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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. (I was playing as a Vigilance Jedi Guardian with a level 50 Kira Carsen companion set to DPS.) How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike? I felt that the Corrupted Vorantikus, Tem-Su & Rada-Ki, Kirba, The Forgotten and The Curse all had interesting mechanics! I was particularly happy that I was allowed to use my interrupt ability on the majority of them as in previous boss encounters in flashpoints it has sometimes felt like, "Why do I have this skill?" The mechanics were present in the sense that I felt I'd be in danger if I didn't move, but at the same time I felt I had a comfortable amount of time to react if I had been a player not looking for too much of a challenge but wanted to feel like I was in an exciting conflict. I felt that their mechanics were clearly conveyed and easy to interpret. All four of them felt as though they had the appropriate amount of health! They took enough time that they felt like "Boss" enemies, but not so quick that you thought, "That's it?" None of the bosses had a "stop-start" mechanic, which I really appreciated because these can often kill the sense of momentum and make an engagement feel drawn out. (I.e. A boss who becomes immune, or vanishes for an extended period of time while the players engage a group of additional enemies such as with Liam Dentiri in Assault on Tython.) How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience? I actually thought it was a really good one! It did not feel too long (or too short) and I was glad that I was able to use my mount for a reasonable portion of the flashpoint too. Even before I realised that, I felt it was moving at a comfortable pace. I was thinking to myself by the end that I'd have no qualms coming back to do this flashpoint multiple times in pursuit of an achievement. Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. Like a silly person, I did not "Acquire the Fourth Flame" I realised as I was approaching The Curse. Once again, I was infinitely glad that I was able to use my mount to go back for it and then complete the bonus objective properly, but here is where I noticed that Tem-Su and Rada-Ki had respawned after their defeat. I gave them a wide berth in case it restarted their encounter, and they actually flickered in and out of existence as I did so. When crossing the narrow bridge in the wide chasm, I used Force Push to knock one of the two enemies into the abyss, however they did not die. My companions mopped them up, but this felt like a bug. After defeating The Curse, the golden overlay on my screen remained until I left the area. Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? One of my biggest grievances with more recent flashpoints (notably Secrets of the Enclave in this example) were that the minor groups of enemies between boss encounters felt like they took more time than they really ought to have to defeat. What made those particularly frustrating was that after defeating a group of enemies, another group of near-identical enemies would spawn out of thin air in the same space. I am extremely glad that no groups of enemies I defeated in Shrine of Silence were replaced by another group of enemies immediately. I am also extremely glad that the majority of enemies in the flashpoint are visible before you engage them! As a player, I've personally found it to be a frustrating experience when you can see where you're going, you've mentally told yourself that's what you're doing, and then suddenly you're pulled out of that. It's a very stop-and-start feel that kills the momentum of your gameplay. In Shine of Silence, I didn't feel any of this and it was a very good thing! Being able to see what you're going to encounter ahead of time prepares the player mentally for what they're facing, sets their expectations and they can see the progress they're making to get to their goal. The few enemies that did spawn "from nowhere" in the Nightmare Cavern were minor and quick to dispatch, so did not feel like they were tedious or slowing down my sense of momentum. The flashpoint felt well-paced and the enemies felt appropriately scaled for story mode, both in boss fights and out of them. The environment is spectacular! I like the cheeky holes in the floor on one of the corners. Walking into the Nightmare Cavern the first time was a real treat. 😍 I really liked the puzzle with the torch! Going back on yourself in a flashpoint can feel like a negative experience sometimes but this did not have that effect in the slightest. It was a quick, logic-fuelled encounter that made me think, "Oh, neat!" and the enemies were reasonable encounters on my route around. This is a huge step up in comparison to the keystones door you have to go back on yourself for in Ruins of Nul. I finished Shrine of Silence on story mode (and completed Veteran with a friend last night I shall have to do again for feedback!) and I left thinking, "I'm curious to see this on Master mode, this is a fun flashpoint!" 😃
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