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Posts posted by Warhams

  1. Exactly my point. Let me clarify, I wasn't saying the opposite of your claim was true, just challenging the claim you made was that the CM saved the game v/s what the option to play free brought to the table in that regard. What is obvious is both brought some health to the game. We just can't precisely claim one saved the game, while the other had next to no effect.


    Your correct as well in that my data was just based on conjecture but again without any other official data from Bioware or EA we cannot really say whether it was just cartel market or CM + Subs and so forth. Yes I guess my word 'precise' is wrong, it should be 'from what I've read'.

  2. Well do come back when you got some 'proper' information then, beyond whats currently publicly available. All we got is just general information and conjecture, Bioware hasn't released any proper breakdowns such as total paying sub numbers, cartel market total purchases etc. People so far has been drawing conclusions based on those, its not the best but without any other information, its the best that's currently available
  3. I am going to disagree with you. There are two OP that are tied into a story, the ones on Oricion, that you can't not do, unlike the one for Revan so there are two that are still not able to be done for the story.


    If they are tied into a story, there should be an option for them to be done solo, smaller groups 2-4.


    Thing is the operations are based on the notion that they are to be done in larger groups of 4-8, if you want them to be done solo, all you will get are Revan fights like on Yavin as they cannot chop up the mechanics of the bosses in the current ops just so a single person who can solo it.


    For example, if they wanted to make a "Solo" fortress, all they might have is only Brontes boss alone and with knockbacks, no insta kill mechanics and at gold difficulty. For "Solo" Palace, they will only have one fight where there will be 4 gold difficulty bosses for you to kill in turn, 2 silver bosses which you have to kill at the same time, then finally you got to fight all 4 gold bosses again. No mechanics, just tank and spank. For loot, zero decoration drops and some basic comms. If they really implement stuff like that, you will get all the Solo players going 'omg this is boring, too easy, wheres the loot etc etc' but they still won't want to group up for operations.


    Right now anyway, if people only want them for story, all the current lvl 50 operations only need 3 people tops, lvl 55 ones need only 4, Palace needs 5 just because you need more than 4 to open some gates and that's it. So if you really want the story you can do it right now just with your 2-4 people, just like you want.


    Come expansion, it will all be raised to 65 and we aren't going to get any new operations anyway. So it will be tons of content for 'solo' players but zero for group players.

  4. The server is fairly quiet nowadays, I estimate we lost 10-20 % of the server actives transferring out to mostly TRE and a few to TOFN


    You get both types of RP though it really depends on the RP guild and what they organise or decide to do. All you get in public tend to be ERPers


    There is some open world pvp but its very spontaneous and mostly relies on one side attacking and the other screaming for help, usually the end result is 15 reps vs 25 imps but its very rare.


    You can get what you want on this server but I don't know which server you are from, if from TRE, then this server might seem dead to you, if from TOFN, population is less but not really noticeable

  5. It is like you said unfortunately but 4 man arenas tend not to be marauder friendly. I wasn't saying you were wrong in the fact that marauders can be competitive but its just not as strong at the two FOTMs and stealthers which always have an advantage in arenas. Hence I was abit sceptical about us being 3rd best this season.
  6. Go to the summary page and add up the total top 5 ratings for each AC (I didn't do the math just glanced). Also look at what else makes up that top 100 solo ratings. Sure 4th place is probably more accurate but the point is we are performing at our best level since 3.0 and (at least on my server) a lot of maras that are doing very well this season are Carnage spec


    Well for personal curiosity I added up all the top 100 players for solo ranked in terms of class played as of 21.8.2015 and this is what I got:


    Sorc - 41

    PT - 28

    Ops - 11

    Sin - 10

    Mara -8

    Jugg - 5

    Merc - 1

    Sniper -1

    I've used the Imperial names so I don't have to double type. So I guess the best maras in the world can be competitive and get a high rating though I don't know what specs these top 8 Mara and Sents use. About equal to Ops and Sins, better than Merc and Sniper who are just weak at arenas and strangely Juggs also.

  7. Hate to break it to all who want a damage buff for Carnage, but the ranked PvP leaderboards show Mara/Sents in overall 3rd place based on top performers. A lot of them are Carnage/Combat spec. The damage is good guys. Que win trading conspiracy theories. Go!


    Mind explaining how they are in overall 3rd place? In Solo ranked there are only 6 marauders/sentinels in the top 100 and 4 maras/sents in top 100 for group ranked as of today. Theres no way we are overall 3rd place after Sorcs, Sins and PT , 4th/5th maybe but definitely not 3rd.

  8. I'd like to see an account-based rather than a character-based guild limit, even if that limit was less than 500.

    After all, you can only log on one character per account at a time.


    That would after all be ideal but I don't think the Bioware engine can take it, whereas increasing the guild limit might be easier for them

  9. Bioware, its been asked many times but could you please increase the total member size for guilds. Right now its at 500 but as a 'medium size' guild with 100 qualified accounts, we are out of space (498 right now).


    I've kicked all the old members and inactive alts many times for the past few months and we keep on hitting the limit very fast whenever we recruit new members or more likely someone makes a new alt due to 12 exp. Its very common nowadays for people to have 4-8 lvl 60 chars


    We seriously need a increase to 750 or even 1000, unless of course you can pull out a miracle and make it so 1 unique account counts for all its characters, that way we won't hit the limit so fast.


    I hope you read the forums bioware as I've heard that due to general negativity you don't read the suggestions/feedback.

  10. The thing for BW/EA with mail spam is at least they can make some decent cash off this kinda spammer. How you ask? Gotta be a subscriber to send mail.


    So keep email spamming me there Wang, Chang, and Weelildong. You are helping keep the game alive with the constant banning, resubbing new account cycle. And kudos to BW/EA for finding a way to monetize yourselves from gold spammers. If the spammers kick it up a few notches we can get loads more new content and xpacs for virtually no cost but a few email deletions a day!


    However don't forget, these idiot gold farmers can also use the referral system just to get 7 days sub and then spam the mailboxes, they don't care if they lose that char as they can just make another char, get referred and spam more, ugh. Unless of course they banned the referral account but it could be a legit person who spammed on reddit/facebook etc etc.


    I'm from Progen and its getting worse again, since last week 2 mails daily on 7-8 chars and 1 mail on the other 6 chars. 2 websites advertised, which shall not be named.

  11. Hello everyone!


    With all the renewed interest in Star Wars this year, there will no doubt be many new and returning players looking for a guild that will suit them. If you are looking for a friendly guild with a fun and casual setting to do some group activities like ops, FPs and GSF; or just to hang out and socialise; then Mandalorian Hunters may be the right guild for you!


    We are one of the oldest active Imperial guilds on The Progenitor server and our main focus is doing Operations (the SWTOR equivalent of "Raids").


    When it comes to Operations (ops for short) we primarily do Story Mode (the Easy Mode) ops several times a week, but we also do some Hard Mode or Nightmare Mode ops a few times a month (increasing in frequency now). We have many experienced players who can guide new/inexperienced members and show them the ropes. Use of Teamspeak and a parser such as Parsec or StarParse is mandatory for participating in the more advanced ops difficulties (don't worry if you didnt understand anything in that sentence! We will happily teach you!)


    We also have some very experienced Galactic Starfighter (Space PvP) pilots who are happy to train new pilots for our GSF squadron.


    As a guild we prioritise being friendly, polite, and a generally fun group to hang out and enjoy the game with. As such we are always welcoming of new players who require help and advice. We accept all English speaking players of any nationality and age group. However we only accept Subscribers & Preferred players into Mandalorian Hunters as we want people committed to this game and who can participate in most end-game content (this means lvl 65 operations when the expansion comes out).


    Please visit our website recruitment page for more info and background: http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment


    If you think Mandalorian Hunters might be the right guild for you, please fill out our application form at http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/recruitment One of our officers will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible (typically within 24 hours)


    P.S. Mandalorian Hunters is an equal opportunities guild and accept both Mandalorians who hunt or people who wish to Hunt Mandalorians


    P.P.S. We accept all classes not just bounty hunters, the guild name was decided by the founder in 2012 and we have kept it as it is since.


    P.P.P.S: Mandalorian Hunters is NOT a Role Playing guild and does not organise any RP activities

  12. Hello everyone!


    With all the renewed interest in Star Wars this year, there will no doubt be many new and returning players looking for a guild that will suit them. If you are looking for a friendly guild with a fun and casual setting to do some group activities like ops, FPs and GSF; or just to hang out and socialise; then Mandalorian Hunters may be the right guild for you!


    We are one of the oldest active Imperial guild on The Progenitor server and our main focus is doing Operations (the SWTOR equivalent of "Raids").


    When it comes to Operations (ops for short) we primarily do Story Mode (the Easy Mode) ops several times a week, but we also do some Hard Mode or Nightmare Mode ops a few times a month (increasing in frequency now). We have many experienced players who can guide new/inexperienced members and show them the ropes. Use of Teamspeak and a parser such as Parsec or StarParse is mandatory for participating in the more advanced ops difficulties (don't worry if you didnt understand anything in that sentence! We will happily teach you!)


    We also have some very experienced Galactic Starfighter (Space PvP) pilots who are happy to train new pilots for our GSF squadron.


    As a guild we prioritise being friendly, polite, and a generally fun group to hang out and enjoy the game with. As such we are always welcoming of new players who require help and advice. We accept all English speaking players of any nationality and age group. However we only accept Subscribers & Preferred players into Mandalorian Hunters as we want people committed to this game and who can participate in most end-game content (this means lvl 65 operations when the expansion comes out).


    Please visit our website recruitment page for more info and background: http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment


    If you think Mandalorian Hunters might be the right guild for you, please fill out our application form at http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/recruitment One of our officers will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible (typically within 24 hours)


    P.S. Mandalorian Hunters is an equal opportunities guild and accept both Mandalorians who hunt or people who wish to Hunt Mandalorians


    P.P.S. We accept all classes not just bounty hunters, the guild name was decided by the founder in 2012 and we have kept it as it is since.


    P.P.P.S: Mandalorian Hunters is NOT a Role Playing guild and does not organise any RP activities

  13. oofalong : Thanks for that link and the Utility/Skill recommendations, something to think about closer to the patch release.


    Ardarell_Solo :Good to hear but as always its good to have some different points of view, looking at them all then coming to a 'consensus' whats best . Please go on abusing the dummy, though it might invoke dummy rights for non-stop abuse :D


    If you want to do Hms and don't want to be a burden to your group i suggest rerolling to range Dps/PT.


    Notice I did say "I would like to try simply salvage the situation and play my class/spec. "


    I got plenty of other classes I can play to a decent level like Merc, Sniper and Sorc etc but again, I just want to see if my Mara in Anni can still preform at the current live level. I'm already 5/10 for the current ops and yes I know ranged is easier but I'm in a more 'laid back' progression group and we play what we like.

  14. I'm directing this question at members like Oofalong, Emperor Norton and Ardareel Solo plus some others who I've seen brainstorm and run numbers for new rotations for this patch with changes. I've seen all your work and suggestions in the PTS and I'm grateful for your time spent but since Bioware wants to implement these changes, we've got no choice but to roll with them.


    Now í've seen posts where you gentleman have posted your 'best recommended' new rotations using the new ability timings, would it be possible to post them here? This is specifically for PVE. I'm trying to salvage this spec for HM ops and if the numbers aren't good enough or the new rotation too much of a pain, I've got to learn to use Carnage instead which I've not used before, been using Annihilation since I started the game. My skill level is slightly above average but I'm still not used to clipping Ravage, either I cut it off too early or too late :rolleyes:


    Thanks all


    P.S. I know theres a lot of negativity here and I understand but since the patch is incoming, we've got no choice but to play with these changes so I would like to try simply salvage the situation and play my class/spec.

  15. One alternative that I've seen done a few times, find a rich person who wants to start his own guild. Offer to Sell him your current guild for 1-25 mil++ creds or something, depending on your negotiation skills, number of rooms unlocked etc. Then use your free name change to change the guild name to whatever your buyer wants or if you don't really care, just sell it to him by inviting him to guild and making him GM. If you really want to be safe, I'd do a half money upfront and half the creds after.


    Other than that, its like the others said, once your guilds gone, that's it, everything goes kabush

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