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Posts posted by Saikochoro

  1. Everytime I play an unranked match my sniper gets deleted by some angry no life premades without me doing anything, I cannot even put my cover shield, since there is way too many abilities I have keep in mind and their keys , some sith or jedi literally FLIES to me and force choke and two slash and I'm done for, they playing and moving like crazy programmed bots.


    Am I the only one who burnt alot in pvp , sniper literally impossible to stay alive and have fun with it. Trooper is damage too but they do have crapton healing, merc is damage too but they have alots of healing perks and abilities.


    Why sniper left alone by the devs in this way? I cannot stay alive for 10 seconds even though I have good gear and I know the basics of sniper.


    I love playing sniper in reg warzones. You gotta make sure to use cover appropriate especially since your best defensive cooldown, entrench, is predicated on using cover. Just don’t be a stationary turret. Reposition as necessary. You can’t be leap to in cover other than with obliterate. So most warriors will either mad dash toward you or simply run toward you. Use leg shot to root then if they are just running toward you. Use covered escape if they max dash toward you and then leg shot them. Keep you distance with leg shot, covered escape, cover pulse, and other cc.


    Playing sniper is all about controlling the playing field and positioning appropriately. If you find yourself in a situation that you can’t get away, pop entrench and evasion and go full on dps on whoever is in your face.


    Which spec are you trying to play? They all play differently, but controlling the playing field is universal to them all.

  2. Since, nobody else has replied yet I will give you some informations from a reg warzone perspective. I haven’t played ranked since 2015 mostly because I quit when 5.0 launched and just recently came back.


    Concealment Operative:


    Very strong spec overall. It’s fairly straight forward too. The thing that separates the good ones from the bad ones is knowing how to prioritize your global cooldowns. The reason for the this is due to the fact that a large part of the survivability of this spec comes at the cost of using global cooldowns. You have to know the other classes and abilities they are using so you can roll off the big burst damage. Their survivability is very good, you just have time things right and make sure to not be rooted. Getting rooted can be the difference of life and death. So make sure you have your cleanse bound for tech roots, take evasive imperative, and counter strike for utilities.


    Concealment damage is also really good. Just be aware that if you are really focusing on surviving it will drop because you are using globals hots and rolling instead of damage. Volatile strike is the go to tactical item. The debilitator set is the go to set bonus armor. Open up with volatile substance, detonate it with veiled strike, then spam laceration. Build tactical advantage with veiled strike and backstab (assuming you always use it after volatile substance has been detonated). Like I said, it’s pretty straight forward. It’s all about prioritizing those global cooldowns based on your situation.


    Concealment is the best dueling spec in the game. It has good damage, but even more so than that it has attrition power. They will just outlast anyone else in a duel due to how they are designed at the moment. That plus their stealth sap and flashbang make them ideal mode guards and offnode harassers. In my opinion, a concealment op is worth much more to then team focusing on the objectives than being in a big mid fight. Let the marauders, mercs, and juggs do that. Harass the off node and pull people away from the main fight.


    I’ll update with my favorite utilities later because I can remember there names. But I personally think counter strike, evasive imperative, and revitalizes are among the best.


    Vengeance Jugg:


    Also a very strong spec, at least in reg warzones. They also have great survivability, but different from a concealment op. They won’t outlast an equally skilled concealment op, but their survivability isn’t dependent on using global cooldowns. So, they are worth more in a mid fight in my opinion as they can damage and survive at the same time. They also provide more group utility in being able to taunt and guard if necessary. Just know that guard will greatly debuff your damage. So use it wisely if you are focusing on being a dps.


    Vengeance has some great passives that when combined with the unstoppable utility gives them good cc immunity as well as extra survivability. They also have utility options that prevent them from being rooted and slowed to death by ranged classes. Their damage is also pretty great too. Grit teeth is the go tactical and I’m pretty sure descent of the fearless is the go to set bonus armor.


    Vengeance juggs can also be good offnode harassers as they have strong survivability enough to the point that they can pull more enemies off the main fight. However, be aware that if you encounter a competent op or a good sin then it’s not really worth it as they can handle you solo. So go back to being a wrecking ball in the main fight.


    Hopefully that helps give you somewhat of an idea. If you have more specific questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to give answers. If I don’t know the answers, then I’m sure others on this board would.


    Have fun!

  3. I’ll give my perspective as a returning player. I used to pvp on all classes and specs all the time. So I had a really good understanding of how they all interacted. That said, I haven’t played for about 4 years. So things change. Also note that I haven’t ventured into ranked again yet. So my returning viewpoint is from a reg warzones standpoint, which honestly has a lot more flexibility.


    Thus far being back I have found mercs, particularly arsenal mercs, to be very easy to pick up and do well. They have great kiting tools that make it easy to keep your distance. With the addition of the reflect shield they received additional survivability to boot. They have good damage that is a good mix between yellow and white. They also have net to help capture priority targets and kill them. So far being back I’d say this spec is the easiest to pick up and do well.


    Other contenders: concealment operative. I mained concealment operative from 1.x days to about halfway through 4.x era at which point I switched to focus my playtime on marauders. Concealment has been easy to pick back up partly because I am already so familiar with them. They also have great survivability. A good deal of their survivability however comes at the cost of using global cooldowns. Good concealment operatives know when to use those globals on offense or on defense. Even just being a couple weeks back into the game it is still quite obvious the difference between a good operative and a bad one. They are great node guards, duelists, and off node harassers. They take some practice, but are very good.


    Lightning sorc is also great. Great burst, great mobility, great escapes, and can kite very well. I don’t think they are as easy to pick up as Arsenal merc, but still quite easy to do well with only a little bit of practice. Just be smart about using your escapes appropriate and keep moving. They are also great to have in doing objectives.


    I had a great love for marauders before my sunset with the game when 5.0 launched. To me marauders and snipers are what all dps classes should mimic. Good damage. Good cooldowns while in the fight. But they don’t have attrition power. Once their cooldowns are up and they are still being focused without support they will die. Unlike operatives in particular, but other classes as well, they can’t just escape combat or run away and heal up. However, if a marauder or sniper is being supported with heals, taunts, or guard I feel like they are some of the most effective dps to have on a team.


    Being back I have had a lot of fun on my marauder and sniper, but I really feel the lack of attrition power, more so on the sniper than the marauder. Not being able to heal up in combat is a noticeable difference when fighting other dps that can heal. Especially if you are fighting a skilled opponent that can kite well, use their DCDs and cc properly, and use their self healing well. They can just outlast you. I wish most classes were more like marauders/snipers and had good dcds while in combat, but can’t just outlast things. It rewards proper use of cooldowns, kiting, and good cc usage.


    So even though I have fun on both of those, and they are still very effective in warzones, it can be annoying to face multiple mercs/operatives, who just win battles of attrition.


    So my top 3 for easiest to pick back up and do well with:

    1. Arsenal merc

    2. Lightning sorc

    3. Concealment operative - only reason this isn’t number 1/ 2 is because I feel like it takes a bit more practice in managing your usage of global cooldowns. But once you have it practiced then it is unrivaled in warzone objective utility. Arsenal merc is just easier to play and kill things with.

  4. I guess the intention was to talk about stupidly high prices on cartel market items.

    Immense level of greed is increasing with every month. Bioware should do something to stop it when it's still not too late.


    Best would be to implement a proportional increase in taxes for selling stuff on GTN. Lets start with new taxes up to a level of 50% - 75% on most expensive items. People driven by greed would be still getting a lot, but not that lot of money like today. Tempted to earn more and give less to taxes, they would be decreasing prices.


    This is a community of people who exchange money for items. Greed of one group work against delicate balance on the market. People who enjoy game want to earn credits while playing to spend them on products they can afford from GTN. If they can't afford most items, the balance is broken, people loose interest and leave the game.


    All this would accomplish is for people to stop buying stuff from the cartel market to list on the GTN. This would be effective to piss of the following groups:

    - Bioware: less income from cartel market so its a non starter.

    -Whales: they would no longer have incentive to purchase items from cartel market to sell for credits.

    -Grinders: the people who have loads of credits from grinding content, but don’t spend real life money for cartel market items would not longer have as good a supply from the whales.


    Your average joe player would be largely uneffected because the ultra expensive items would just not be in supply anymore. This would do nothing good for the in game economy.


    To fix the greed and inflation bioware only needs to implement 2 things:

    -Market history: even just a history of the last 10 sales would go a long way for people to have a better idea of prices on items. Some players have no idea how much something costs and if there is only one seller selling it for 10x the normal price the buyer wouldn’t know any better. Better yet make it a searchable history: last 10, avg for the last 3 days etc.


    -Nonrefundable Deposit of 5%: Having no skin in the game also enables people to just post something up for 100m just because. If it doesn’t sell they don’t lose anything. So we need a 5% non-refundable deposit on all items placed for sale. This fee would then be deducted from the final market cut when the sale is actually made. This would make it so people don’t just post something for an extreme amount in the hopes of getting a lucky sale. If I post a random decoration for 250m and don’t make the sale then I am out 12.5m credits. So sellers would then need to be careful about their pricing and sell it for an amount that they know will work.


    Those two things alone would work wonders in curbing rampant inflation and people listing items for outrageous prices.

  5. Electro not is a powerful ability and can be annoying for sure. However, it is a necessary evil in my opinion. Without net healer sorcs/sages would be even more of a pain to kill than they already are. Concealment operatives would also be much more of a pain. Many classes have too many get out of jail free cards as it is and net is the sole counter for those.


    That said, you can still work around net. First, do not break stuns. As a merc I will stun my target even if it will white bar them in the hopes that they will break the stun. If I hear them break the stun, I will then net them and kill them with impunity. The anti escape aspect of net can be broken. It will still damage you if you move, but in the case of operatives that is negligible especially if you are concealment. Break the net and roll off their big hitters. Pop a couple probes on and you should outlast the net. Then you can escape combat and go invisible to run away and heal up.


    Again, the best counter is to save your breaker for net and use other cooldowns proactively to survive the short stuns.

  6. I’ve been gone a long time and recently came back. I was looking forward to playing all the different warzones again. When I do get a warzones it is ancient hypergate 8/10 times. The other times it is almost always huttball. I will rarely get voidstar or novare coast. I have yet to get Alderaan civil war.


    Still I will take ancient hypergate all night over arenas any day.

  7. Heals should require a tank? I think you mean DPS should require a tank. Why would a healer need a tank if they can heal themselves. That comment makes no sense.


    I think the real issue is not the individual Sorc but the drove of Sorcs that saturate warzones with unlimited heals. be honest, if a team only had one Sorc, they would not be a threat. hell, even two is manageable if your DPS does their job and they focus them down.


    See, MMOs like SWTOR are meant to support the Holy Trinity model. On a team of eight you are supposed to have 2 tanks, 4 DPS, and 2 healers. So really any time you have too much of any one type you have a problem. The reason Sorcs got so OP was because they used to be easy targets and BW never knows how to Buff with out making a class OP.


    if Warzones were put together utilizing the Holy Trinity model than we should NEVER have more than two healers on any one team. But then queue times would be unacceptable and people would whine about it.


    In my honest opinion, Holy Trinity model is stupid for Warzones because unless both teams have the same amount of characters playing roles, they will NEVER be evenly matched.


    Just make everyone go DPS. problem solved.


    Like I said....mind boggling...

  8. You have absolutely lost your mind. In general, a DPS can already 1V1 2/3 of the healer specs: Operative and Mercenary EASILY, which is crap! The only one that cannot be 1V1 by your average player is Sorcerer.


    In general, hell no to the no no should a DPS be able to 1V1 a healer. That would make a healer useless in PVP situations. Healers are there to support their team not run around trying not to die. Healers are automatically targeted by teams with half a brain. If you could by default 1V1 a healer than there is no reason for anyone to roll a healer.


    This would literally make healers obsolete. If a healer cannot out heal a DPSer than they cannot heal a teammate who is being DPSed on and keep them from dying.


    You're walking a slippery slope with your comments.


    Next you will say that Tanks should die just as easily as a DPS. HA!




    You obviously do not understand my post. You want healers to be like sorcs, which means you want them to be self sufficient. That it utter BS and is the attitude that has lead to warzones being full of sorc healers. They are powerful enough to not need a tank. That is absolute idiocy. Heals should require a tank...period. The utter BS that is sorc heals is part of what has been ruining pvp for well over a year. You completely blew off the entire idea of balancing roles and how they synergize with each other.


    Sorc healers being so self sufficient is the main reason warzones usually have 5-6 heals between the two teams. That is completely stupid. They way they are now basically makes dps pointless. And with how much damage tanks are doing it further drives the uselessness of dps.


    And no, I can easily hold off a dps as an op heals or Merc heals. Anyone who plays heals enough can. They are more along the lines of what heals should be. I cannot fathom how people think heals should be like what sorcs are now. It's just mind boggling.

  9. Let me give you a piece of friendly advice: go play sorchealer if you're so good at it that you can facetank 3 DPS. And leave DPS to those players that can play it: your posts just repeatedly prove it over and over that you're just bad at it.


    I play all classes, specs, and roles in pvp. If one dps solos a sorc than that sorc is god awful. If two dps manage to kill a sorc in a reasonable amount of time it meant that the sorc didn't know how use its knockback, cc, and heals. Maybe force speed once or twice. It would take very rudimentary kiting ability. Perhaps not full on face tank, but hardly kiting. If three dps manage to kill a sorc heals in a reasonable timeframe, then the sorc probably was completely face ranking against decent dps, but even then between cc, heals, barrier, and bastion they can survive while face tanking for longer than any other healer by a long shot. Now if you throw guard in the mix, then yes you can straight up face tank multiple dps. If you throw guard and proper kiting in the mix then 3 dps shouldn't even be a concern to a sorc healer.


    Sorc healers are far and above the other healers. They are WAY too self sufficient. Even without guard 3 dps hardly ever worry me unless they are exceptional mercs, maras, or AP powertechs. Kiting is a built in habit for me so I don't face tank, but I could if I wanted to.


    Yes, I have soloed sorc healers before many times. But that is because they sucked really bad combined with the fact that I am a good dps. Any sorc healer worth their salt can basically ignore 1 dps, maybe use a tad bit of cc and kiting against 2 dps, and not sweat 3 dps with some decent kiting. If they have guard, then it is that much more faceroll.

  10. If no healer should survive 1v1, then imagine if he got targeted by two, he would die in seconds. You haven't thought that through. Healers need to be strong or they would be useless and no one would play them. Why would anyone play healers if they couldn't do anything alone?


    A healer should not survive a 1v1 against a dps. The dps shouldn't faceroll the healer, but through proper use of cc and damage it should win the 1v1 every time if equally skilled. Why might you ask? Because of tanks.


    Heal + tank > 2 dps easy

    Heal + tank > tank + dps


    Heals synergize with tanks so much that 1+1 is much greater than 2. Two dps can synergize with each other, but not to near the same degree. If a healer can outlive 1 dps without support, then it makes dps pretty much worthless. Especially in objective based pvp. Right now a healer can face tank a dps and still heal the team with aoe. They don't really have to kite unless there are at least 2 dps on them. If they have a tank, then they don't even have to try at all while several dps wail on them. Healers are much too self sufficient (mainly just sorcs).


    The reason there are so many matches with multiple healers and multiple tanks is because of how strong they are. Healers should require tanks and peels. If they are too self sufficient it trivializes heals, tanks, and dps.


    Many dps are too self sufficient as well. They should require heals to support and keep them alive longer. Tanks are dealing too much damage. They should require dps to put out enough pressure to drive the enemy back.


    But in a 1v1 a dps should win against a healer. This is not the case right now and is one of the biggest reasons why pvp is so F'd up right now. (And no it's not all healers...we all know which ones are the problem).

  11. I agree with name shaming. It's not like real info will be used. I would write more but I am watching a show right now. Keep up the good posts I will read even when not subbed. :)


    Honestly one of the only reason I have stayed subbed lately is because I like interacting on the forums. But even the forum discussions as of late haven't been very engaging. I might sub again for 5.0, but I don't know. I've just been getting more and more disinterested in this game and fed up with bioware. At least big balance changes might make things interesting again for a bit, but who knows.


    Honestly I wish they would just completely wreck the balance every couple months to keep the meta and Fotm constantly changing.


    And more to the point: I think not being able to name and shame the rare few who hack is kinda bs. I get that a lot of people don't know the game, but there are a few legitimate cases.

  12. really? I get the generic "we have received your report but will not inform you of any actions" response pretty quickly.


    Yep. Not a cheater ticket though. I've never sent one of those. It had to do with the cartel market and me being able to buy something that is on the cartel market. You'd think they would respond to that so they can get money right? Yeah no, I think it's been 14 or 15 months and no response. That's the worst for me so far, but I have had several tickets go completely unanswered even with the generic BS they spew. The few times they have answered a ticket it's been that BS though.

  13. That's unfortunately the problem. People may try at first, but as soon as the momentum swings in the enemies favor, it's like "well, gg, time to farm medals and wait for the match to end".


    Regardless of your team, how can you possibly hope to win if you don't try?


    See the thing is I could care less about winning. I don't care if I win or lose one bit. I care about having a good match. So I will keep playing my heart out if it's a good game. But as soon as people on my team give up and medal farm I'm not going to waste my time with that trash. Especially since I will most likely get stuck in a queue rotation with them.


    If I did 20 warzones in a row and lost every single one of them, but they were each good games and close matches that would be a very fun day of pvp in my book. 20 faceroll matches even if I win is boring. For me it has nothing to do with winning and losing and everything to do with queue dodging idiots.

  14. What they should do is remove the deserter effect from group finder and put it in warzones, but that would be something smart to do cause it would be usefull


    Hell no. It has been stated over and over again why this is a horrible idea. If there was a deserter penalty people would just afk in the warzone or intentionally throw the match. I guarranty it. At least with the current method you have a chance for a decent backfill. It would be an absolute idiotic thing to add a deserter penalty.

  15. At least you're giving someone else a chance to join and get their comms. But the bottom line is: You can't win if you don't try.


    No I don't quit in lieu of farming medals. I quit when I see medal farmers on my team. I don't have time for that trash. I will also drop a team immediately if I load in and recognize someone from a prior match that gave up after 2 seconds. Not going to waste my time with garbage teammates.

  16. A thousand times this. But saying this in ops chat is likely to get you flamed. :D


    It's *always* the people who could use a little more practice who give up. Most decent PvPers will continue fighting through a loss even if just for fun.


    Actually when I see teammates do this I leave the warzone. If I stay I will most likely get stuck with those same tards. Better to queue dodge them.


    But sometimes I will stay to teach them a lesson. Especially if I'm on a sorc with my friend. I will run into some enemies and then bring them over to our node...about half way. Need to make sure I have phase walk set up first of course. But then I have my sorc friend pull the medal farmer into range of my pull. Then I pull them and phase walk away leaving them to their fate. Repeat as necessary.


    If I am on the opposing team of the medal farmers I will go to their node with a friend and kill them all. Then proceed to spawn camp them until they rage quit. They don't deserve medals anyway. I don't even care if it's a douche thing to do. I hated people that do that and will do what I can to make them miserable.

  17. Is there a thread with the record hits, record single heal, damage per second etc etc?


    Go to the server sub forums. I know there is one for the harbinger.

  18. I agree with him. hes right. On the subject of why we see more "good" maras then snipers, I think its because mara play is intuitive. Sniper play isn't.


    I don't know. I can't remember the last time I lost to a Mara on my sniper in a 1v1. Even though they are turrets, snipers have enough mobility and cc to keep the marauder at bay. Marauders have very good defenses so a sniper isn't just going to blow them up. But I'd still give the edge to a sniper if they face each other off.


    The again I don't really lose to snipers on my Mara either. I honestly think there are just a lot of people that don't know how to play either of those classes well. There is actually a lot of people that don't know how to play any class well.


    But if I'm on my Mara fighting an equally skilled sniper...I think the sniper would win. Depends on the map and LOS opportunities of course, but that's my opinion of it. I have a friend that I have played with since launch. We both play all classes well. He is particularly good at sniper and I am particularly good at marauder. Though I am also good at sniper and he at marauder. I will have to duel him several times trading off between sniper and marauder to see.

  19. Saying that maras need a nerf is basically saying make them more useless in everything.


    Are you kidding me? Marauders may not be op, but they are one of, if not, the best dps classes in the game. At least for pvp they are. With team support the only dps class that has a chance at giving them a run for their money is a sniper or a Merc. Marauders are absolutely amazing.


    They have very good damage, great mobility, good utility, very strong defenses, and moderate cc. They are exactly what a dps class should be. They can totally wreck people, but will eventually be defeated because they don't have self heals unless they have support. That's good. They shouldn't be invincible. But they are the furthest thing from useless. If you want useless in pvp look at pyro pt.


    As far as the datamined stuff: marauders already have the best defensive cooldowns in the game and they are basically getting a slightly weaker version of undying rage on top of what they already have. They will be very hard to kill. But seeing as how marauders are my absolute favorite class I'm cool with that. Hope it comes thru :D:D

  20. Thank you again


    No problem. If you have more specific sniper questions feel free to post them in this thread or the thread I linked or in the sniper sub forums and people will be happy to answer.

  21. Thank you both for the help and advise that I really needed.

    Also thank you Saikochoro for telling me about the adjustments that are in the forum management.


    No problem. I'd go back to your original post and take out your referral link just for good measure. That way people don't get the wrong idea. I hope that other thread helped. There was some good stuff in it.

  22. Yeah, it's annoying. I don't think a lot of QQ about Operatives is warranted, but what is warranted is QQing about the people who don't know how to react to stealthers. Like... ffs, just keep capping and force him out of stealth. Then just stun > cap > stun > cap. Not rocket science...


    And yet people complain about operatives holding off entire teams forever....guess they didn't know right clicking the objectives begins a cap cast. Or maybe they think they are in a zoo and should just watch the operative perform rolls and heals and go "ooh ahh" at their tricks.

  23. I mean...no. it is not. and they can stall indefinitely so that the opposing team has to send an inordinate number of players over there to kill him.


    no. 2 decent players cannot simply root out and kill a decent op. 2 decent players of the correct class and spec can. you have to be able to hold them down.


    you're turning me into the OPs are op guy now. and w/e. but their mobility + CC + self healing + stealth make node cap regs a joke. they're not alone in that regard. but it's the singularly most stupid/frustrating aspect.


    I respect your opinion on these forums so we will just have to agree to disagree. I do not agree that 2 decent players cannot shut down an operative fairly quickly. But agree to disagree.


    I honestly wish they would just rework it now. Give them strong off the global cooldown defenses and buff their damage. Reduce healing.

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