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Posts posted by AzuthTheHighOne

  1. The Ewok could have an emote that let's her play percussion with a bunch of stormtrooper helmets , i would get that straight away :).


    Seriously though i do feel that we need a proper yellow answer about this legacy 40 issue , we asked yesterday or the day before and nothing . It's getting tiresome.






    There is not a single thing in the legacy system that can't be bought with cc's Why would this be any different? I am only legacy level 10 or so and I have bought almost everything in the legacy trees, including the ship stuff that is level 25. I will also buy the ewok the day it goes live.

  2. That would be incorrect. Even if you use CC's, you still need the legacy 25 to purchase the ship GTN, you still the required legacy levels to purchase the ship mailbox and the ship repair droid. So, the use of CC's does not necessarily negate the legacy level requirement, and it should not when it comes to this new companion, either.



    This in incorrect. I am only legacy level 10 and have bought all the ship stuff including the GTN, mailbox, repair droid, and sparring dummies with cc's. I will also buy the ewok when it comes out. I just don't understand what makes someone think it is OK to exclude people because they don't have time to play the game 24/7.

  3. I'm sorry to tell you this, but what I linked is an official call, and they are not mentionning it.


    What you are posting are the highlights before the call. This is listed in your highlights.


    Conference Call and Supporting Documents


    Electronic Arts will host a conference call on January 30, 2013 at 2:00 pm PT (5:00 pm ET) to review its results for the third quarter ended December 31, 2012 and its outlook for the future. During the course of the call, Electronic Arts may disclose material developments affecting its business and/or financial performance. Listeners may access the conference call live through the following dial-in number: 773-799-3213 (domestic) or 888-677-1083 (international), using the password "EA" or via webcast at http://ir.ea.com.


    If you go here, on their official website, you will see a link for the transcript of the call.




    Here is one tiny quote from the big transcript.


    Breaking the digital revenues down by type for Q3 shows the following. First, full game downloads contributed $44 million, down 57% compared to the same period

    last year. Full game downloads have typically been driven by PC products such as Battlefield and Star Wars, and this quarter we did not have any PC-centric titles. The

    majority of our Q3 digital revenue full-game downloads came from FIFA, Medal of Honor, and Need for Speed. We believe that full-game downloads will grow in the


    Extra content and free to play contributed $185 million, up 50%, led by FIFA and Madden Ultimate Teams and Star Wars - The Old Republic. These revenues relate to

    businesses on PCs or consoles where consumers pay for additional digital content, including virtual characters, map packs and microtransactions associated with

    browser-based games or MMOs like Star Wars.


    Direct link ti transcript is: http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/2442050916x0x632104/45e55ae1-cab7-43dc-9cf3-138385a4e30c/Q3%20FY13%20Transcript.pdf

  4. What I linked you is the third quarter investor call.






    You must of missed where they talk about it.


    Electronic Arts held a Q3 conference call today and released some earning calls with information related to SWTOR.

    Extra content and free-to-play contributed $185 million, up 50% led by FIFA and Madden Ultimate Team and Star Wars: The Old Republic. These revenues relate to businesses on PC or consoles, where consumers pay for additional digital content — including virtual characters, map packs and micro-transactions associated with browser based games or MMO’s – like Star Wars. As a reminder, on November 15th we launched our free-to-play option for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Very early indications have been positive and we are pleased with the initial results but it is too early to know how successful this will be in the long term.

    Subscriptions, advertising, and other digital revenue contributed $79 million, growing 18% over the same period last year. The current year includes a full quarter of Star Wars subscriptions, but it was offset by a decline in other licensing digital revenue. As a reminder, the non-GAAP revenue continues to exclude our Battlefield 3 Premium subscription service. For the third quarter, Battlefield 3 Premium generated $28 million in sales, bringing the total premium revenue for the first three quarters to approximately $108 million. We will recognize these sales as revenue in the fourth quarter when we release the fifth expansion pack, entitled End Game, and as another reminder, all of the development and delivery costs have been recognized in the previous quarters.

    Basically, this means that F2P for SWTOR is doing quite well, but it is early to tell how successful it will be in the long term. Subscription revenue also increased, partly due to SWTOR, but the earnings were offset by other properties within EA.

  5. Bioware hasn't said how many subs they have but they have said this.


    When free-to-play launched in November, it "blew all expectations out of the water," said Ohlen. Subscriptions started going up again. Concurrent players on the servers went way up. Both of those statistics continue to rise. As Ohlen put it, TOR is the second biggest subscription MMORPG in the western world, it has had two million new accounts since the F2P launch, thousands of new players try out the game everyday, and TOR is one of the largest microtransaction money-makers for publisher EA.



  6. The servers are usually full, for the most part, but...there aren't that many servers. Any idea how many people a server holds? Another question: is this game gaining momentum? Is it growing?


    When free-to-play launched in November, it "blew all expectations out of the water," said Ohlen. Subscriptions started going up again. Concurrent players on the servers went way up. Both of those statistics continue to rise. As Ohlen put it, TOR is the second biggest subscription MMORPG in the western world, it has had two million new accounts since the F2P launch, thousands of new players try out the game everyday, and TOR is one of the largest microtransaction money-makers for publisher EA.



  7. I think you put this on the wrong board. This board is to discuss Star Wars in general not the game. However, I also had a 8800 gts card and that is the exact problem I had before it died on me. After I replaced the card, once it completely stopped working, it fixed my problem.
  8. I bought one of the mega packs. I don't know why, I've never been a fan of the packs. I had a lot of fun opening them though. It was better than the last movie I went to, and I got both a white and a lime green crystal, some very valuable crafting materials, and some other cool stuff. Don't knock it till you try it.


    I bought the mega pack as well and got the lime-green crystal and a bunch of other rare stuff. I couldn't be happier. I think the RNG might be better in the mega packs.

  9. I upgrated my 32 bit windows vists os with 4gb of ram system to the 64 bit version of windows 8 with 8gb of ram. On the 32 bit windows vista system I crashed about once every 2 and a half hours. After I upgraded to the 64 bit version of windows 8 and added 4 more GB of ram I have never crashed once. I think I left it on for 8 hours straight one time without any problems.
  10. I am currently wearing an orange robe that I got in the first flashpoint that is modded out so that is an on level item for me. However, I just got a purple robe to drop. I like the look of the orange one over the look of the purple one. So my question is, is purple always better to wear? Or can I take the purple mods out of the purple robe to make my orange one better? Is there any advantage to wearing purple when you can just mod out what ever robe you want?
  11. Q: Any plans to reboot Ilum or introduce more open world PvP? Schubert: It's something we want to do. It's going to be different from the original Ilum because, well, that didn't work too well. We think people will like it. It won't just be a PvP thing.


    Here is what the Transcript on darthater.com says about IIum.



  12. Go to the character sheet and right next to your name there's a little arrow, it will open up your titles. You unlock various titles playing the games, doing certain things, and depending what alignment you are (Light and dark level 3 both get unique titles). Also in your character sheet you can toggle head gear on and off (for both you and companions), unify colors to your chestpiece (a great add in I might add), and turn dark side corruption on and off.


    Go to your character screen ©, above your character picture is a box with your name in it, there should be a little arrow thingie on the left of that that opens a drop-down with any titles you've earned - click on the one you want and you're good to go.:)


    Edit - ninja'd :D



    Thanks to both of you. :)

  13. I want to thank everyone for your comments. It was very helpful. I guess what I was most concerned about was that the sub price was going to fall and thus made a mistake by not waiting. After doing some research, this does not seem to be the case. Hope to see some of you out there in world.





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