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Posts posted by Warhams

  1. PVE generally means Operations or Flashpoint orientated guild usually. What you are looking for is a more casual achievement guild, though i've not seen any around for a long time. Problem is alot of the achievement hunter players have long since done all achievements and don't tend to want to repeat the same achievement several times, especially if its a long time consuming one.


    If you can't find anything and might want to try Ops you can try my guild, else i hope you find a good guild.



  2. SWTOR is definitely more CPU power dependant than GPU, upgrading from a 3570k to a 6700k gave me much better performance improvements than from my GTX 760 to a GTX 980 that I upgraded separately later.


    If you can Overclock your CPU, it will definitely help out more, though OCing higher than the default settings can be tricky...

  3. Its from other people opening their cartel packs on their similar ships. Aka if they open it on a Fury and you are on a Fury yourself, you will hear and sometimes see the explosion animation if you are standing close to the person opening the box. No cartel box for you though unfortunately.
  4. Long story short, people who wanted to do it have done the questline already at lvl 55 when Makeb first came out. Nowadays most people lvling new alts just fly through makeb and don't bother with either Seeker droid or Macrobinoculars.


    New players who just entered the game will probably have missed it or used lvl 60 token and skipped Makeb totally, they won't notice the quest droids on fleet either. Try to get your guildies to help you, as its rare to have anyone on these questlines nowadays.

  5. That's why the CoD option exists, you want to sell something, CoD that person with the item and the price, if he does not pay up you get the item back in 3 days and vice versa. This sort of thing is normal in MMOs and bioware doesn't care really as its not their business, its between you and the guy who scammed you.


    P.S. Also that preferred excuse is old, ask to get all the money from him first from all his accounts, if not no sale.

  6. I've already made a thread about this months ago, with the 12X exp, everyone was alting like there was no tomorrow and every active guild was already getting very full. I had to personally prune my guild many times of members who were not active for more than 6 months just to make space for alts or new members.


    With this expansion is worse as theres a new influx of players who are new to the game and want to experience all the class stories, which mean 4 alts at the minimum. Doubling the guild limit would be the minimum I hope. Come on Devs, show that you are listening for once since like the previous poster said, you implied that it would be easy to do at the Cantina

  7. Well here my opinion after about 15 hours on Fighter Squadron




    Very fast queue time (tons of people)

    Easy to learn, each ship only has 2 abilities to learn and flying is quite straightforward

    You either fly faster and do less damage or slow down and do heavy damage

    On fights where no hero ships have spawned, its mostly down to player skill on using their ships

    Even new players can contribute by blatting AI ships


    You have 3 evasion/manoeuvre abilities on each ship and it helps new players survive as you can use it to dodge missiles or hopefully shake off someone chasing you.


    Theres no 'turbo-boost' aka GSF spacebar so its easier to control your ship and everyone is at roughly the same speed




    Hero ships totally unbalance when summoned, especially when a good player uses them and rest of the team supports it.


    The objective other than to kill deathmatch style is to kill escaping transport ships. This is problematic as if the transport ship spawns where there more of the enemy ships flying about, it will get melted in 10-20 seconds before the enemy team can zoom over and respond.


    Its 200 points to win but the games can end very fast and very lopsided.


    No obvious matchmaking


    There is no Target ability and with everyone more or less flying the same ships its easy to get confused to who you were shooting/chasing. This is especially annoying when for example you are shooting a A wing with just a sliver of health left he does a manoeuvre, you chase and as you fly through clouds for example 2 other A wings join it, unfortunately you cannot split your fire 3 ways


    Tie fighters/interceptors have speed boost ability but compared to the X/A-wing shield boost its not as good in terms of survivability as you can still get shot at while speeding away, while shield boost makes you invulnerable to laser shots. Not good Asymmetrical balance.


    There are 4 ship choices , X+A wing and Tie Fighter and Interceptor, no other choices unless you spawn a hero ship


    Ship Balance:

    X and A wing have noticeable differences, the X is slower and less agile but has more firepower. The A-wing is a lot more agile and with a smaller hit box, a lot harder to catch unless your firing from its front or rear.


    The Tie fighter is bog standard (weak), Interceptor hits harder but that's about all I notice


    The Rebel hero ship Millennium Falcon can take out a unwary Imperial hero ship (Boba's Slave) by simply ramming it with shields on.


    In conclusion, Its fun and simple for someone to just jump in and leave but its not 'deep' with less options compared to GSF. I personally rate Battlefront including the ground warfare 7/10, wait for sale and not buy immediately


    P.S. I just noticed Nemarus updated his post since I last read it weeks ago and I think the conclusion is about the same

  8. You can try here http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment


    But i'll warn you first, some peoples' definition of social is people talking non-stop on guild chat and if someone logs in and no one even says hi for whatever reason its considered unsociable.


    My guild is sociable enough that everyone is friendly but most of the talking is done on TS as usually people are busy doing something and can't type long conversations

  9. Its all down to the cheap server transfers. A of players who pvp and pve just moved their main and or a few alts to TRE and TOFN. Even the RP guilds seem to have problems as people just aren't playing as much anymore for the past few months and are just waiting for the expansion to drop. There will definitely be a spike in population when the expansion hits and since the cheap server transfers will be gone then, population should stabilise abit.
  10. Tokens will give you the gear that its named for. E.G. lvl 50 Columni token will still give you a lvl 50 item and a lvl 55 Underworld token will still give you a lvl 55 item. This has been the case since the two expansions that increased the level cap came out.


    You could keep them for nostalgia but I just convert all of mine to items and vendor them unless I want them for the look. No point in keeping these old tokens, they will not give you any 'new' item at the highest level.

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