles flashpoint with a group of players. :)

  7. I think we've come to a perfect balance. As it stands, you still have to pay attention to what you're doing! Before, you could send off any companion in DPS and he'd wipe out most of the mobs for you while you go and make yourself something to drink. Colour me satisfied. ^.^
  8. I did get a hold of the LEGO Defender-Class Light Corvette, a Rotworm's t-shirt from Jinx, a Jedi Knight class t-shirt (and a Bounty Hunter for the mrs.) We've got a hold of a custom lightsaber that resembles the one you assemble on Tython and we resorted to modifying a talking jawa toy to resemble Blizz.


    I do wish there was more for us to get a hold of, though. :(

  9. I still have this game; I bought a second copy so my girlfriend and I would have more to play whilst we were apart. We both love it, even if as a result certain parts of the Star Wars soundtrack instill mad panic! There're some pretty amusing quotes in there, too!
  10. What does help to shorten your queuing time, is lining up with a friend. Two people is half your group! Between my friend and I, we've got the two most sought-after roles covered (a tank, and a DPS.) As a result, there's almost no waiting time for anything! If you don't happen to have any friends who play the game, that's where signing yourself up with a sociable guild comes into play. You'll get to know a lot of people who play the game, a lot!
  11. I never understand why people spend forever going "LF1M H4....". You don't need 4 except for a couple of examples (e.g. H4 in Section X) where 4 is actually needed logistically. Otherwise, 2 people with comps is fine for all heroics. I have never struggled.


    I have to agree to this. I usually play in a pair with someone else and with properly equipped companions. It's usually not too much of a strain to complete the missions in this way. What does help is if you learn to watch what your companion is actually doing. Co-ordinate and ensure that they're attacking the right targets, then you'll do fine. It even helps to disable some moves they might try to use. If you run through letting them do whatever they want, you may run into trouble in some of the more strategic fights.

  12. As people already inconsiderately plague the GTN terminals and other things with obnoxiously large mounts, I don't see the problem with implementing a full-scale bantha. I'd happily try to get my hands on one to ride!
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